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  1. Hi Rax, i have made a translation for you: This is a translation of christians thread in http://www.DVBViewer.com/forum/index.php?a...ct=ST&f=9&t=325 Its for all people that can not speak german! 1. Workaround: -Technisat driver + software 4.2.2 installed -then System32\Drivers\Skynet.sys and B2C2SkyNET. inf deinstall -reboot -now only drivers version 4.01, beta 8 of www.eoniside.com, installs -reboot -card runs Attention: Merely been suitable for Win98 SE. Not with W2K or Win XP xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 2. Workaround: If one would like to necessarily use Technisat-software, is following to do. -It guarantees that EOL card already was activated by means of EOL software -Alto software deinstall, at the the best plate harddisk does -Now install TechniSat 4.2.2 -Now perform merely following entry in Registry REGEDIT4 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\B2C2, Inc. \ Install] "Id"=dword:00000001 -PC again start -Card runs with TechniSat software Attention: Merely EOL Lock affected cards could work with TS software through this workaround. For activation is EOL software needed . Tested under Win 98 SE and W2K Professionell xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 3. warning It seems that some software of privat projekts locks the card. At this time i cant say precise things because i havent this software. Consequently always only the software of the provider / dealer uses, from which they Card was acquired. Speak EOL cards with EOL software; TS cards with TS software; Netsystems cards with Netsystems software; NTV-I cards with NTV-I software. Problems, that originate through mixing different versions, can no more is understood. Application free tools, that is not from the provider or dealer certified happens on own danger. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 4. original activation EOL Owners of an EOL card with played EOL software can her/its/their card every time with complaint of a particular link in the internet Explorer (re)activated). However, the activation code must familiar and is secured somewhere. Then only following inputs: http://localhost:45762/auth.html?authcode =... XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX With what does XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX correspond to the activation code. PC restart, that was it. Go under all the OS this is a (little bit changed ) translation of christian workaround. I hope my english is good enough for understanding. cheers Steffen
  2. Hi, I've got a Technist SkyStar2 PCI card on my Windows XP machine. I can surf the net fine with it, but cannot view any programs even the free ones. I e-mailed tech support and the following reply was sent to me: Important: Tuning is working all the time, does not matter if card is locked or not 1. Test - open Setup4PC; go to Transponder Management - choose a transponder from the list - click edit - in the new window, upper right area you should see information to the orbital position/satellite the card is currently tuned to - if you only can read "no information" it seems the card is locked (1. indicator) Recheck this by using another transponder 2. Test - open TV4PC - choose a TV channel - "Can not play channel" is displayed at the bottom This is second indicator for a locked card 3. Test - tune your card to a data service you are able to receive - start the client application of this data service - check in Setup4PC/ statistic if you can receive any IP data. 4. Test - try to scan three different transponder for TV channels (see readme on CD for more informations regarding scanning) If there are messages like "no PAT" all the time and the previous tests failed, your card is locked. In case the card you used was brandnew contact your sales for an exchange of the board. Take care that you have just the original software on your PC. Any other drivers/software parts can cause a card lock again. Additional inforamtaions to the "lock" function that is part of the EuropeOnline DVB cards/software can be found in different boards in the WWW. Check or http://www.eonboard.net/viewforum.php?f=4 and http://www.DVBViewer.com/forum/ In case your card is not locked and you still have this message, please make sure you have installed the latest drivers for your graphic card and motherboard. This is due to the software based audio/video rendering. Another solution can be to reduce screen resolution and color depth. Regards M. Weber I tried a few of the test he mentioned and yes he's right my card is locked. What can I do now? I have read some other posts but could not understand what they were talking about (I'm a newbie). I'd appreciate any input and help anyone can offer me. Thanks,
  3. skandler


