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Select format as *.mpg, but saves as *.ts


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I've noticed that using the web interface to add a timer to record the EM 2012 games that my files are being saved as *.ts even though I request *.mpg. This does not happen if I use the DVBViewer GUI.


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Thanks for the link, but what is the purpose of your post?


In the DVBViewer GUI .mpg is the default and works and is not the issue. Here I'm talking about DVBViewer recording service, .mpg here is the default. I selected .mpg in the timer, however when the recording began it was saved as a .ts. Also opening the timer, the option had changed to .ts.


Clearly this is a bug that I have recreated many times, just looking for a fix.

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Well, the point with the link was this section:


Video/Audio PS (*.mpg)

The "Program Stream" is the usual format for playing DVB-video recordings on the PC. For radio recordings the DVBViewer Recording Service switches automatically to the audio format MP2 (a predecessor of MP3) or to AC3. Recordings of HDTV broadcasts in the new H.264 compression standard, for which the MPEG format is unsuitable, will be recorded in TS format.

Subtitles can not be saved in this container format.


Meaning if the EM 2012 broadcast was in HD the recording will be saved as .ts despite you have .mpg as default. Don't know what you're referring to when saying it works in the DVBViewer GUI.

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