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Syntax to move completed recordings to a different folder?


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I want to move completed recordings from one folder (D:\Inbox\Temporary\DVBViewer) to another (D:\Inbox\Downloads).


I'm using the Recording Service.

I've created a new Task named "Move Completed" (Tray Icon > Configure > Tasks) and made it the default for recordings (Web Interface > Configuration > Recorder > Default Recording Actions > Default task after recording: Move Completed)


...but I don't know what the syntax should be for the new task.


Currently I have:

Name: Move Completed

Description: Move completed recording

Filename: move "{SOURCE_FILE}" D:\Inbox\Downloads

Parameters: <Blank>

Working Directory: <Blank>


This doesn't work.

Is there a list of example tasks or explanation of the syntax anywhere? ...or could someone help me? :original:



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