I am having an issue with high bitrate 4k transmission via dvb-s2 (70+ mb/s).
When viewing live, there is many buffer overflows in DVBSource filter (latest version).
This issue occurs in both DVBViewer and Transedit (latest version).
Here is a ts dump of the transmission (MD5 3a 66 b4 09 dd ec 4b 12 36 d9 11 54 bd 35 5f 3c):
I have no issue viewing this transmission live with other dvb-s/s2 viewing software, such as SmartDVB.
I have no issue with File Playback of the recording of the transmission in DVBViewer.
So it seems the issue occurs from Tuner/Capture filter of hardware >> DVBSource.ax filter.
I have added buffer option in DVBSource.ini to increase buffer, but issue still persists
I have tried many different tuners/drivers (Prof7500/Qbox2/QboxCI/TBS6903), but issue still persists.
Since issue does not occur on File Playback in DVBViewer, but also does not occur with other software, than issue must be related somewhere in filter graph from Tuner/Capture >> DVBSource filter.