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Pure Video HD: need some help


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I'm sure people here are familiar with this feature provided by Nvidia cards


I just bought a GT 220 which has the Pure Video HD option. This option is supposed to unload the work of the cpu and let the gpu (the gt 220) handle it. At the moment this option don't work for me, the cpu resources are at an all time high (100%) for hdtv channels.


I'm aware that one must buy Cyberlink Power DVD 9 which i did but when i use cyberlink's codec in DVBViewer nothing happen (still 100% cpu resources) i must miss something.I have enabled the option on power dvd.


I use Xp sp2, DVBViewer 4.0, power dvd ultra 9


Your inputs are welcome

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I just bought a GT 220 which has the Pure Video HD option. This option is supposed to unload the work of the cpu and let the gpu (the gt 220) handle it. At the moment this option don't work for me, the cpu resources are at an all time high (100%) for hdtv channels.


I'm aware that one must buy Cyberlink Power DVD 9 which i did but when i use cyberlink's codec in DVBViewer nothing happen (still 100% cpu resources) i must miss something.I have enabled the option on power dvd.


I use Xp sp2, DVBViewer 4.0, power dvd ultra 9

I as far as i know the PowerDVD9 H.264/AVC decoder is hidden and not usable in Directshow (only usable in PowerDVD9 itself). Meaning you cant choose that decoder in DVBViewer for decoding of HDTV material. Hollywood and such has moaned and lobbyed for this and have finally got it enforced. When playing your HDTV material there must be some other decoder active not supporting DXVA. I think you have to check that over and get back here with some more info on it. Best way should be to right click DVBViewer---view--filters---and check what decoder is used when viewing your HD channel

Edited by majstang
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Excellent it's working with Core AVC, the cpu usage is now around 35%, impressive !


The only downside is it seems the only working mode is the EVR (Vista enhanced video rendered "experimental")

The Overlay & VMR7/ VMR9 both display a distorded picture.Maybe i need to tweak the options in this decoder...


Thanks for the help

Edited by themaster1
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Excellent it's working with Core AVC, the cpu usage is now around 35%, impressive !


The only downside is it seems the only working mode is the EVR (Vista enhanced video rendered "experimental")

The Overlay & VMR7/ VMR9 both display a distorded picture.Maybe i need to tweak the options in this decoder...

Hmm...35% CPU load still sounds a bit high, especially with the capacity of your nvidia card in mind, it should be lower if DXVA is active and you not having other heavy apps, games or other things going at the same time. Or a really slow CPU, but i dont know the specs on yours. What about PowerDVD8...you could find it here and there lying around in cyberspace ;) The PowerDVD8 decoder for h.264/AVC is usable in DVBViewer you know.

Sorry to hear you already did bought Cyberlink PowerDVD 9! This is a major waste of peoples and especially us HTPC users money im afraid (it is not cheap either) now when Hollywood got thier way and Cyberlink may tremble with fear for the coming cutback in business when HTPC users, who like and are used to using thier HD decoders are robbed on the opportunity to do so. PowerDVD 9 is of cuz still a really good Blu-ray player but who cares about that...it is the decoders i wanna have and use in other windows software. I think the latest version of ArcsoftTMT has the same shit, but it makes no difference cuz arcsoft lies lightyears behind Cyberlink decoderwise anyway. Hope you dont take anything i say personally, the aim with this is only to make people in general aware of what is happening with PowerDVD and the downside of buying it.


EDIT: By the way...since you are using WinXP i dont think you get DXVA with the EVR renderer on that OS. Hence the 35% CPU load. Overlay Mixer, VMR-7 or VMR-9 are the ones to use for DXVA. Recommended is the VMR-9 according to this site:


But if you are having problems with CoreAVC with these renderers maybe PowerDVD 8 is the right choice for you.

Edited by majstang
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