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DVB Viewer with Media Center


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First sorry for my bad english ;)


It's any possible to start DVBViewer with default Media Center? Normal first start TV SAT and then we can switch to Media Center. I build my HTPC and want Media Center start default, not SAT TV! Is somewhere any option to change this?


thx for answer!



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You can start DVBViewer under windows mediacenter.

But :


Or you control mediacenter or you control DVBViewer.

You con not use the mediacenter GUI to control DVBViewer.

But you can use different GUI's under DVBViewer.

GUI= graphical user interface.



You can use the windows remote unit to control DVBViewer.


DVBViewer does it all, so you don't need windows mediacenter to build up a HTPC, windows 2000 or XP or Vista default are enough.

Edited by Benarty
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I don't want to use Media Center from WindowsXP/Vista! I want only use DVBViewer! When I start DVBViewer, it's start with sat tv option (like channels, pip, etc.) and I can switch to Media Center. I ask if it is possible to do something with config DVBViewer, because I want Media Center (DVBViewer) run first, not tv sat! I hope you understand me, it's very dificult to explain!

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There are some way to accomplish this; the one I prefer and suggest you (for it's semplicity and absolute unobstrusivity) is to add "-c -f -x2110" (without the commas!) to the command line of the desktop icon (you can also create a new one and rename as you wish...), so that the complete line will read somethink like

"C:\Program folder\DVBViewer\DVBViewer.exe" -c -f -x2110


Using this modded icon link, DVBViewer don't tune anything (cmd line option "-c"), goes fullscreen ("-f") and open the HTPC home page ("-x2110")...


For all other command line switches please refer to "actions.ini" file you can find in the DVBViewer main folder...





edit reason: some mistyped chars...

Edited by Gioxy
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