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Web interface

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I like the new Web Interface in 1.7.2, particularly the quick record sequence from the new Programme List, and the fact that it closes the menu box for you.

When I first log-on, I get the old Programme List screen - is this because I didn't delete the two .DLL files mentioned in the install instructions? To be honest I was in a bit of a rush and I couldn't find the folder they were supposed to be in! I can live with this tiny problem but will it bite me with something more serious?

To be hypecritical, it would be even nicer if the Programme List would stay on the station I left it on when I go to another list and not go back to the top.

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When I first log-on, I get the old Programme List screen - is this because I didn't delete the two .DLL files mentioned in the install instructions? To be honest I was in a bit of a rush and I couldn't find the folder they were supposed to be in! I can live with this tiny problem but will it bite me with something more serious?

No, I forgot to change the default in the recording service settings for the new page.

Just select in the configuration program the channel epg page again and it will work as expected.


In the next version the problem will be fixed.

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