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RS api

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Good day,


please is it possible to get from RS all currently recorded timers (theirs ID) from concrete tuner? I need disable all currently recorded timers on concrete tuner and then enable them (these timers).


With command "http://localhost:8089/api/timerlist.html?utf8=" I get for example the following:


<Timer Type="1" ID="{B4FDF1B3-7803-434E-81F6-193344DA44C4}" Enabled="-1" Priority="50" ShutDown="2" Charset="255" Date="05.05.2016" Start="09:58:00" Dur="30" End="10:28:00" Action="0">
<Options AdjustPAT="-1" AllAudio="-1" DVBSubs="-1" Teletext="-1" EITEPG="-1"/>
<NameScheme>%name; nahráno %year-%m-%d</NameScheme>
<Channel ID="3713222193728137978|CT 2"/>
<Recordstat StartTime="05.05.2016 09:58:27">W:\For The Record\Můňa; nahráno 2016-05-05.ts</Recordstat>
<RealFilename>W:\For The Record\Můňa; nahráno 2016-05-05.ts</RealFilename>

In this xml output is nothing about tuner index. Or I am wrong and in number 3713222193728137978|CT 2 is encoded tuner index ??

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There is currently no API to get ongoing recordings (besides the total number of them) and on which tuner they are running.

(This is only visible in the web interface on the "Status" page)



But I think you are referring to something else.


Timer have no connection to a tuner until the recording is started. A timer has only a reference on reception parameters (ChannelID).

So you could replace al TV card with new version from the type (e.g. DVB-S with DVB-S2 or DVB-T with DVB-T) and delete the channel lists an create a new one with all channels and all timer would be still valid.


The used tuner is selected on demand. The first free tuner in the hardware list or a tuner already on the transponder necessary.

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Yes, I know timer has no connection to a tuner.


But after recording is stared then in xml are added these two lines:

<Recordstat StartTime="05.05.2016 09:58:27">W:\For The Record\Můňa; nahráno 2016-05-05.ts</Recordstat>
<RealFilename>W:\For The Record\Můňa; nahráno 2016-05-05.ts</RealFilename>


Similarly you can add line with tuner name or tuner index on which recording was stared. Is this problem?

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