    Ich hatte mir vor zwei Wochen eine Pinnacle PCTV XE Satfernsehkarte für 99,- EUR gekauft. Als ich dann in einem Media Markt war sah ich eine noch billigere Version für 49,- EUR von Technisat. Da mir das aber ein wenig billig vorkam schaute ich mir die Karte im Internet an und sah Screenshots im XP Design. Also nichts wie hin zum MM und die Sat Karte gekauft. Nach der Installation erstmal eine Ernüchterung: Ein langsamer hässlciher Webbasierter Fernsehviewer. Wo ist denn das tolle Programm von dem die Screenshots auf der TechniSat Seite waren. Ich habe es dann doch gefunden. Beim stöbern auf www.DVBViewer.com war ich wieder positiv überrascht. Der DVBViewer wird ständig erweitert und ein Forum in dem sachlich diskutiert wird und auf Fragen/Probleme hilfreich eingengangen wird. Deswegen möchte ich mich hiermit nochmlas bei Chrisitan Hackbart für diese Software und bei allen Usern hier bedanken. P.s.: Meine Pinnacle liegt nun wieder bei dem Händler im Regal
  4. beecee

    What is wrong?

    Thank u very much Griga. I'll try Currently I have 4.01 Technisat drivers instaled and everything exept the audio works fine. Great. I red something about "inserting" default.reg from EOL's CD first, and then the Technisat 4.2.2 default.reg (EonInside EonBoard Topic I found the info). Ill try it too. What I'm going to do now is: 1. Unistal the working 4.01 Technisat beta driver. 2. Install the 4.2.2 TS drivers 3. Try the trick I found on EonBoard (linked above) 4. And finaly the way Griga told me about in case of failure at point 3 :-) Keep fingers crossed and thank u Griga and hackbart very much again. Keep warm.
  5. beecee

    What is wrong?

    Thank u hackbart. I have uninstaled all drivers and instaled the Technisat ones but u said the card is probably locked right now. I'll try to uninstal all the stuff, instal the EOL's original ones (4.1) again and try the link u told me about :-) The card i got is second-hand so I don't know anything about registration :-( but I noticed some codes on the CD with drivers. I'll try. Anyway I sugest to make a new Topic for unfortunate EOL cards owners Back to the topic, is there any method of unlocking permanently the f***ed card? Does the registration hackbart mentioned unlocks the device? Or do I need to do some kind of hardware reset (pull out some chip or what ). One thing I know right now: I HATE EOL !!!
  6. Guest

    What is wrong?

    Hmm, the B2C2 Filter uses automatic the DVD Express Codec, Marfi's Renderer does not check this, but works with almost all other decoders. To make sure that he also uses the Mediamatics Filter i add this one before the graph is build. In this case directshow tries to connect the filter, before testing others. This way should work fine, even if the merit of another filter is higher than normal. The reason for your error is quite simple. You brought an eol card which comes with a special prepared driver. Once installed the card is locked and you have to unlock each time you install a new driver. While using the eon driver package the server4pc asks for a registration, using the good technisat driver it doesnt ask, but it also does not work You have to register a reg file (mentioned somewhere in the board) and with the http://localhost:45762/registration.html you proceed the initialization process. Christian
  7. beecee

    What is wrong?

    Hi uri. U mean the part about MPEG codecs? "A Sky2PCAVSrc.ax file is copied to DVBViewer Demo\Filters. Thereby, DVBViewer operates with the right decoder engine." Thx very much, but i don't get it But I'll try. I do not know very much about windoze PCs. I assume u suppose "my" DVBViewer tries to use some wrong MPEG decoder? Hm, maybe, the first thing I thougt about was problems with codecs, mainly becasue no video output in tv4pc, EOL tv and DVBViewer, but i generated MPEG2 avi on my Mac, and succesfuly played it on that PC. Have plan for today: 1. Uninstall 4.2.2 or any curently instaled drivers 2. Uninstal the card from system (from device manager) 3. Reboot :-) 4. Install the SS2 again with 4.2.2 Technisat drivers Will see.
  8. beecee

    What is wrong?

