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Recording Service web interface rework

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The Recording Service web interface uses a lot of old JavaScript library and has a lot of JavaScript in the .html template files.


I have switched jQuery version from 1.8.3 to 2.2.4, but only with jquery-migrate. It would be nice if we could drop it in future.



(Based on RS 1.33 but already with jQuery 2.2.4)


And there are more outdated library.

jquery.cookie.js > https://github.com/js-cookie/js-cookie

jquery-ui.min.js > https://jqueryui.com/

jquery.cluetip.min.js > https://github.com/k...eing-maintained

jquery.colorbox-min.js > http://www.jacklmoore.com/colorbox/

jquery.hotkeys.js > https://github.com/t.../jquery.hotkeys

jquery.hoverIntent.minified.js > http://cherne.net/br...overIntent.html

jquery.jstree.js > https://www.jstree.com/

jquery.treeview.js > https://github.com/j...jquery-treeview

jquery.mousewheel.min.js > https://github.com/j...uery-mousewheel

jquery.scrollTo-min.js > https://github.com/f...jquery.scrollTo

jquery.timeentry.min.js > http://keith-wood.name/timeEntry.html



And I would like to get ride of all JavaScript in the .html template files. And put it all in one or multiple .js files.

To be able to set in future versions of the RS the Content Security Policy (CSP) heder as restrict as possible.



I'm not a web developer and my time here is limited.
So it would be nice if someone maybe could help in the process.
Other improvements, besides the two category above mentioned, are welcome as well.


Small changes in the RS should be possible as well if they are really necessary, But not everything will be possible.


If I find time to change some thing or there are internal changes at the web interface I will post them here.


One note about the iOS part. There is a new version created by MarkusK. But it has some problems and MarkusK wasn't here in the forum for some time. So the old version is here included.

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Some brief information about the html template format.


There are simple translation variables like {lngtimeline} in the top.html which get simply replaced by the RS with the corresponding text from the ...\DVBViewer\Language\rc_*.lng file. In this case lngtimeline=Timeline.


All of them are in {} and the name starts with lng...


This should mostly be page independent. But only works for the currently existing .html template.


And then there are are page specific variables, which only on this page get replaced with a value which can depend on the situation {recording} in statustip.html gets relapsed with the number of currently running recordings.


Then there are blocks which get insert multiple times depending on the circumstances (loop).

As a example in the status.html

<!-- START BLOCK : drvloop -->
<tr class="{oddeven}">
<td align="right">{space}</td>
<td align="right">{free}</td>
<!-- END BLOCK : drvloop -->


Which gets insert for each recording folder configured in the RS.

And the {} variable get replaced accordingly.


And then there are blocks that get removed depending on the situation

e.g. streamint.html

<!-- START BLOCK : flash -->

<!-- END BLOCK : flash -->

<!-- START BLOCK : html5 -->
<!-- END BLOCK : html5 -->

Depending on the selected streaming format one or the other block gets removed by the RS.


Removing such parts from the template should be no problem. Only adding new special treatment should require changes in the RS.


But there can be other things which get special treatment by the RS. Therefore testing is necessary for any change.


If someone how would like to help, has any questions feel free to ask.

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