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CRashes and crashes...


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I have DVBViewer <whatever version> and I try to use it. The version I have is the thing with the full installer. I tried some GE thing but that didn't work. I also tried the beta but that also didn't work. I now have the setup.exe version again and it also doesn't work.


I have a Technotrend S2-3200 card in my system which works excellent with the Technotrend software. I have a Diseqc switch with (amongst others sats) Hotbird on A/A and Astra 19.2 on A/B (no, not B/A!).


When I install DVBViewer everythign seems fine. Then, while reading the manual, I perform all the other steps that the installer doesn't do. Really a tedious procedure, but what the heck...


Then the program starts and it shows me the logo of some German channel. No picture. I go to the channel list, delete the channels and then perform a new scan for Hotbird. This time on switch A/A. During the scan I can see that it finds some 2000 channels or so. When the scan is finished I leave the scan windows and then I select "Save".


From then on the program only crashes. I have rebooted my PC and then when I start DVBViewer it shows me the logo of "Das Erste" and then it crashes. I can not change anything or whatever, because the program only crashes and that's all.


What's happening?

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No reply?


I would expect some support for this program that people can not try before they buy, no matter how cheap or expensive the price.


If I can only buy a non-working program then maybe someone wants to discuss how I can get my money back (which, under current european law, is not a big problem - glad to have used Paypal...). Alternatively (the better option) someone may actually consider to explain to me why the program is not working and how I can fix it.

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I uninstallede DVBViewer c ompletely and installed it from scratch. Once installed, I have a list of not working channels (because the Diseqc options are wrong).


I selected channel editor. Then I selected Hotbird, and right-click. I set the Diseqc options to A/A and then I clicked update and save.


Back into the viewer I selected an arbitrary channel on Hotbird. an image of the current broadcast (about the 9/11 towers) flashed on the screen and then DVBViewer crashed again.


I restarted DVBViewer and saw a black screen. Then I selected one of the Hotbird channels again and it crashed again.


It seems to me like DVBViewer crashes as soon as I start to watch a working channel.


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start the DVBViewer with command "-c" like "D:\Programme\DVBViewer Pro 3.5\DVBViewer.exe" -c,

so the DVBViewer don't tune a channel.

now go to the Options -> DirectX and select as video decoder CyberLink Video/SP Decoder (PDVD7) and audio decoder AC3Filter.

close the DVBViewer for save the settings.

start DVBViewer with the normal link. what now happens.


you can take a look for the DVBViewer Pro Beta, where you can find in the member area too



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now go to the Options -> DirectX and select as video decoder CyberLink Video/SP Decoder (PDVD7) and audio decoder AC3Filter.

close the DVBViewer for save the settings.

start DVBViewer with the normal link. what now happens.


you can take a look for the DVBViewer Pro Beta, where you can find in the member area too


Yes! Now it works.


By the way, when I selected the decoders I clicked on "apply" and then the program locked up. No more response. I had to stop the program using the windows taskmanager. The second time I made thje changes again and then closed the DVBViewer as suggested above. Now it works fine. Thanks for the help.


By the way: Why should I use the beta?

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