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New and complete Czech translation


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Posted (edited)

Hello, I just bought this great software, but the only thing I was disappointed with was poor and incomplete Czech translation.


So I just done completely new language file for actual DVBViewer version I hope that other Czech users will appreciate it. :-)


I want to translate web interface also, but there is some problem with it - in EPG view, some special Czech characters (e.g. č í ř ž ...) are not shown correctly. Can anyone look at this issue?


Here is archive with new DVBViewer Czech language file:



Edited by Machito
  • 7 months later...

Do you have a translation for web interface? rc_czech.lng (SVCweb) Russian used windows-1251, I would use windows-1250. I will like to use that for my gf.


For the chars, the problem is hardcoded in web interface generator, you know.



  • 4 months later...

I just updated my translations... :rolleyes:


Latest Czech language file for DVBViewer



New language file for DVBViewer BETA:



And I also translated WebInterface:



I did my best to give you the most accurate and comprehensible translation, but any suggestions are still welcome.


Enjoy! :)


Nice work!


Super dobry pocin, po kratkem nahledu je trochu problem v pocasi.

Moderate není moderovat, treba to prelozit v kontextu pouziti. Dale rychlost vetru, puvodne in, by tam spis pasovalo rychlosti ...


Thanks for your notice! It should be correct now...


Here are the newest versions:






Dekuji za informaci, pocasi me pri testovani trochu uniklo, ale ted uz by to melo byt OK. Jinak pokud bys narazil jeste na nejakou nepresnost, rad opravim. ;)

Posted (edited)

Listbox items in OSD EQ preset settings are not translated.


And OSD Instant Recording menu is buggy, the language files are not use in this case, items are fixed to english language. This bug was reported more than 6 month ago.


Jinak jsem tam na druhy pokus nic dalsiho nenasel, ale do souboru lng jsem se nedival.

Edited by MomoBrut
  • 3 weeks later...
Listbox items in OSD EQ preset settings are not translated.
Everything for the default Skin should be in the language file.


If a OSD Skin adds additional Text you can add it in the language file.

In the [OSD] section add [number in the skin]=text

250=activate EQ

  • 1 month later...

The new DVBViewer 4.5 is released and I just updated my translation... :)


Czech language file for DVBViewer 4.5:


  • 6 months later...
  • 7 months later...
  • 3 months later...
Posted (edited)

Update Czech language file for Recording Service




I edited translation Recording Service, that was already there. The recording service is now almost completely translated. Missing just a few words. Some parts may by clumsy. If you think of a better translation, please let me know.





Edited by George06
  • 4 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

Updated language file for actual DVBViewer version:




Edited by Machito

New fixed version:



Added line weather.Sprinkles that is missing in original English language file.


Thanks George06 for the attention! :)


Some of my other works for DVBViewer:


Czech DVB-T TV and radio stations logo images: http://www.ulozto.net/xqKAKCX/dvbv-cz-logos-zip

16:10 widescreen modification of Default OSD skin: http://www.ulozto.net/x93K3yu/dvbv-defaultwide-zip

16:10 widescreen modification of Default OSD skin - Czech version: http://www.ulozto.net/xDYAYTK/dvbv-defaultwidecz-zip

(Czech version contains all OSD texts translated in Czech language.)


I believe that some other users too can find these useful. :)

  • 9 months later...
Posted (edited)

Update Czech language file for Recording Service version 1.23.1





I made ​​minor fixes and added new translations into the language file Recording service.




Edited by George06

Dakujem :)






Update Czech language file for Recording Service version 1.23.1





I found some a few mistakes in the translation. The correction can be found in the attached file.




Posted (edited)

Question regarding translation Recording Service


Please advice. Where can I find items from menu options Recording service? I can not find for translation items E-mail, Video and RTSP server. Alternatively, to add them to the language file. Thank you in advance for your help.



Edited by George06

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