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  1. Hello, I purchased DVBViewer Pro on September 8th to watch and record ATSC channels in the USA. I like this program much better than WinTV, which is what was bundled with my Hauppauge 950Q usb tuner stick. I'm using: Windows 8.1 64bit operating system 6 GB memory EVGA nForce i730 motherboard Intel E5300 dual core 2.6GHz processor EVGA GT520 graphics adapter Hauppauge 950Q usb tuner I am current with all windows updates. The graphics card has the latest driver. The Hauppauge 950Q is using the latest driver from the Hauppauge website. My problem is that when I use the America ATSC.ini transponder list and scan for channels there are no channels discovered. I know there are 27 channels that are scattered on 10 different frequencies. This happens if the tuner has not been used with any other software during this run cycle or the tuner has just been unplugged and plugged back in. If, for example, I start WinTV and tune to one of the channels on 563 MHz and then exit the program. I'll check task manager to make sure there are no WinTV processes still running. I start DVBViewer and do a scan with the America ATSC.ini transponder list, it will find the channels associated with 563 MHz on every frequency in the transponder list. I made an accurate channel list by using my knowledge of the frequencies of the local channels and setting each frequency in WinTV and then scanning that frequency in DVBViewer. I also made a local transponder list. My channel list is called Home TV and my local transponder list is called Kansas City. I have included both with this message. In summary, I must change frequencies with a separate program from DVBViewer and then use DVBViewer. DVBViewer can change between channels that are on the same frequency. I have tried transedit and the channel scanner that is built into DVBViewer. When I tried to not use direct tuning or use standard tuning and started to scan it would say hardware could not be found or hardware could not be initialized. My hardware is found by both DVBViewer and Transedit. I do have to change tuner type from cable to ATSC. I have successfully got this hardware to work with WinTV ver. 7, Easy HDTV, PotPlayer, NextPVR and VLC for Linux. I couldn't get VLC for Windows to work with this hardware. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Home TV.ini Kansas City.ini support.zip
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