hackbart Posted January 28, 2006 Posted January 28, 2006 Hi, we decided to have a "public" (which means for Pro customers) Beta Version since the new hardware management routine is so unique and not comparable to ALL available windows and linux solutions on the market We do not expect real problems, but well we feel more comfortable if more people are able to test the version in all of its variety. If you are willing to test and own more than one dvb device feel free to test, but please no "stupid" bug descriptions and first make sure the latest non beta version runs. The following things has been changed: • New: Support for Multiinstances.• New: Support for Multituner. • Add: ATSC: Added ATSC EPG. • Add: B2C2-Multiinstances for upcoming B2C2 (*Star2) Multituner driver. • Add: B2C2-Multituner for upcoming B2C2 (*Star2) Multituner driver. • Add: Channellistwindow: Added TransportstreamID to the editpage. • Add: Channellistwindow: Added Tunertype selection to the scanning page. • Add: EPG-Window: STRG-C copies the selected EPG Entry as text into the clipboard. • Add: Favorites/channels: while selecting via keyboard/remote (0..9) the number been input is displayed in the OSD. • Add: Hardware: DiSEqC for NovaS and NovaSPlus bda. • Add: Hardware: DiSEqC for Terratec synergy. • Add: Hardware: Priority for Hardware device can be adjusted in the Hardware.xml. • Add: Hardware: Support for BDA driver of Twinhan with diseq and CAM (Support of multiple audio on scrambled channels for some cards). • Add: Hardware: support for Stopstreaming on tuning. (Options/Hardware -> default = activated). • Add: Mainform/Statusbar: Added global recording symbol. Shows a ongoing recording, to keep a little bit of overview. • Add: Options/EPG: Compressionrate of the epg-file can be adjusted in the options. (0 no compression - 3 max. Compression. • Add: Options: Added a separate page for Hardware configuration. • Add: Options: Added deactivate AV on minimize. • Add: OSD-Timerwindow: The tuner type of a recording is displayed by a char in front of each timer (Cabel/Satellite/Terrestrial/Atsc). • Add: OSD/MiniEPG: Added global recording symbol. Shows a ongoing recording, to keep a little bit of overview. • Add: Playback: TS-Files with Closed Captions or DVBSubtitles (even if they were added dynamically when recording) can be played back with the titles. • Add: Recordingwindow: The tuner type of a recording is displayed by color code of the station field. • Add: Support for Closed Captions. • Add: TS-Recordings: TS-recordings now can add dynamically Subtitles/Audiochannels (must be selected in the Options. • Change: *star2 Cards: Changed a lot of stuff there, based on Grigas Code in GE (reset of PIDs etc.). • Change: About-Window: Now the real version number of the DVBSource is shown. • Change: Changed channelup/channeldown to work with running recordings and multiple cards and optimized it quite a bit (no more waiting time to notice when pressing the ch+/ch-). • Change: Changed the strategy of acquiring the default recording and timeshift path. • Change: Channellistwindow: Only transponderslists fitting the Tunertype are shown. • Change: Completely reworked CI management code. • Change: Completely reworked Hardware management. • Change: DataTags: EPGNow and EPGNext are only updated if a TV-Playback device is active. • Change: DVD-Playback: Now all language tracks are shown even duplicates ("schweinchen names babe problem"). • Change: Dynamic ChannelUpdates, now TransportstreamID (EPG) is updated and cleaned up the update handling. • Change: Favorites: favorites can be selected via keyboard/remote like channels, no more limit of 10 (0..9) selectable favorites. • Change: Options/Hardware: Settings for networked devices will only show the relevant data (unicast data for unicast devices and multicast data for multicast devices) • Change: Options: Comboboxes no correctly translated on language change. • Change: Options: Reworked the Userinterface a little bit. • Change: Options: some Cleanup. • Change: OSD-Channelwindow: Changed recfilter to work with running recordings and multiple cards. • Change: OSD/Plugininterface: Completely reworked Code/interface old Plugins (Skype/sleeptimer) wont work anymore, fixes for them will follow. • Change: Playback/DVB-Subtitles: If DVB-Subtitles start in the middle of a recording they are automatically displayed, if selected in the Options. (Thanks to SF100 for testing the stuff). • Change: Scan for devices on startup removed. It caused problems with BDA-devices running on other instances. Scan now possible via options/hardware. Exception: hardware.xml does not exist or has no valid values. In this case a hardware scan is performed on startup. • Change: Settings for file-device moved from hardware.xml to Filedevice.dat. Unfortunately former settings in the hardware.xml will be lost. • Change: Settings for networked devices moved from hardware.xml to network.xml. Unfortunately former settings in the hardware.xml will be