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viewing recording service web interface outside home


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Good Morning,

I've two questions if anyone could help me..


I've Installed the HTTP Interface and outside my home all work fine I can view the epg and I can change the channels, but there is a way to connect via http to the recording service? My goal is to remotely plan recordings.


I've open the 8089 port on my router and forwarded to my PC but nothing.. If locally I write all work fine..


If I double click the tray icon dvbrecording service it open http interface with localhost:8089, It's possible to change this behavior?


Many thanks in advance.

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Mostly the Windows firewall is blocking assess from outside the LAN.

(but you should know in the current version streaming is not password protected even if you set a password. That will change in the next version.)


And you should remove the outdated DVBViewer web-interface (httpServer) completely.

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Many Thanks in Advance, I don't know if I should open another thread, but is there a way to update the timers with the epg guide?

Sometimes the channels guide change, and you we have wrong recordings. It should be fine include a grabbing xml plugin inside the recording service.

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If the channel has a god EPG RS Options > Recordings > EPG Monitoring: Start/End time update from EPG can work.

But only if they keep the same ID for the same film eave if they change the time. That is the way it should be. But not many TV stations are flowing the standard.

This will not work with imported EPG.


For XMLTV EPG import: http://www.a123.dk/


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