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uPnP not talking to XBMC properly


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I can't seem to play any uPnP media from Recording Service using XBMC.


XBMC can see the recording service uPnP and connect to it, then browse folders. But as soon as it gets to the end folder, the one that should have content in it, it just displays that folder name again, then if I select it, it displays it again, and on and on.


Is anyone else experiencing this? I'm using Frodo Beta 1 and the latest recording service.


I tried a different uPnP server through XBMC - Twonky - and that worked fine - could see media and play it.

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Sorry this isn't as bad as I first thought.


It was doing it all day yesterday but this morning I stopped and started the service - everything working OK now - I can see items, select them and stream them.


I'll have a look into it more and see if I can make it happen again.

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This is still happening.


I stopped Recording Service, enabled UPnP support, then started Recording Service again.


Opened XBMC


Went to files - DVBViewer UPnP Server (it's a saved source)


Saw root menu list - Recordings, audio, TV, Radio etc.


Selected 'Radio'


Saw new list with 2 options - '..' and 'Radio'. Selected 'Radio' - saw same again, same again, same again.


When I get bored of what seems an endless loop and start clicking '..' to come back up, I need to click one '..' for each 'Radio' I selected.


It does this for most options, but for Recordings I did see the sub menu - 'All', 'By Channel' etc.


Selecting All did present me with a list of recordings, and I could select one and watch it.


When I stopped and went back to the Recordings sub menu, selecting 'By channel', for example, sent be back into the endless loop again. Although going back into 'All' still worked OK.


Selecting a different UPnP server, a Twonky one, worked fine.


Let me know if there's anything else I can do to help.


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Sorry can't confirm it. Which XBMC version do you use?

Sorry didn't see the frodo beta 1. Next time please use the version number not some made up code name. ;)


Please inform the XBMC people of this problem, or use the official release of XBMC.

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