lost. • Change: Setup.xml: Change handling of floating point values (only 3 decimals are saved now). • Change: The audiodumper will be removed, if it can't be connected. • Change: VCR: Added protection against driver not ready on wakeup. Hopefully it will help to avoid 4byte recordings when using the task-scheduler. • Change: VCR: Rewritten most of the important logic/functions of the VCR and timer code. • CleanUp: Cleaned Language files (german/english) and updated them. • Fix: OSD-Movies window: Show now the correct size of the files if it exceeds 4 GB. • Fix: OSD: fixed problem with OSD-Menus and up/down keys. • Fix: Recording Controlwindow: Finally the colors in the pie chart are shown correctly. • Fix: Recordings: Fixed problems if a recording was deleted external (a not found recording will be removed from the database). • Fix: Several remaining problems with UNC Path. • Fix: Subtitles: Closed Caption and DVBSubtitles weren't disabled in timeshift mode and kept on displaying the livestream subs. • Fix: Subtitles: Fixed a issue with the subtitle select form. If present the dvbsubtitle wasn't selected correct. • Fix: Teletext: Fixed a possible crash of teletext on certain channels. • Fix: Timers: A deactivated timer which has expired is now removed from the timers list. • Fix: Tried to fix best width option in aspect ratio menu (not perfect but better than before). • Fix: Visuals: Fixed problem with visuals (Gforce). • Optimized and reviewed a lot of the "old" code. • Remove: Options: Removed Device selection from DirectX page. Christian
Guest Lars_MQ Posted January 28, 2006 Posted January 28, 2006 Please post ALL reports regarding the Betaversion into the new Beta Forum! Oh, and DO read the readme.pdf.
Topogigi Posted January 28, 2006 Posted January 28, 2006 It works like a charm, many thanks! -Skystar2 -Lifeview FlyDVB-T Duo PCI with BDA driver It switches flawlessly between one card to the other when you change channell. Keep the good work on!
Guest Lars_MQ Posted January 29, 2006 Posted January 29, 2006 Just to be clear of misunderstandings: Of course everybody can test the beta, you don't need two or more DVB-cards for it. There are so many changes which also are important for a single card system that there also should be tests.
Guest Lars_MQ Posted February 1, 2006 Posted February 1, 2006 A new Beta version is available in the beta section of the members area. Version BETA [*]Fix: Multi instances: Fixed a problem in the multiinstance recognition in case the viewer was startet twice in one folder. [*]Fix: Channelwindow: Fixed a layout problem in case the channellist window was resized. [*]Add: Language:Options: Added some missing translations in the options. [*]Add: Language:OSD: Added some missing translations for the OSD. [*]Add: Hardware: Added support for shared LNB. [*]Change: Options:EPG: rearranged the options a little bit. [*]Change: Options:Audiosettings: changed the default text of the page description. [*]Change: B2C2 Handling: deactivated diseqC signal sending if diseqC "none" is selected in channellist. [*]Fix: Commandline: Fixed not working "-translate" commandline. [*]Add: Options:TV&Radio: Added timeout value for channel and favorite switching. [*]Add: Options:Hardware: Added shared LNB setting. [*]Change: MusicTags: changed the order of ID3 detection. Now first V2 tags are used and if empty V1 tag. To get the changes you have to rescan your mp3s. [*]Fix: Hardware: fixed wrong card selection in case two cards with same tunertype are present but only one has a CI. [*]Add: Options:Hardware: Added "Has CI" setting. [*]Change: BDA Devices: extended signalstrength function, maybe it works for yakumo & Co (untested). [*]Change: DVBStream: added experimental check for errors in stream. [*]Add: Debug: Added a lot of logging code to firedtv CI Stuff, maybe we can get it to work properly now.
Guest Lars_MQ Posted February 14, 2006 Posted February 14, 2006 A new DVBViewer Pro Beta is available in the Membersarea. Version BETA [*]Fix: Hardware/CI: FireDTV finally working. [*]Fix: DesktopTV: Fixed disabled on minimize / desktoptv problem. [*]Remove: Options/Timezone: Option to synchronize with server removed. [*]Add: VMR:OSD: Rewritten VMR support. [*]Fix: Options/TV/Radio: Min Timeout for Channelswitch set to 1 ms. [*]Fix: Options: Fixed a minor memoryleak caused by the new layout of the options tree. [*]Add: Mediahighway EPG support for french, italian and netherland channels [*]Add: new SI Parser engine This doesn't seem much but internally there have been drastric changes. The VMR Part is brand new and does support true Alphachannel now. New and/or renovated is the complete EPG Part. We have integrated MHW EPG support and the EPG-Parser is rewritten from scratch, providing more info in the EPG now. Don't forget to register the new DVBSource from griga with the register.bat.
Griga Posted February 14, 2006 Posted February 14, 2006 Please note: German postings in this part of the forum will be moved or deleted.
