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  1. Hi, Couple of days ago I've upgraded from Windows 8.1 to 10 and so far DVBViewer is the only program I have a problem with (everything else seems to work fine). The problem is that it just hangs up at start. Popup picture of DVBViewer shows up and that's it. The progressbar does not even start moving. Furthermore, I cannot even kill the process. The only way to get rid of the hanging picture on the screen is to reboot. And it also happens for Wizard, Debug and Safe modes, and even for SupportTool and TransEdit (except they do not show any popup window). Tried reinstalling the program (ver. 5.3.2) but it didn't help. After hours of searching on Internet and experimenting I found that the program cannot start only when Lenovo ThinkPad USB 3.0 dock is connected to my laptop (Dell XPS 12). As soon as I switch the dock off or disconnect it DVBViewer continues starting and successfully starts eventually. I can switch on or reconnect the dock and everything works fine. The same happens for SupportTool and TransEdit. So basically the workaround is: switch off and then on the dock. You don't even need to wait until DVBViewer finishes starting. You can turn on the dock in 1 sec, as soon as the progress bar starts moving. I tried DVBViewer ver. 5.3.2, 5.4.1 and 5.5.0. I used the latest official DisplayLink Manager. Then installed Release candidate for Windows 10 - no difference. I tried to connect USB devices (that are connected to the dock) directly to the laptop - worked fine, so apparently DVBViewer does not like the dock itself. But since the program works fine afterwards it looks like DVBViewer is doing something not really critical at startup, but this something causes it to hang up deeply (it cannot even be killed). I attach support.zip file here. But as I said, SupportTooll could only start after switching off the doc so I'm not sure if it contains the state when the dock is on. support.zip
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