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TransEdit 4

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Thanks, I've never noticed this bug. It would be helpful if the analyzer could show the exact parsing of the strings.

40 -> table_id: network_information_section - actual_network
F033 -> length 51 -> Bytes
0001 -> network_id
D7 -> reserved (2 Bits): 3 -> version_number (5 Bits): 0B -> current_next_indicator (1 Bit): 1
02 -> section_number
02 -> last_section_number
0000 -> network_descriptors_length 0 bytes
0026 -> transport_stream_loop_length 38 bytes
0404 -> transport_stream_id
0001 -> original_network_id
000D -> transport_descriptors_length 13 bytes
43 -> satellite_delivery_system_descriptor
0B -> 11 bytes
01162650 -> frequency: 011,62650 GHz
0192 -> orbital_position: 019,2 degrees
A6 -> east -> polarization: linear - vertical -> modulation: reserved for future use
0220000 -> symbol_rate: 022,0000 Msymbol/s
02 -> FEC: 2/3 conv. code rate
0411 -> transport_stream_id
0001 -> original_network_id
000D -> transport_descriptors_length 13 bytes
43 -> satellite_delivery_system_descriptor
0B -> 11 bytes
01108225 -> frequency: 011,08225 GHz
0192 -> orbital_position: 019,2 degrees
96 -> east -> polarization: linear - horizontal -> modulation: reserved for future use
0220000 -> symbol_rate: 022,0000 Msymbol/s
03 -> FEC: 3/4 conv. code rate

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  • 2 weeks later...

TransEdit 4.0 Beta


- Enhanced/Changed: Satellite frequencies are internally processed as kHz, no longer as MHz, thus enabling more precise tuning, which may be important for low bandwidth transponders.


Thanks for that, Griga!


Today I tested a bit TransEdit 4.0

now I can be locked ultra low transponders Eutelsat 16A








Edited by Antonio
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  • 2 weeks later...


maybe playback H265 in 4.0.1 ?

19E - 10993.75 H DVB-S2/QPSK SR-22000 FEC-5/6 Pilot-OFF RollOff-0.35



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First of all: No go without a HEVC splitter and decoder in your system.


AFAIK Elecard and MainConcept are offering (commercial) HEVC DirectShow filters. However, up to now nobody managed to play the recorded Astra 10995 H stream (neither did I). Someone who analyzed it posted in a German forum that it doesn't comply with the HEVC specifications, though according to the PMT stream_type it is HEVC video. He also posted some useful links.


That's all I know... it will take some time until HEVC gets playable in DVBViewer and TransEdit.

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where can I download TransEdit :



TransEdit 4.0.1 Beta is available im the members area, beta section



I couldn't find any Download link for it. Do I have to pay for it?

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  • 1 month later...

next bug in NIT if use same TID , beta4 show freq from first TID


00 40 F2 9B 00D5 C3 00 00 F0 44 40 08 01 VIVACOM 5B 0C eng 08 01 VIVACOM 5F 04 00006001
4A 16 0001 00D5 0067 09 0E 24CF21 0A 067C0007041A000BC000

4A 0C 0001 00D5 FFFE 09 04 000DF9 00 F2 4A
0001 00D5 F0 90 41 69 0065 01 0066 01 0067 01 0068 01 0069 01 006A 01 006B 01 006C 01 006D 01 006F 01 0070 01 0071 01 0072 01 0073 01 0074 19 0075 01 0076 01 0077 01 0078 01 0079 01 007A 01 007B 01 007C 01 007D 01 007E 01 007F 01 0080 01 0081 01 0082 01 0083 01 0084 01 0085 01 0086 01 FFFD 8D FFFE 8A
43 0B 011468.00 0450 B6 030000 03 5F 04 00006001 E2 10 0065 0001 0066 0002 0067 0003 0068 0004

0002 00D5 F0 72 41 63 00C9 01 00CA 01 00CB 01 00CC 01 00CD 01 00CE 01 00CF 01 00D0 01 00D1 01 00D2 01 00D3 01 00D4 01 00D5 01 00D6 01 00D7 01 00D8 01 00D9 01 00DA 01 00DB 19 00DC 01 00DD 01 00DE 01 00DF 01 00E0 01 00E1 01 00E2 01 00E3 01 00E4 01 00E5 01 00E6 01 00E7 01 00E8 01 00E9 01
43 0B 011550.00 0450 B6 030000 03

