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Help to DVBViewer:


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I've been running DVB for a couple of months now, and have three small problems I'm hoping someone can help me with:


1. When I visit some specifik Danish channels lige 3+ the picture is only showing in a small window and there is black in the rest of the screen. I would like to have fullscreen when I visit channels all time, so I don't have to minimize and maksimize to see fullscreen. How do I set it do this automatically?


2. On some channels there are white stribes on the top of the screen. I think it perhaps have something to do with 16:9 and 4:3. Because it's only on some channels but not the rest. How do I get these stribes to dissappear?


3. One channel is suddenly dissappeared. How do I manually search for only one channel and replace it with one of my currents in my favorite list?


Thanks for the help:)

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2. this is the (analogue) Teletext transmission from the provider, you can zoom the videopicture a little bit to get rid of it.


1. try other videodecoders.


3. make a channelscan with update selected.

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Hi Lars. Thanks for the answer:)


1. When you say videodecoders you mean I should try other than my NVIDIA Purevideo? I thought There was an option, where it automatically detected the channel and made it fullscreen?


2. Can I make a zoom seperately from each channel so the channels that don't have this problem keep there sizes?


3. How do I do that?


Thanks for your help!

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1. If DVBViewer is running in fullscreen, the image should be scaled to fullscreen, too (if the AR allows it). Your problem sounds a bit like the nvidia vrm bug. Try to enalbe the Nvidia Fix or use Overlay Renderer.


2. No. But it's just a line or two, you will lose... and there won't be much information there, because every normal TV won't show it either.


3. DVBViewer->Channelscan. Set it up accordingt to your reception... and enable "update", then click on "scan range". If you know on which frequency the channel is, you can also select the correct frequency as start value and click "scan frequency" which will be much faster.

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I have pasted my settings. As you can see Nvidia VMR fix is already ticked.


I have now tried overlay but didn't work.


However it found the lost channel now:)


How do I change my channelnumbers, cause my first channel has channel number 0. I would like to change it to 1.

Edited by Bjur
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I have pasted my settings. As you can see Nvidia VMR fix is already ticked.


then try another video decoder. :)


How do I change my channelnumbers, cause my first channel has channel number 0. I would like to change it to 1.


That's not possible. The numbers always start with 0.

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