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For tuner=1 I get

<channel nr="0" name="TV 2 News" EPGID="281479274366084" ID="3431743092789150852" >
<tuner tnrtype="0" group="0" flags="24"
freq="834000" symb="6900" LOF="0" PMT="156" satmod="0" AVformat="0" FEC="0" pol="5" OrbPos="4000" Tone="0" EPGFlag="0" 
DiSEqCVal="0" DiSEqC="3" alang="dan" APID="1561" VPID="1560" TSID="41" TelePID="1569" NID="1" SID="1156" PCRPID="1560" >

The tuner the end tag is missing, should be:

<channel nr="0" name="TV 2 News" EPGID="281479274366084" ID="3431743092789150852" >
<tuner tnrtype="0" group="0" flags="24" 
freq="834000" symb="6900" LOF="0" PMT="156" satmod="0" AVformat="0" FEC="0" pol="5" OrbPos="4000" Tone="0" EPGFlag="0" 
DiSEqCVal="0" DiSEqC="3" alang="dan" APID="1561" VPID="1560" TSID="41" TelePID="1569" NID="1" SID="1156" PCRPID="1560" >


Could you please document the 64 bit ID number?

For now I use


 FavoriteChannelID := (TunerType+1) shl 29 + APID shl 16 + SID; //639173764


I know this has changed a long time ago. I use the upper formula and COM interface to detect favorites.


I think I then can avoid using COM when importing EPG into RS (Xepg, channel pairing).

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Oh the closing "/" is missing before the ">". corrected.


The 64bit ID is calculated as follows:

Service ID + AudioPID x 2^16 + (Tunertyp+1) x 2^29 + TransportstreamID x 2^32 + (OrbitalPosition x 10) x 2^48 + TV/Radio-Flag x 2^61


Tunertyp =

- DVB-C = 0

- DVB-S = 1

- DVB-T = 2

- ATSC = 3

- DVB-IPTV = 4


Orbitalposition (in degree) * 10 (for DVB-T/C-Pseudo-degreenumbers 500/400)


TV/Radio-Flag (2 Bit, 0 = not defined, 1 = TV, 2 = Radio)

Calculated as: Ord(tuner.Flags and cVideoService = 0) +1;where  cVideoService = 8;

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Thanks, very usefull.


I guess it does not really make sence to ask RS whether a channel is a favorite one. well, RS knows the favorites for the local client.


What is the best way to figure out?



Could you please document flags and EPGFlag as well.



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The RS doesn't anything about favorites. it just delivers the favourites.xml from the local folder.


Could you please document flags and EPGFlag as well.

see grigas doku in the membersarea: "epg.dat/channels.dat structure"


The EPGFlag shows which EPG Sources are allowed for a channel.



epgEIT = 1; // EPG From the TS Stream

epgIntern = 2; // EPG from an internal source (siehfern, mhw etc.)

epgextern = 4; // EPG from an external source.

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  • 2 months later...

Uhm...can not get the XML data with this api command, result is always Error 404 not found. The other commands/requests like api/getchannelsdat.html or api/recordings.html work perfect.

Any idea? Thx for help

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It gives me what's in my favourites, but it looks like it's not presented with the xml wrapper so the browser doesn't parse as xml and presents it as html




...and what has it to do with the question about GETCHANNELSXML.HTML in this topic?

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That's nice that it works for you, but it does not for me. So please has somebody an idea? Has it a relation to the DVBViewer itself or only the RecordingService?


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That's nice that it works for you, but it does not for me. So please has somebody an idea? Has it a relation to the DVBViewer itself or only the RecordingService?


Recording Service 1.24 or newer is required...

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Ciao Vino


Hatte eine Doppel-Installation ohne es zu bemerken, ist wohl mal bei einem Update was schief gelaufen. Jetzt geht's grundsätzlich. Bin gerade etwas am rumbasteln, da ich wiedermal ein wenig Zeit habe.


Bei der Abfrage erhalte ich im Firefox einen XML Fehler:

XML-Verarbeitungsfehler: nicht wohlgeformt
Zeile Nr. 76, Spalte 7:426 - 4


Das Zeichen hat den ASCII Code 63 (ist eigentlich das "?"). Scheint ein ANSI Problem zu sein. Hast du in deriner App beim parsen etwas ähnliches bemerkt?


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Also bei meiner Senderliste hab ich keine Probleme beim Parsen.


Probiers doch mal mit meiner App, ich hab mal ne Testversion für nen kyrillischen user gemacht, da gibts auch keine Probleme.




K.a. ob der Link jetzt funktioniert, falls nicht am issue 33 auf google code hängt das mit dran ;-)


Edit: die apk hängt am issue 33 nicht 31...

Edited by VinoRosso
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