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Found 4 results

  1. Hi, I just started to use DVBViewer, and I tried to organize a little bit my preferred channels, and I got to one question: How to organize one channel to be in multiple categories / favorites folders / something else? Example: I want a category named: "Romanian" and a category named "documentary". And If I have a channel which fits both categories, I would like to add it correspondingly. So ... Can I have one channel in more category directories, or favorite directories, or ... is there any field like "tags" where I could add some keywords which can, then, be found by searching and filtering only those channels which have my tag? Thanks, Regards, Adrian
  2. Hello, Having trouble that my TT3200 PCI card can not find all channels. This transponder has no channels: 23.5°E Astra 3B 12187.50 H 225 Europe DVB-S2 8PSK 29900 2/3 M7 Group, 59.2 Mbps 3 3225 Other Astra3B transponders find channels without problems. Thanks for your reply
  3. Delphi


    Download at http://www.a123.dk Click the Home link in the download table. A tutorial example with a lot of screenshots is available. You will find that XchannelEdit has a quite different approach compared to the DVBViewer channel editor. It works in a very direct way on a copy of channels.dat but should be quite safe to use since the channels.dat will never be overwritten unless a successfull backup has been taken. Thanks to Griga for redocumenting channels.dat (It's good!) and to CiNcH for providing me with a big sample channels.dat (DVB-T and DVB-s). This is the basis for me daring to provide a quite detailed Channel Info. Please check if the Channel Info is correct and feel free to suggest improvements. Feel free to comment.
  4. IPTV channels can be different even if they have the same Network ID, Stream ID and Service ID. Such channels can't be used for external EPG (eg. Xepg) since they will have the same EPGChannelID. This problem is old and it was actually Lars (R.I.P.) who suggested to manually change the network ID within DVBViewer. This is a bit tidy so I want to do it programmatically. For that I need to know how to decide whether 2 IPTV channels are duplicates of each others. Assuming Network ID, Stream ID and Service ID are the same 1) It it sufficient to test if additionally IP (stored in TunerData.Frequency) is the same? 2) If no to 1), what else should be compaired ? (Source IP?, Video PID?,...) As a matter of general interest I would like to know when ATSC channels are duplicates as well: 3) Is Equallity of Network ID, Stream ID and Service ID sufficient? 4) What about TynerType=5 (Stream)? TIA
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