Guest Lars_MQ Posted February 25, 2006 Posted February 25, 2006 Until further notice: Don't use the new dvbsource filter with the current Pro oder Pro Beta. It's not fully compatible and can cause problems. Please stay with the 2.4 version of the DVBsource filter (as delivered with the installation of the DVBViewer 3.2.6)
Derrick Posted February 25, 2006 Posted February 25, 2006 This is not very convenient if you're using the Pro and the GE with the dvbsource filter at a different location. So far I don't have problems with the new version of the filter and the pro_beta but I don't use preview Please try to synchronize the updates..
Guest Lars_MQ Posted March 9, 2006 Posted March 9, 2006 A new Update of the Beta version is online. ATTENTION: This update contains a complete new Channelmanagement and concept. For the german users: please READ THE README. For all non german speakers: sorry the english part will be coming today evening or tomorrow. But for starters: you can use the right mousebutton in the channelwindow A summary: - The channelstuff is up to 20 times faster. - There are three areas now: a channellist, channellist options and a scanwindow. - the channellist has filter and sorting capability. - the channellist has one click channel tuning. - The favourites editor is integrated into the channellist options. - Did I mention it is much faster now? - The recorder window and the epg window have a channellist with the same filter and sorting capabilities like the channellistwindow minus the one click tuning. - all settings in the channellist window will be saved and reloaded on the next start of the viewer. Version BETA [*]Fix: Maximize: maximizing on dualscreen systems choose the wrong monitor if a DVBViewer window was on it (channellist etc). [*]Fix: Inputoptions: the load/save path for inputoption will always be changed to dvbviewerconfigdri\remotes. [*]Fix: AVDisable on minimize: did not work properly in certain circumstances. [*]Fix: OSD-Menu: Now the first item in osd menu is selected correctly. [*]Fix: OSD/VMR: solved sizeproblem on 16:9 formats and vmr osd. [*]Add: TV: The current tvplayback device is shown as tooltip if the mouse hoovers over the signal bar. [*]Add: TV: The current audio/video data rate is shown in the statusbar. [*]Fix: Subtitles: Fixed some problems in subtitles. [*]Change: Subtitles Options: removed 2 of the 4 language boxes. [*]Fix: DVBSource: fixed compatibility problems with the current DVBSource ( [*]Fix: Recorderwindow: the selected entry stays selected after editing. [*]Add: EPG-Window/Timeline: a doubleclick on a entry now changes to the channel.
mighty Posted March 10, 2006 Posted March 10, 2006 Cool. Now EPG MHW also works correctly!! Thanks guys!
squizzer22 Posted March 12, 2006 Posted March 12, 2006 Hi, I have tried to install the beta over a 2.6 version, but I cannot get it working properly. DVBViewer claims that it cannot find the hardware when I am trying to view a channel or scan the satellite. (I went into the options / hardware section) to be sure that the card is selected (and it is !!!). I have a Skystar 2 PCI card with latest drivers (downloaded from Technisat web site). I have attached the hardware.xml file. thanks, squizzer. hardware.xml
napalm Posted March 12, 2006 Posted March 12, 2006 Hi, I have tried to install the beta over a 2.6 version, but I cannot get it working properly. DVBViewer claims that it cannot find the hardware when I am trying to view a channel or scan the satellite. (I went into the options / hardware section) to be sure that the card is selected (and it is !!!). I have a Skystar 2 PCI card with latest drivers (downloaded from Technisat web site). I have attached the hardware.xml file. thanks, squizzer. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> The same happens to me. I'm trying to use the unicast dvb client to connect to a dvb server but DVBViewer says it can't find the hardware and in the hardware options menu I can't set server's IP.
arnaudcoco Posted March 12, 2006 Posted March 12, 2006 Hi, I have tried to install the beta over a 2.6 version, but I cannot get it working properly. DVBViewer claims that it cannot find the hardware when I am trying to view a channel or scan the satellite. (I went into the options / hardware section) to be sure that the card is selected (and it is !!!). I have a Skystar 2 PCI card with latest drivers (downloaded from Technisat web site). I have attached the hardware.xml file. thanks, squizzer. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Same problem for me with my skystar 2.
squizzer22 Posted March 12, 2006 Posted March 12, 2006 Sorry, I have posted in the right section : Skystar 2 problem with Beta version thanks, please read <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Guest Lars_MQ Posted March 22, 2006 Posted March 22, 2006 In the membersarea where you got the regular DVBViewer pro from.
Trance Posted March 22, 2006 Posted March 22, 2006 In the membersarea<{POST_SNAPBACK}> I can't find the link .
tisurame Posted April 6, 2006 Posted April 6, 2006 So, with this version you can use 2 Skystar DVB-S at the same time (using the new drivers) ?
Guest Lars_MQ Posted April 6, 2006 Posted April 6, 2006 • Add: B2C2-Multiinstances for upcoming B2C2 (*Star2) Multituner driver.• Add: B2C2-Multituner for upcoming B2C2 (*Star2) Multituner driver.
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