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Hauppauge 930c No hardware available


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Sorry to bother you again :-(

I did a clean install of win 7 and now DVBViewer dosnt recognize the dvb-c in my hybrid usb tv card Hauppauge 930c.

I am running DVBViewer

Transedit says "initializing the dvb devise has failed". I have tried with the database file "OldEMPIADriver_BDADevices.dat" and it comes up with two new devices, but still no hardware avaiable.

I have tried to do what i did last time i had problems My link but i cant seem to make things work.



I hope someone can help me

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remove the bdadevices.dat. Enable Automodulation in the DVBViewer -> Hardware options.


Thank you for your answer, but unfortunately "force auto modulation" dosn't do it :-(

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I tried changing vendor fron 28 to 4 in the appdata>DVBViewer>cmuv>hardware.xml like i did when i had problems with,


Maybe there is a solution for DVBViewer Pro 4.8.1. Please try the following:


- Close DVBViewer Pro


- Open the file hardware.xml in the configuration folder with a text editor and change the value 28 in the entry


    <entry name="Vendor">28</entry>


for the DVB-C tuner to 4.


- Save the changed hardware.xml and relaunch DVBViewer Pro. It should now behave like the TransEdit test version with "Force Auto Modulation" unticked.


Please note: Performing Options -> Hardware -> Scan Devices restores the previous value!


but it seems like adding this string to the hardware.xml <entry name="useMSNP">1</entry> did the trick :-D


I do not know what usemsnp does exactly, but everything is fine and i'm not getting the no hardware available message anymore

For info i do not use the OldEMPIADriver_BDADevices.dat and there is no "force auto modulation" option anymore in the DVBViewer>settings>hardware


Hope this can help someone

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