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Sat>IP Viewer for iOS/Android (Mobile/Tablet/TV)

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As you might know we plan to publish a Sat>IP Player for iOS, Android and other Devices.

The application itself is feature complete and right now i run final tests, before i will publish it in the store(s). The first release will hit the iOS store (probably next month) and later (if there is interest in) i will publish it for Android.




The player is able to handle SD and HD channels (incl. Mpeg2, H264, AAC and various other formats) and supports GPU for decoding. Further more it shows Teletext and Subtitles and work together with DVB-C(2), -T(2) and -S(2) Sat>IP Servers. It even offers the ability to add internet streams as sources, if you don't have a Sat>IP device. I will post more information (screenshots) in this thread, so stay tuned :)


The interface is shown either in german or english. If people willing to translate, i would be glad.


iOS https://itunes.apple.com/de/app/sat-ip-viewer/id1119088164


Android https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.cmuv.SatIPViewer



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'Current', 'Next', '%s to %s (%s min remain)',
'%s to %s', 'No data available.', 'Visibility', 'TV channels',
'Radio channels', 'FreeToAir channels', 'Encrypted channels',
'Only Favorites', 'Sorting', 'Sort TV Direction', 'Sort by name A-Z',
'Sort by name Z-A', 'VIEW', 'Live', 'Guide', 'OTHERS', 'Settings', 'Status',
'Imprint/Notes', 'Device', 'Tuner type', 'Manufacturer', 'Model',
'Serialnumber', 'IP-Adress', 'Use Device', 'No', 'Yes', 'Device-Parameter',
'Tuner type', 'Transponder', 'LNB Type', 'DiSEqC', 'Settings',
'Update channels', 'Only free to air', 'Find other transponders',
'Create new channel list', 'Search', '%d Channels found.', 'Abort', 'Back',
'Settings', 'Ok', 'Channels', 'Search channels', '%d Channel',
'Sort channels', 'Delete', 'Do you want to delete all selected channels?',
'pull to refresh', 'release to refresh', 'Add Source',
'Please enter the link to the M3U file, ' + 'in order to add new channels.',
'No reception.', 'A reminder has been set.', 'Quality', 'Signal', 'Edit',
'Mark All', 'Do you really want to quit?','Quit application',
'Nothing to see here.','There are no records to show you right now.'




I do plan some guide explanation with fingertips. They might require additional translation, but at the moment thats all of the text.

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I’m really looking forward for the Android version :D


What exactly do you mean by “other devices”?

Supporting also Android based devices like e.g the FireTV box (including the remote control functionality) would be great.

This could turn such boxes into low-cost streaming clients for the RecordingService.

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The first idea was to create a Sat>IP player for AppleTV and those Android based HDMI sticks. Since a couple reasons (according to several NDAs i won't explain it further) of it came to a phone/tablet version instead (resp. first). Today i started the Android build, because i did not found issues to fix anymore on the iOS build.


I hope to get a first version running tomorrow evening and a hardware accelerated build on monday. One of the biggest issues on iOS still is that those HD channels run more fluent, than these SD channels. I assume this will be similar under Android.


Btw. the Tablet version will look like this:


IMG_1414.jpg IMG_1416.jpg

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okay, thanks for explaining this. Just let me know if you need additional beta testers on Android (phone, tablet, FireTV available)

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Well not that soon i guess. I got the first version working here on my tablet, but it is slower than expected. After i fixed the crashes i will continue in improving the performance.

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Okay, it took more than i expected to get the application working almost fine on my 3 year old Huawei phablet (the screenshot is from yesterday). Somehow the app crashed from time to time and it took almost a day to find the possible reasons. I hope i got them, at least i haven't any crash since the last 2 hours.




I still did not get HD channels running with more than 15 fps here, even if i use the hardware acceleration, but SD runs fine and internet streams do also work like if they are played with the native media player. I honestly have no idea why this is, but if i don't be able to fix this till end of the next week, i will finish at least the iOS version. Maybe somebody could translate the few phrases? I love the idea to have the application in more than 2 languages available.