0003 00D5 F0 93 41 84 0001 01 0002 01 0003 01 0004 01 0005 01 0006 01 0008 01 0009 02 000A 02 000B 02 000C 02 000D 02 000E 02 000F 02 0010 02 0011 02 0012 02 0013 02 0014 02 0015 01 0016 01 0017 02 0018 02 0019 01 001A 01 001B 01 001C 01 001D 01 0021 01 0022 01 0023 01 0024 01 0025 02 0026 02 0027 01 0028 02 0029 01 002A 01 002B 01 002C 02 002D 02 002E 02 002F 02 0030 02
43 0B 011632.00 0450 B6 030000 03

0004 00D5 F0 4C 41 2D 012D 01 012E 01 012F 01 0131 01 0132 01 0133 01 0138 01 013A 19 013B 19 013C 19 013D 19 013E 19 013F 19 0140 19 0141 01
43 0B 011673.00 0450 B6 030000 03 5F 04 00006001 E2 08 0131 0003 0138 0003

0005 00D5 F0 1B 41 0C 0033 19 0034 01 0035 01 0036 01
43 0B 011509.00 0450 B6 007500 02

0001 0001 F0 0F 41 00
43 0B 011674.00 0450 B6 005830 02

0005 000B F0 15 41 06 0001 01 0002 01
43 0B 011523.00 0450 A1 005787 03

00 41 F0 33 0001 DB 00 00 F0 26 40 0F 01 intelsat12 f2a 5B 13 eng 0F 01 intelsat12 f2a F0 00

00 41 F0 33 000B DB 00 00 F0 26 40 0F 01 intelsat11685v 5B 13 eng 0F 01 intelsat11685v F0 00


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next bug in NIT if use same TID , beta4 show freq from first TID


According to the DVB specifications TIDs must be unique within a network. The issue is caused by the broadcaster, not by TransEdit.


Most likely TransEdit displays the correct frequency within the Satellite Delivery System Descriptor. However, assignments of frequencies to ONID/TID pairs at other treeview locations can not work correctly if the relation is ambiguous. From the TransEdit manual:


The right side of the tree node's captions – after the hyphen – is not part of the original SI Table entries, but added by the Analyzer to make them comprehensible. Partly the descriptions originate from (...) a special name-giver instance, that collects all IDs and names from the SI Tables (e.g. from Service Descriptors) and assigns them to each other.


In this case the name-giver stores frequencies as "names" of ONID/TID pairs and applies the assignment to the whole treeview, particularly to TIDs appearing in the NIT, SDT and EIT.

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  • 1 month later...

why no show ECM/EMM info for 1F71 and others SECA/Mediaguards ECM pids ?

00 02 B2 A7 6FF3 E5 00 00 FFFE F0 00
02 EC13 F0 D7
 09 0F 0500 FFAD 10 01 00 13 01 20 14 03 050600
 09 6B 0100 E7EF 0084 FF 00 08 00 00 00 00 00 08 2E FE
            F799 0085 FF 00 00 00 00 20 00 00 00 2E FE
            F7C4 A821 FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 2E FE
            F90E 006A FF FF E0 00 00 00 00 00 00 2E FE
            F918 006C FF FF E0 00 00 00 00 00 00 2E FE
            F922 006D FF FF E0 00 00 00 00 00 00 2E FE
            F7F1 4106 FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 2E FE
 09 04 0D00 E534
 09 04 0B00 E7BC
 09 04 1810 F7F0
 09 0F 0500 FB63 10 01 00 13 01 20 14 03 042500
 09 04 0D05 F7D7
 09 07 1817 F90E 02 006A
 09 07 1818 F918 02 006C
 09 07 1819 F922 02 006D 52 01 01
 09 04 0648 FF22
 09 04 0D96 F83C
 09 04 0624 F846
04 EC14 F0 E3
 09 0F 0500 FFAD 10 01 00 13 01 20 14 03 050600
 09 6B 0100 E7EF 0084 FF 00 08 00 00 00 00 00 08 2E FE
            F799 0085 FF 00 00 00 00 20 00 00 00 2E FE
            F7C4 A821 FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 2E FE
            F90E 006A FF FF E0 00 00 00 00 00 00 2E FE
            F918 006C FF FF E0 00 00 00 00 00 00 2E FE
            F922 006D FF FF E0 00 00 00 00 00 00 2E FE
            F7F1 4106 FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 2E FE
 09 04 0D00 E534
 09 04 0B00 E7BC
 09 04 1810 F7F0
 09 0F 0500 FB63 10 01 00 13 01 20 14 03 042500
 09 04 0D05 F7D7
 09 07 1817 F90E 02 006A
 09 07 1818 F918 02 006C
 09 07 1819 F922 02 006D 52 01 02
 09 04 0D95 FF36
 09 04 0648 FF22
 09 04 0D95 FF36
 09 04 0D96 F83C
 09 04 0624 F846
              C6 05 01 00 05 06 FF
C0 E0DE F0 0A C2 08 CHAINE
C0 E135 F0 0A C2 08 GUIAPLUS
C1 E12C F0 0A C2 08 PILOTE
C1 E133 F0 0A C2 08 LANZ
C1 EC17 F0 0A C2 08 LORD
C1 E91A F0 0A C2 08 DWV
C1 E0FD F0 0A C2 08 DCOMUN
C1 EC18 F0 0A C2 08 ASTRA
 9A 54 49 DB ->CRC


