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Posted (edited)

Plugins - X.dll, MyScrobbler.dll, concinnity.dll, miniepgvars.dll - Plugins_xp.zip
28.02.2012 - online video plugin and images -Online Video
28.01.2012 - ADD page - MySeries is a plugin for DVBViewer Pro.

Fonts : in folder of skin (font)

Folder images u must download

Download - http://htpc.is-great...pic.php?f=5&t=4

Please write about mistakes!!!
Update 28.02.2012

ADD : Online Video
ADD : MySeries
FIX : myTimer and DialogDateandtime

Для русскоязычного населения Форума - http://htpc.is-great...pic.php?f=5&t=4

Please see also oure other skins for installation:

Black and White + Aeon

Colorizzz (new!!! still in work)

Enjoy it.









Edited by ASAKURA
  • Like 1

Hi, i´m sorry to say, that you´ve made an doupplepost for your interesting Skin, but hardest, you forgott the File for Download?!


Regard Oliver


Hi, me again.


I want to say thank you, for this nice Skin. I customized some (Time in EPG etc) Scrobbler is known, but i´m not sure what X.dll is?! There are a lot of Information when i Google it... can you write a Link or what this dll will be do, please?


Regard Oliver


The x.dll is part of the x-skin. You can find the skin in the forum too :)


привет товарищу,


the skin is really nice, but several pages need a bit polish. For instance mymusicfiles, especially the thumbnailpanel and the info size on the right. The Fontsize is much too small to read it on a tv - better use font 18 for each info text. Then i miss the up/down buttons on the info listbox. I suppose you have hidden this by design, but after increasing the font size it might be handy to have it.

The thumbnailpanel is completely incomplete, since the spaces do not fit which, means you get either 2 rows with 3 icons or one row with 3 big thumbicons. I will probably fix this later today...


I also miss the images for the timeline :)





Also some colors mismatch, dark grey on dark blue is extremely heavy to read.


держать на хорошую работу :)

Posted (edited)



I also miss the images for the timeline :)


sorry, i can't find the type of OSD menu.


Also some colors mismatch, dark grey on dark blue is extremely heavy to read.



a little more precisely if you can, not understend




to nemosja


Если русский пиши по русски=)


I fix. one moment and i attach






Edited by Starkun

Классный скин сейчас всё показывает правильно, спасибо.


И тебе за выбор этого скина :rolleyes:


fix timeline!


download new file in first post


Эти меню тоже может быть нужно исправить.




Ещё одно меню неправильно отображается.

Хотелось бы иметь подсказки в основных меню, примерно такие.

Основное меню у Вас на скриншоте выглядит супер, у меня по-другому.

Как сделать как у Вас?

Скриншоты прилагаю.

С уважением.





Hi, i fixed a problem inside mycam and i also changed the Thumbnail panel in the Mymusicfiles. The Icons now fit better in the region, which means you have 3x4 Small Icons and 3x3 Big Icons instead.

I also played with hiding the caption of each thumbnail in order to do some image wall and this one looks quite nice. I've uploaded a second sample (mymusicfiles.zip)..










I also played with hiding the caption of each thumbnail in order to do some image wall and this one looks quite nice. I've uploaded a second sample (mymusicfiles.zip)..






hi,good job, but when viewing in a listview there is no list control...

Posted (edited)

Ещё одно меню неправильно отображается.


Название меню дай.


Хотелось бы иметь подсказки в основных меню, примерно такие.



ну извиняй, я просто не вижу в них смысла.... ну если будет время попробую тебе облегчить жизнь.



Основное меню у Вас на скриншоте выглядит супер, у меня по-другому.

Как сделать как у Вас?

Скриншоты прилагаю.

С уважением.


Меню что у меня - это меню медиа портала,я маленьким сереньким не пользуюсь (который у тебя первый скрин).


Если возможность будет и время. могу сделать и (серенькое меню) меню как главное.


Вот фикс, посмотри и отпишись, если есть у тебя аська напиши номерок в ЛС.


Edited by Starkun

I'm interested in this topic, but can we keep the language in english or german in this topic, so that the rest of the world can follow it? :whistle:



Posted (edited)

to Maraga


I'll try, but my English is very bad, I can read and understand what is written, and German, I do not know. In the previous message nemosja asked to create tips for the OSD buttons. and change for DialogDateTime.xml

Edited by Starkun

Hi found some bug in Channel EPG when Red button is pushed...




Regard Oliver


hallo, do have seen my post?

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