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New RS 1.6.5 and plugins


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I've just installed new RS 1.6.5 and I saw that plugins in plugins\plugins1 was not loaded anymore. Do I have to change anything in the configuration or it is an unaspected issue?




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  • 3 weeks later...

It is pretty strange, though. If I manually start DVBVservice.exe, the plugin is working. In the taskbar appears a small icon I can click on for configuration. If I click on Start Service in the Recording Service, the same EXE file appears in the task manager (DVBVservice.exe) but my plugin doesn't load.


Does anybody know the difference between these two methods for starting the service?

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I assume that's why there is a small window if I start DVBVservice.exe manually. However, do the different rights contexts really explain why my plugin doesn't work.


Do you know another way for solving this problem? When searching the internet, older posts always state that the plugin works if placed in the correct directory (Plugins/Plugins1).

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