Edited by Tjod
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why no show ECM/EMM info for 1F71 and others SECA/Mediaguards ECM pids ?


17F1, not 1F71, I suppose.


Because there is no reference in the CA descriptors contained in the CAT and PMTs, as you can easily find out by using the Analyzer's Find Button.

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17F1, not 1F71, I suppose.


Because there is no reference in the CA descriptors contained in the CAT and PMTs, as you can easily find out by using the Analyzer's Find Button.

No, you can't (that's maybe a 2nd bug ;))

Apparently the analyser doesn't read the entire Seca CA_descriptor. Here the relevant part of the PMT of MTV ROCKS:

096B -> CA_descriptor length 107 bytes
0100 -> Canal Plus ("SECA Mediaguard")
E7EF -> and 1FFF = 07EF ECM-Pid
FF -> Descrambled by ChannelID (FF)
0008000000000008 -> Channel descrambled by following ChannelIDs:
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 33 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 03 -- -- --
2EFF -> SECA-Date: 31.7.2013
F799 -> and 1FFF = 1799 ECM-Pid
0085 -> Unknown Provider
FF -> Descrambled by ChannelID (FF)
0000000020000000 -> Channel descrambled by following ChannelIDs:
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
-- -- 1D -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
2EFF -> SECA-Date: 31.7.2013
F7C4 -> and 1FFF = 17C4 ECM-Pid
A821 -> Unknown Provider
FF -> Descrambled by ChannelID (FF)
FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF -> Channel descrambled by following ChannelIDs:
3F 3E 3D 3C 3B 3A 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 2F 2E 2D 2C 2B 2A 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20
1F 1E 1D 1C 1B 1A 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 0F 0E 0D 0C 0B 0A 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00
2EFF -> SECA-Date: 31.7.2013
F90E -> and 1FFF = 190E ECM-Pid
006A -> Canal+ Digitaal NL
FF -> Descrambled by ChannelID (FF)
FFE0000000000000 -> Channel descrambled by following ChannelIDs:
3F 3E 3D 3C 3B 3A 39 38 37 36 35 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
2EFF -> SECA-Date: 31.7.2013
F918 -> and 1FFF = 1918 ECM-Pid
006C -> Canal+ Digitaal NL
FF -> Descrambled by ChannelID (FF)
FFE0000000000000 -> Channel descrambled by following ChannelIDs:
3F 3E 3D 3C 3B 3A 39 38 37 36 35 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
2EFF -> SECA-Date: 31.7.2013
F922 -> and 1FFF = 1922 ECM-Pid
006D -> Canal+ Digitaal NL
FF -> Descrambled by ChannelID (FF)
FFE0000000000000 -> Channel descrambled by following ChannelIDs:
3F 3E 3D 3C 3B 3A 39 38 37 36 35 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
2EFF -> SECA-Date: 31.7.2013
F7F1 -> and 1FFF = 17F1 ECM-Pid
4106 -> Unknown Provider
FF -> Descrambled by ChannelID (FF)
FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF -> Channel descrambled by following ChannelIDs:
3F 3E 3D 3C 3B 3A 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 2F 2E 2D 2C 2B 2A 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20
1F 1E 1D 1C 1B 1A 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 0F 0E 0D 0C 0B 0A 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00
2EFF -> SECA-Date: 31.7.2013
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apparently the analyser doesn't read the entire Seca CA_descriptor.


