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  1. I was missing 24 out of 72 recordings in the recordinglist (Webinterface-> Recordings) - Using the task -> "Refresh Recording DB" did not help. - stopping recording service and delete all databases in "DBViewer->Database" using windows explorer did not help. One problem is a "fishy" traversal of the recording sub-directories when refreshing the recordinglist. There is also a problem with some "cashed" information used even after a stop server followed by a "Refresh Recording DB" To illustrate this I will document what I had to do to recover all the missing entries in my Recordinglist Setup: - WIN7 - lastet Recordingservice - recordings held on a NAS samba drive (refered using UNC path) - I had earlier moved the recording to a NAS samba drive, but even more recent recording had problems FIX-1: update Recording Service to include all sub-directories with recordings The issue here is that it is not enough to include the top-level directory for the recordings. This is a mystery as some of the recordings on some subdirectories were found. What I did was 1) add all the sub-directories using Recording Service -> configure -> Recorder and adding all subdirs to the "Directory" list 2) "Refresh Recording DB" This did recover approx 15 entries so they were now visible in the recordinglist. As far as I recall it was not neccesary to delete all databases in the Database directory. FIX-2: rename .ts/.log/.txt - adding a space in the filename To fix the remaining files I had to rename the files. It was not enough to - stop the server - delete the content of "Database" - start server - "Refresh Recording DB" Why a single space in the filenames should help is unclear. But maybe something is cached somewhere ?? I renamed the files adding a single space before the .ts/.log/.txt file extension. (very simple in win7: select the 3 files; F2; left ; right; insert one " " ; return) This did recover the remaining entries so they were visible in the recordinglist. "refresh DB" does not refresh information from the .txt file While debugging the above i did all kind of things. One test I made was - Modify the Recording description in the "Description=" field inside the .txt file (checking for suspicious chars) - "refresh DB" but the recording description (when mouse hovering over title in the recording list) was still showing the old text. - stop server - modify .txt - start server - "refresh DB" did not work either - stop server - modify .txt - delete all databases in "Database" - start server - "refresh DB" Did work, so refresh DB is probably not testing correctly for changes in all fields. Personally I would prefer a "reBUILD Recording DB" instead of a "refresh". This would make a clean build, instead of having to add additional/new code trying to refresh only changed fields. This is additional complex code not required because working code was already there to build the very first complete version - why not reuse? Tools used while debugging I used cygwin on win7. Concept: I checked the filenames inserted into the SvcDatabase.db3 against the files found in the filesystem and keept going until they were identical I used the Makefile below (for your inspiration) So the job was completed successfully when the database matched the recordings in the filesystem Unsuccessfull run: make Unique filenames in DB or FS (indented) comm -3 files.inDB.lst files.inFS.lst \\NAS2\share\OptagetTV\Other\Kun 5 ingredienser! (3)_2012-12-09_13-30-13_TNTT.ts ... ... ... \\NAS2\share\OptagetTV\Save\randi til dans\Thomas Skovs Sportsprogram 2.0 - Linedance (6 10)_2013-09-24_21-01-10_DR3.ts Missing files in DB: 25 Matched files in DB: 45 Successfull run (some hours later) make all Unique filenames in DB or FS (indented) comm -3 files.inDB.lst files.inFS.lst Missing files in DB: 0 Matched files in DB: 70 ---------- Makefile --------------- all: get gen compareFileFound get: cp /cygdrive/c/ProgramData/CMUV/DVBViewer/Database/*db3 . gen: echo '.dump' | sqlite3.exe Logos.db3 > Logos.db3.lst echo '.dump' | sqlite3.exe MediaDatabase.db3 > MediaDatabase.db3.lst echo '.dump' | sqlite3.exe MusicDatabase.db3 > MusicDatabase.db3.lst echo '.dump' | sqlite3.exe SvcDatabase.db3 > SvcDatabase.db3.lst echo '.dump' | sqlite3.exe svcmediaAudio.db3 > svcmediaAudio.db3.lst echo '.dump' | sqlite3.exe svcmediaPhoto.db3 > svcmediaPhoto.db3.lst echo '.dump' | sqlite3.exe svcmediaVideo.db3 > svcmediaVideo.db3.lst echo '.dump' | sqlite3.exe svcSettings.db3 > svcSettings.db3.lst echo '.dump' | sqlite3.exe TimerDatabase.db3 > TimerDatabase.db3.lst echo '.dump' | sqlite3.exe TVDatabase.db3 > TVDatabase.db3.lst getFoundFromDB: # extract filenames from DB and remove single qoutes "'" grep 'INSERT INTO "recordings"' SvcDatabase.db3.lst | cut -d, -f2 | sed "s/'//g" | sort | tee >files.inDB.lst getFoundFromFS: # get filenames from filesystem, change "/" to "\" find `cygpath -u //NAS2/share/OptagetTV/` | egrep '.ts$$' | sed 's|/|\\|g' | sort | tee >files.inFS.lst compareFileFound: getFoundFromDB getFoundFromFS @echo @echo @echo "Unique filenames in DataBase or FileSystem (FS indented)" @echo comm -3 files.inDB.lst files.inFS.lst @echo "Missing files in DB:" `comm -3 files.inDB.lst files.inFS.lst | wc -l` @echo "Matched files in DB:" `comm -12 files.inDB.lst files.inFS.lst | wc -l`
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