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Poll for future Versions

Guest hackbart

Can i live without the SkyAVC?  

77 members have voted

  1. 1. Can i live without the SkyAVC?

    • Yes absolutely.
    • It would be nice to have, but the DVBViewer Source runs fine.
    • No, i need the filter (for reason, see answer).

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Guest hackbart

Hi, you might ask yourself why i post this poll, but it is absolutely necessary in order to add new functions.

My idea -not for the 2.3 final - for future releases is that the recording engine does no longer use directshow. This has 3 huuge advantages:

1) If the graph crashs the recorded files will be still okay.

2) You can record an event in background while watching videos

3) You are able to record more than one event in the same time if they are all placed on the same transponder/channel.


Anyhow to get this working it is necessary to remove the SkyAVC everything else would end in a mess.

The reason why i poll this question is because i realized some threads inside the forum about the new DVBSource. Neither the moderators nor I have any problems with the filter, so..



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I ignore Skyavc already,

bit did I miss the point ?


1) never had a graph breakdown

2) view DVB and a DVD same time in 2 windows, even with PowerDVD and DVBViewer which use the same decompressor filters right now, alternatively switch them to fullscreen.... Burning a dvd the same time also works.

3) Doen't the recorder plugin already do that?


I currently use .. well, my DVBViewer menu bar always freezes up whrn I hit 'about-info'. Must be 2.2 I guess.

Sytem is Wn2k SP4 with DirctX9b and the DVBViewer filter, decoding is done with the filters from PowerDVD5 on a Radeon 7500.



Edited by codecpage
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Guest Lars_MQ
well, my DVBViewer menu bar always freezes up whrn I hit 'about-info'.

It doesn't freeze, the about window is only outside the monitor, it was a little problem in the 2.2 version I think. but hitting ESC should close it an make the DVBViewer again useable.

There is somewhere a tools floating around in the forum to reset the windowposition of the about window. aternativly you can edit the values manually in the setup.ini of the DVBViewer.

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1. That's the way it should be. :robot:

2. Well, yes, but in that future release you will be able to simultaneously record a video with the DVBViewer and watch a video with the DVBViewer.

3. That's right, but this functionality shall be integrated into the main program.


Bye, Oliver

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Well. There was already a poll for that in the german forum:



Since then, nothing changed for me:

Marfi works perfectly fine here.

DVBViewer-Filter does not. When switching channels I always get a clustered sequence in between. after switching a few time (e.g. 3) the system crashes and does not react anymore. Hard reset helps. -> Unusable.


This is using 2.2RC1 under Win98seSP1.61. Video:DVD-Express and Audio:Odio-Decoder.


Edit: Im DVBViewer.log steht nix besonderes; nur das Übliche:

02.12.2004 20:54:39 EAccessViolation raised by instance frmMain of class TfrmMain at 0382BABF:Zugriffsverletzung bei Adresse 0382BABF. Schreiben von Adresse 01000079

09.12.2004 00:21:48 EAccessViolation raised by instance frmMain of class TfrmMain at 032FF49A:Zugriffsverletzung bei Adresse 032FF49A. Lesen von Adresse FFFFFFFF

11.12.2004 17:23:41 EAccessViolation raised by instance frmMain of class TfrmMain at 03873427:Zugriffsverletzung bei Adresse 03873427. Schreiben von Adresse 03D9ACEF


Edited by Technofriend
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This is using 2.2RC1 under Win98seSP1.61. Video:DVD-Express and Audio:Odio-Decoder.


This topic is about the new DVBViewer Filter 2.0 (included from 2.3 beta on), which works in a completely different way. You should give it a try - install the beta release in a different directory.

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Marfi works perfectly fine here.

DVBViewer-Filter does not. When switching channels I always get a clustered sequence in between. after switching a few time (e.g. 3) the system crashes and does not react anymore. Hard reset helps. -> Unusable.

Same problem here. Windows 2003 + DX9.0c, A+V: Cyberlink 5, Overlay mixer, latest DVBV Beta with DVBViewer filter 2.0, Radeon 9550 card. I can only close DVBV from Task Manager.

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DVBViewerBeta with new DVBViewerFilter doesn't work here.



Na toll. Hab die Beta grad mal ausprobiert. Ich krieg kurz (ca 1-2 Sek) Ton zu hören, das Bild bleibt die ganze Zeit schwarz. Dann stürzt der DVBViewer ab.. Netterweise nimmt er nicht das Betriebssystem mit, sondern lässt sich über den Taskmanager beenden. Das passiert bei jedem Versuch. Ein DVBViewer.log gibt es nicht.


Edit: I think a lot of people can't really answer the poll because they don't know what the skyAVC is. Maybe more people know it under the name Marfis-Filter.


Edited by Technofriend
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DVBViewerBeta with new DVBViewerFilter doesn't work here.


Well, I would like to see it running well on each and every PC... but it's hard to pinpoint why there are still a few where it doesn't. May be even something that has to be fixed in DVBViewer, not in the source filter. I'll keep an eye on it.


Anyway - I've just provided DVBViewer Filter 2.1 for download in the Service Center. Changes:


- Better AC3 format detection. The type of broadcasted AC3 (e.g. 2/0 or 3/2) is displayed on the property page


- Displays the video bit rate on the property page, calculated as moving average of the last 100 PES data packets.


- Provides additional functions for future DVBViewer and plug-in releases.


The DVBViewer Filter 2.1 should be compatible with the current plug-in releases and the DVBViewer 2.3 beta. If not, please report it here. It will be mandatory for the next TSPlayer release.


So far...

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My 2 cents:


- If I would not need to decide "which source filter to use ?", I would be very happy.

So go for a "no Skyavc required" solution.

- If the development team can invest the effort, spent for making DVBViewer compliant

to Marfi, into enhancing the "new structure", we all would benefit from it.

- But: It is to be looked at, if going with DVBSOurce-Filter only, that a lot of

current Skyavc users might run into severe problems, which could put a high burden

onto the developers team to fix such problems. This is also to keep the

software "easy to use", and more importantly "a no-brainer to buy".


I have chosen to "live without Skyavc" in order to support the developers team direction and plan. Have had no significant problems with 2.3beta, except the network streaming stuff. But I assume, that the developers are heavily working on it.





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