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RecordingService can't close DvbViewer


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I'm using latest recordingService beta and latest stable version of DVBViewer. If i add a timer (in DVBViewer) with Hibernate Computer after Recording ends, task is correctly passed and recorded by recordingService and:

If i close DVBViewer before task ends then pc is hibernate correctly

If i leave DVBViewer open than, at task ends, a message appears: RecordingService wants to shutdown pc... and than nothing happens. Video codec are closed correctly, screen became black and nothing more.


Thank you for support. :)


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It must be a feature... cause I discuss this issue since August (or since RS

With RS it works perfect, newer versions don't!

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As far as I know it's not meant to work this way... DVBViewer prevents shutdown/standy/hibernation as long as it's running. It's no matter if the user does this manually or the recordingservice tries. So this is not really related to the service, but more related to DVBViewer.

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