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DMS - EAccessViolation at 0066250C


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Good day.


Today my DMS completelly freeze (at 03.10.21 06:50:01.574 - TDVBWebserver -  epgclear.html -  EAccessViolation at 0066250C: Zugriffsverletzung bei Adresse 0066250C in Modul 'DVBVservice.exe'. Schreiben von Adresse 0066250C) and I had to restart PC (net start/stop DVBVRecorder was failed). Web interface not responding too.


Task "My delete epg" call this api: http://localhost:8089/api/epgclear.html?source=7




Edited by jirim100
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Where are storing DMS and DVBViewer epg data now? I deleted both epg.dat files in c\program data\cmuv\DVBViewer and after loading epg by DMS and DVBViewer I don't see these files anymore.

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And what mean these lines in the log file?:

TDVBWebserver  -  GetTemplate  - File not found: C:\Program Files (x86)\DVBViewer\SvcWeb\undefined\

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After I restart DMS I successfully deleted EPG (by the api) during active recording (one video recording and one only audio recording). But then no DVB EPG automatically load (from recorded muxes) or only some of the channels from tuned muxes. I don't know whether the reason was active recording or something else. I had to stop DMS, delete epg.dat files and then start DMS - then DVB EPG load.


I checked the presence of the DVB EPG in these muxes with the DVBViewer and it was ok.

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5 hours ago, jirim100 said:

TDVBWebserver -  epgclear.html -  EAccessViolation at 0066250C


The debugger can't spot the location of this address in the DMS code. This means, it is possibly outside (e.g. in some runtime library or DLL) or the result of memory corruption.


2 hours ago, jirim100 said:

TDVBWebserver  -  GetTemplate  - File not found: C:\Program Files (x86)\DVBViewer\SvcWeb\undefined\


You get this log entry e.g. after typing http://localhost:8089/undefined/ in the browsers's address bar (which yields a 404 Not Found error message). If the DMS Web Server encounters an URL path without special meaning (like an api call) it tries to load a corresponding file from the SVCweb directory.


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