    My box for this problem is: Athlon 900, Windows 98 SE, 256 MB RAM and so on. The DVB Receiver is SS2 (the EOL Enter. Boxed) I have d/l the dvb wiewer 1.96 demo, instaled it and got "Cannot locate B2C2 MPEG2 Filter Audio/Video Ctrl. Interface, error 91000101" message. I think the problem is not the DVBViewer - tv4pc doesn't work either Nor EOL eqivalent of tv4pc (don't remember the name of it). In any case the result is black screen (usualy with "Cannot play this program" comment in tv4pc) I tried Technisat 4.22 drivers and EOL's 4.1. The result is, or rather is not , the same. My question are: 1. Are those EOL boxed cards limited in functions or blocked some way? 2. Is it possibble to receive any TV with this? 3. Will DVBViewer work with EOL shipped SS2? 4. Any idea whats wrong with my one (demaged card or system trouble)? I'm happy Mac & Linux user, don't know much about M$ OSes Thx with advance for any help. CU
  9. Marco Stein

    recording more channels at the same time

    Hello! I have two Technisat Skystar2 cards installed in my system (WinXP). Both works fine. But I know no software that manage both cards. There is a listbox for selecting and configuring both cards with Technisats setup program, but the settings don't impact the TV4PC software. The only way, I know, to use both cards at the same time is to start the DVBViewer and Technisats TV4PC. They address different cards (in my system). Are there other experiences? regards, Marco
  10. Hi all, for all new users here are some informations: 1. This board is not a TechniSat-board ! Its a board for DVBViewer of Christian Hackbart. If you have problems with drivers or updates please dont attack anyone here in the board. Drivers are TechniSat Software. Ask TechniSat. 2. Here you dont get an update of your TechniSat Software. (incl. the DVBViewer from the TechniSAT CD)You can get a demo of the newest Viewer on the start site. Click on the first picture on the left site. 3. Before you post anything, please use search function. Maybe the solution of your question is already in the board. 4. You can buy the Viewer for 15 € with lifetime free update. Look at the bottom of the page.You can use bank transfer, PayPal or creditcard. 5. If you can, please post in english. Here are more people that speak english than other languages. And this increases your chances for an answer. 6. Here in the Newbie section you can make testpostings and all other questions about this board. 7. For Conversion/Encoding of recordet streams read the 2 parts "Conversion/Encoding general" and "Tools and Links". Hallo alle zusammen, 1. Dieses Board ist kein TechniSat Board. Es ist das Board für den DVBViewer von Christian Hackbart. Wenn ihr Probleme mit Treibern oder Updates habt, dann greift bitte niemanden hier im Board an. Treiber sind TechniSat Software. Fragt TechniSat. 2. Hier bekommt ihr keine Updates für TEchniSat Software. (incl. des DVB Viewers von der TechniSAT CD) Ihr könnt Euch aber eine Demo der neuesten Version von der Startseite downloaden. Klickt dazu bitte auf das erste Bild auf der linken Seite. 3. Bevor ihr postet benutzt bitte die Suchfunktion. Vielleicht steht ja die Lösung eures Problems schon hier im Board. 4. Ihr könnt den DVBViewer für 15 € incl. eines lebenslangen Updates kaufen. Schaut dazu bitte auf den unteren Teil dieser Seite. Für die Überweisung könnt ihr normale Banküberweisungen vornehmen oder PayPAl, oder Kreditkarten benutzen. 5. Wenn ihr könnt postet in englisch. Hier sprechen mehr Leute englisch als andere Sprachen. Das erhöht dann eure Chancen auf eine Antwort. 6. Hier im Newbie Teil könnt ihr Testpostings machen und auch alle möglichen Fragen zum Boar stellen. 7. Für die Bearbeitung der aufgenommenen Filme schaut bitte in den Teil "Conversion/Encoding general" und "Tools and Links" des Boards Viel Spaß hier im Board. Steffen
  11. stefanocomelli