You are right. According to ISO 13818-1 the descriptor may contain an optional private_data attachment. I didn't notice it up to now. Adding it in the Analyzer was a 1 minute thing. However, where is the content specified?

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17F1, not 1F71, I suppose.


Because there is no reference in the CA descriptors contained in the CAT and PMTs, as you can easily find out by using the Analyzer's Find Button.


yes , of course 17F1 :closedeyes:

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  • 2 weeks later...
Latest downloaded beta version is tagged 3.9.3.


it is correctly tagged as 4.0.3. Since you have posted your question in the wrong topic, I guess you have downloaded the wrong version. ;) You need to download it from the beta section.


Posts moved to here.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...
  • 3 months later...

Hi, known right setting for play HEVC stream ?

Testing LAV and Lentoid decoders in beta , but none picture on 10994H / 19 East.



Edited by EnoSat
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On 11W, 11549H, DVB-S, 1600, 2/3 is a service without PSI (no PAT, PMT..). Transedit detects the stream types correctly but can't play them together in a single preview window. That's ok if the tool presumes that they belong to 2 different services. But then it should be possible to open a 2nd preview window (box checked). That is not the case. Preview is only possible for either video or audio.


A recording can be played with both ES together in TSPLayer :)



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Transedit detects the stream types correctly but can't play them together in a single preview window. That's ok if the tool presumes that they belong to 2 different services. But then it should be possible to open a 2nd preview window (box checked). That is not the case.


Confirmed. The GetPreviewWindow function doesn't get informed about the special circumstances. It only sees two channels with matching transponder data and Service ID = 0, thus assuming "same channel". There are three possibilities to solve this issue:


(1) Never let GetPreviewWindow assume that two channels are identical if both have Service ID 0.


(2) Pass a flag to GetPreviewWindow telling the function in this special case that it shall not assume "same channel".


(3) Generally allow mutliple Preview Windows to play the same channel.


if stream in PMT show as scrambled , but real stream FTA , TransEdit 4 not play this stream (TransEdit 3 play ok).


Confirmed. Considering the CA descriptors in the PMT slipped in when I implemented the Analyzer's descramble function. There was some necessity for it, but unfortunately I can't remember which one ;) I will think about it...


BTW: The TransEdit test version that is currently available in the members area (beta section) directly supports the Digital Devices and old TechnoTrend CI interface (e.g. TT S2-3200, TT connect S2-3650) , which means, with these cards TransEdit doesn't need the Recording Service for descrambling, if the "Has CI" checkbox on Settings -> Hardware is ticked.

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..can't do any harm can it?


Not really. It helps to keep track of the TransEdit windows that can get quite numerous. If you try to open a window that is already open, but maybe hidden beneath other windows, TransEdit will bring it to the foreground, thus reminding you that you already have what you want. All internal GetXXXWindow functions adhere to this principle.


This can be helpful, but on the other hand restricting, e.g.by preventing two windows showing different portions of the same data / channel, e.g. two Preview windows displaying DVB subtitles and teletext subtitles of a channel for comparison.


I think I will drop this mechanism altogether, and then we'll see how it works... it means more freedom, but also more responsibility for keeping open windows well organized.

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  • 2 weeks later...

On Eutelsat 10 at 47.5E, 11673V, 1450, DVB-S2 8PSK, 5/6 is a new service called Aghani BH.

Transedit has a problem with the NIT. The NIT is not parsed. TSReader can read the NIT and shows the information.

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Some faulty descriptor length exceeding the transport_descriptors_length value lets TransEdit drop the whole NIT section. If I find time I will think about a different way to handle such errors.

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  • 4 months later...

hmm, Eutelsat 3 East - 11485V and 11500H show as ATSC mode


maybe fixed for pid 1FFB -> read Name channel in TransEdit ?

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Settings -> General -> Assumed Broadcast Standard -> ATSC doesn't work?


no , same result ATSC or DVB


set ATSC


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I see. Most likely because it's live reception, so TransEdit gives priority to the tuner type, which is DVB-S, not ATSC. Try to record it and analyze it as file. Maybe TransEdit will detect ATSC automatically in this case.


Can you provide a transponder dump as sample?

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