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Potential bug in the main Scanner window


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Hi, all,

I'm running DVBViewer Pro V4.80.1, but don't know when the following bug actually started -- it doesn't seem to be an entirely new one.

Usually I tick the "In-depth search" check box of the Scanner dialog whenever I want to scan one or more transponders. However, if I tick this check box and perform a scan, the check box will automatically revert to its unchecked state even before closing the dialog. So if I want to perform another scan in the same open dialog, I have to tick that check box again.

As a comparison, this doesn't happen with "Only active channels." That is, if I untick it, it remains unchecked until the dialog is open regardless of the scans performed. I understand why these check boxes should return to their original state, but the first one incorrectly gets unchecked after each scan and before closing the dialog.

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The In-Depth search does only work for full transponder list scans.

What it does is scanning the NIT for new transponder entries and adding the new transponders at the end of the transponderlist.

In a full scan they would be also scanned, but if you only scan one or a few transponder, this setting has no effect at all.


The new transponders are NOT stored in the transponderlist files. For this transedit is much better suited.

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Thanks for the clarification, Lars. I thought the In-depth Search could also affect scans of single or multiple transponders.

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