    Which OS do you use

    I had some problem using DVBViewer under Win ME... Also, I had BIG BIG problems using Skystar 2 (it is not a DVBViewer Problem) in a PC with windows dual Boot (WinMe on C: disk and WinXP on D: drive)... it seem Technisat software always do something on C: drive, even if you have XP OS & drivers installed onto d:... so with this configuration it is likely that technisat software on XP do not work, because it do not find signal at all, instead if I reboot on WinME everything goes well this evening i will try to repeat os installation, but this time using a 'real' dual boot manager like Boot Magic or something else, in this way both OS seem his own drive as a real C: drive Stefano
  12. _KaPPa_

    the secrets of SkyDLL

    Nice, thanks for the help Christian; now that I discovered, whatcing the Tuning under Setup4PC of technisat, that PID are different for every chan u have to make a list and set them for every channel ... a bit trouble to do i think!!! Ok I tryed GraphEdit a program provided whit DirectX SDK 8.1, I Found the "B2C2 MPEG-2 Source" filter where u can set all the data about the channel PIDs included, now apart the fact that now I can costruct a filter to whatc TV the real question is : "Is it possible to configure our skystar2 by the Property dialog of the B2C2 filter whitout the direct use of SkyDll.dll Function???" I hope yes but i can't demostrate it! Sigh!@#@ bye bye
  13. Hi Christian! Thank you very much for the quick and nice answers! I appreciate it very much. 1) see 3 and 6 2) Great. You won't have do do much to support gider - gider supports you! just make all functions accessible somehow (i recommend via keyboard commands for now - until whe have some kind of plugin support; see 3 and 6). It works rather well already - except the "switch channel in channel-list window" - thing. I will send you a girder profile template then. Girder by the way is just a frontend to WinLIRC or many other remote control devices, there are many many plugins available to support almost any type of remote control. If you want you can provide a Girder template with some preconfigured actions like channel+, fullscreen on/off... 3) Great! You might simply provide an interface for others to write more sopisticated HID-plugins (for OSD and user input), which will allow implementation of better remote control support, OSD and user io. 4) Ok. i recommend closing discussion about this HERE. There are other threads discussion topics like that already. 5) Will post you the msg. closed. 6) Great so far! Perhaps the tune in can be aborted somehow when you hit channel+ again ? 7) Ok no prob i'm sure this will be solved someday somehow ;-) 8) 50 ms ??? no really - you are kidding. this is only the tune-in time of the b2c2 card - but there is additional wasted time because of filters/win/and so on, or isn't there any additionl cost ? sounds really really great for now. i hope this problem can be solved! i'm sure many many people would appreciate that very much. 20 channels per second sounds like a new adventure for power zapping kids ;-) So i will hope i will have to reduce my 500ms timeout on my remote quite soon! 9) Yes great! when will the payment system go up? what was about the technisat part of the question. I don't mind if you don't want to talk about that here and now. 10) fine bbx
  14. Hi Folks! First of all - great thanks go to "hackbart" chris for this wonderfull tool for b2c2 card(s). i'm talking about v1.95 demo: 1) *** Switching channel in the channellist is not possible via a keyboard command (space or something). Only a mouse-doubleclick can switch a channel -> leads to problems with girder or other remote controll software. 2)*** About remote control in general: I suggest, you throw away lirc support - support GIRDER. It's takes away the pain that everyone has to configure lirc commands manually -> simply provide us with an easy to create girder profile wich everybody can use lirc and ANY other remote control (even network events or sms messages and so forth ...) ! PLEASE ! Winlirc support is really quite useless. 3)*** Please make the channel-list window zoomable (larger font) any some way, so it is readable from greter distance. Remind DVBViewer as PC settop box replacement. Make it more navigateable via simple Keys and big OSD menus somehow please. A simple channel-list as OSD would be my suggestion. 4)*** Graphedit - directshow filter stuff (at least support for foreign filters, like others already requested like ffs ...) 5)*** Still i cannot get it working in "skystar 4.2x" device mode... only 4.14 and compatible mode do work. But that's no really a problem. Epg & txt both work fine with any of the drivers. 6)*** Better OSD Menü (like settop-boxes) Channel Name Display in OSD BEFORE! the channel is tuned in would be nice to have. I esp. think of hitting the channel+ key quickly and repeatedly zapping throug the channel numbers in OSD. Just like it works when you tune in a channel via the number keys (e.g. 133). First the OSD shows the name of channel 1, waiting for more input; then it displays channel name of 13 (after you hit "3" within a sec or so) then 133 and tunes in, if you won't hit any more keys. i think you got the point -- Or as mentioned before -> mini OSD channel list. 7)*** channel-list (editor?) Please !! How can i configure the channel numbers ? A List with favourites would be nice to have. Is there any way to memorize more than 10 channels? 8)*** zapping times I think zapping times have improved in 1.95 over 1.8d quite a bit. can you get more out of it ? sound only - while waiting for picture if possible. Or some preview epg data of the channel that will bee tuned in. 9)*** 10 min BUG Common Bug -> "10 min exit bug" - well know and discussed; i know u will fix this pretty soon ;-) like microsoft - selling bugfixes ;-) 15 euro ? BTW: will the uncrippled version of DVBViewer be included in feature technisat packages ? I.e. will there be an update for the technisat software that might include a free version of DVBViewer 1.95 or newer ? Please do not create "crippleware" (i.e. 10min lim) this is and has never been a good habbit. 10)*** Pan & Scan settings are not saved hope I don't demand toooo much Regards, bbx
  15. ichsteffen

