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Recommended "Retune on missing stream after..." setting


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What is a recommended setting to put in the "Retune on missing stream..." field? I am using FireDTVs. I have tried different values, but none have completely convinced me and I just wanted to see what a general best practice is.

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I agree, but I think that it's precisely because "it depends" that this is an interesting question. There is more than one answer, but that doesn't mean there aren't patterns. A helpful answer would be to provide a case scenario and what has worked best for you, or hasn't worked. I've looked around on the forums and in the help manual, and there is simply no guidance whatsoever on this topic.


Another thing which would be helpful to understand more is how this option works from a technical point of view. For example, if I put in "1 second" does the tuner just go crazy and keep retuning without waiting for a response, or does it wait for a response, then wait 1 second if the stream is empty, and then try again? This is the type of information I am hoping for.

Edited by JoeH
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As far as I understand, the tuner tries to tune a channel. If it can't tune after x seconds then it tries again and so on. If it can tune it stops retuning. I tried several settings but can't recommend one. This option should not effect every tuning process. It is designed as a fall back in case the tuner didn't tune the channel directly. SO if you set it to 10 seconds then the second try will come after 10 seconds. SO you have to wait. If you set it to 1 seconds it might be to fast so the tuner might have tuned it after 2 seconds anyway. So just try some settings and see what works best for you

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As far as I remember this feature was added (at least mainly) to help users with motorized dish, because tuners remained stucked after the (unique) attempt to tune was failed because it was made too early - ie with the dish not already in the commanded position; considered that the time to move a dish from one position to another was unpredictable (so a unique delay wasn't useful...), DVBViewer programmers discussing with various users opted for this workaround, that have the advantage to be useful as well for other "tuner stucked" events (ie bad weather, poor signal and so on...)



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