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Best way to remote access recordings.


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Hi, I am going away with work next week to a farflung country, but I can't miss out on my Formula One addiction :-)


My main Windows PC is what I use recordingservice on, to record F1 from RTL. However it wakes up to record and shuts down afterwards.


I have a sheevaplug "NAS" like device as a always on server, that has Web, FTP and other services running.


WHat will be my best strategy if I want to get to my F1 recordings remotely?



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Can you send a wake-on-lan to your RS computer from your NAS? Should work, as long as your PC is using LAN and not wi-fi for network connection.

Edited by ml 05019
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It's not the waking up of the WindowsPC that the problem (it wakes, records, sleeps), it's accessing the file remotely.


Is there some way I can automatically copy the file after recording completes, before it sleeps? Or an alternative solutions?

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You could create a post-recording task to copy the file to your NAS as the recording ends.


Create a .bat file that contains:


copy "c:\your-recording-folder\%~1" "\\yournas\sharedfolder\%~1"


(adjust as neccesary!)


Then, in the Recording Service config, create a Task to run this BAT file and add a parameter of "{FILENAME_EXT}" (include the quotes). You can now make this Task the "Default Task after recording" in the config and it will run for all timers, or you can assign it to individual timers or searches. The service should then run it as the recording stops, copy the file and the put the PC to sleep.

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I do the same with my recordings.

I Created a batch file, that runs as a "job" after recording.

This batch automatically transcodes the recordings and pushes them via FTP on my ftp-server (running on a fritzbox router) in Asia and shuts down the computer after that.

RS Configuration:



"C:\Program Files (x86)\Handbrake\HandBrakeCLI.exe" -i %1 -t 1 -c 1 -o %2  -f mp4 -O  -w 480 -l 272 -e x264 -b 500 --vfr  -a 1 -E faac -B 48 -6 stereo -R Auto -D 0 --gain=0 --audio-copy-mask none --audio-fallback ffac3 --markers="C:\Users\vel\AppData\Local\Temp\Record1-1-chapters.csv" -x ref=1:weightp=1:subq=2:rc-lookahead=10:trellis=0:8x8dct=0 --verbose=1
wput -B -nd --basename=C:\Users\Public\Videos\ %2 ftp://user:passwd@##...dns-at-home.com
ping localhost -n 5 >nul
rundll32.exe powrprof.dll,SetSuspendState


For the Klitschko fight last night, I ended up with file named:

2012-09-09_03-30-03_RTL NRW_RTL Boxen KlitschK.O. - Mission Moskau - Die Weltmeisterschaft im Schwergewicht Vitali Klitschko vs. Manuel Charr.m4v
Edited by vel2000
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