    the secrets of SkyDLL

    How much of the headerfile of the skydll.dll do you have ? Did you get some details from technisat which you could share with us ? I really don´t want to try to make an other DVBViewer, I just want to lock to 'The technique behind' ;-) cu steffen
  16. Sooty

    B2C2 Card - Which drivers ?

    Hi, Netsystem user. Should I use the technisat drivers of not ????. Cheers, Sooty. AMD Athlon Xp1700+ 512mb RAM Inno 3d Tornado GeForce 4 Ti 128mb graphics/ tv-out card.
  17. Syntrillium

    B2C2 Card - Which drivers ?

    Are You Eol, Netsystem, or T-dsl client? If you are Eol Client remove drivers and install this one: The current drivers from technisat are version 4.22 Last Update: 21.06.2002 url -> '' ftp://download.technisat.com/en/soft/448.zip '' dont forget to reg card at Eol please read my previous post! will help you reg your broadband card if not! Please post your system info example : motherboard chip set, bios revision, Cpu, Graphics card ...
  18. Guest

    the secrets of SkyDLL

    Hi, well i started coding long years ago, but i bet this is'nt what you wanted to hear. After i brought the skystar2 i realized that the former idea for this card is internet trough sky. Luckily all new cheap cards support directshow so i was able to get a small tv application working (with a few parts of the radlight-engine), but there was no way to change the channels -> so i tried to start searching for informations about this card and found some reverse engineered parts of the skydll in the assitecforum; i wan't to thank those who posted it there. After the first steps where made, i was able to present the version 0.2. Till then there was no way to capture everything else than tv and radio, but i wanted to have also epg and teletext in. I tried to contact B2C2 with no result, after this i droped a mail at technisat... and they answered. From now on i received all help i needed (esp. for the satellite technique, cause i was still a beginner). A couple of weeks later i received a mail from a very kind person (marfi), who asked for some informations concerning the skydll. He helped me a lot in reverse engineering (err to be honest he did the rest of the whole work with the skydll). Just to point it out: Figuring the first functions out is the most complicated part, after this it is going easier, because the functions have mostly the same architecture: HRESULT Function(THANDLE Adapter,void *Structure,DWord StructSize); All you have to do is to play with the technisat software and to take a look on the changed functions values, sent via the structure. Christian
  19. Guest

    Quality video

    This must be supported by the actual decoding filter, which in Technisat's case is DVDExpress. I guess Christian is working on a fix which will allow you to use e.g InterVideo decoders instead.
  20. Hello, it would be nice to have an deinterlaced filter avalible for watching TV. Is this a item for the technisat software? May be it is possible to add a function to insert new channels or exclude single channels in the list. Best regards
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