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RS 1.7.1 Unicode problem

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At least one, that i noticed: Italian sybbol "è" is shown as "�".


How it is in RS 1.7.1:



How it should be(from SkyGuidaTv website):




And one suggestion about Timeline, if you don't mind: to see EPG Info you have to click the top half of the box(yellow rectagle).



Would be more comfortable if we could click anywhere inside the box.

Edited by iriskin
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I'm sure the "�" is a problem of the transmitted EPG itself, not a unicode problem, otherwise all chars over #127 would be shown wrong no matter which language (also the german "üöäß", which works without problems).


@Gioxy reported something similar when we switched to unicode in the DVBViewer and after a long time searching we found it is transmitted that (wrong) way on certain channels. Nothing we can do about.


And one suggestion about Timeline, if you don't mind: to see EPG Info you have to click the top half of the box(yellow rectagle).

Replace the timeline.html file in the svcweb folder with the one in the attached zip file and stop/start the service.

Sorry this had unwanted sideeffects, so I removed it again. I'll think about a solution.

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