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Thanks, i added a few lines of text in the meantime and i did the Android support *jay*





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translation Latin Spanish 1.0 Sat>IP Player:

'Corriente', 'Siguiente', 'de %s a %s (%s minutos restantes)',

'de %s a %s', 'Datos no disponibles.', 'Visibilidad', 'canales de TV',

'Canales de radio', 'Canales en abierto', 'Canales codificados',

'Sólo los favoritos', 'Clasificación', 'Orden de canales', 'Ordenar por nombre A-Z',

'Ordenar por nombre Z-A', 'VER', 'Live', 'Guía', 'OTROS', 'Ajustes', 'Estado',

'Imprimir/Notas', 'Dispositivo', 'Tipo de sintonizador', 'Fabricante', 'Modelo',

'Número de serie', 'Dirección IP', 'Uso dispositivo', 'No', 'Si', 'Parámetro-Dispositivo',

'Tipo de sintonizador', 'Transpondedor', 'Tipo de LNB', 'DiSEqC', 'Ajustes',

'Actualizar canales', 'Solo señales abierta', 'Encuentra otros transpondedores',

'Crear nueva lista de canales', 'Buscar', '%d Canales encontrado.', 'Acerca de', 'Volver',

'Ajustes', 'Ok', 'Canales', 'Canales de búsqueda', '%d Canal',

'Ordenar canales', 'Borrar', '¿Quieres borrar todos los canales seleccionados?',

'Click para refresca ', 'Refresca al iniciar', 'Agregar fuente',

'Por favor, introduzca el enlace M3U o PLIST, '+' con el fin de añadir nuevos canales.',

'No hay recepción.', 'Un recordatorio se ha establecido.', 'Calidad', 'Señal', 'Editar',

'Marca TODO'

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Small correction:

it's ADDRESS, not adress in English ;)

Here's a brief DUTCH translation:


'Huidig', 'Volgend', '%s tot %s (%s minuten resterend)',
'%s to %s', 'Geen data beschikbaar.', 'Zichtbaarheid', 'TV Kanalen',
'Radio kanalen', 'Free To Air kanalen', 'Geënncrypteerde kanalen',
'Enkel Favorieten', 'Sorteren', 'Sorteer TV Richting', 'Sorteer per naam A-Z',
'Sorteer per naam Z-A', 'KIJKEN', 'Live', 'Gids', 'ANDERS', 'Instellingen', 'Status',
'Opmerkingen/Notities', 'Toestel', 'Tuner type', 'Fabrikant', 'Model',
'Serienummer', 'IP Adres', 'Gebruik device', 'No', 'Yes', 'Device-Parameter',
'Tuner type', 'Transponder', 'LNB Type', 'DiSEqC', 'Instellingen',
'Update kanalen', 'Enkel Free To Air', 'Vind andere transponders',
'Maak een nieuwe kanalenlijst', 'Zoek', '%d kanalen gevonden.', 'Afbreken', 'Terug',
'Instellingen', 'Ok', 'kanalen', 'Zoek kanalen', '%d Kanaal',
'Sorteer kanalen', 'Wis', 'Wil je alle geselecteerd kanalen wissen?',
'Swipe naar beneden om vernieuwen', 'laat los om te vernieuwen', 'Voeg bron toe',
'Vul de URL in van de M3U file, ' + 'om nieuwe kanalen toe te voegen.',
'Geen ontvangst.', 'Een herinnering is ingesteld', 'Kwaliteit', 'Signaal', 'Bewerken',
'Markeer Alles', 'Wil je de applicatie verlaten?','Verlaat applicatie',

'Niets te zien hier.','Momenteel zijn er geen records om weer te geven.'



More should be made clear when I can view the app, if needed please send me a beta version of the APK. I can test on a Sony Experia Z1 Compact device.

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Muchas gracias, resp dank u.


Niets te zien hier might be not the best translation. It is shown, if no epg data is available.




My german translation is: "Keine Anzeige möglich". Resp. "Es sind keine Einträge für die Darstellung vorhanden."


Right now the H264 hardware acceleration does not work under Android and i have no idea why. The native google player is capable playing my hd recordings, but my (i use mediacodec for decoding) solution runs extremely slow. Besides that, iOS runs surprisingly well since a couple of weeks :)

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Not really. By default you have Astra 19.2 already bundled with the app. If you want different orbit position(s) (or other media like cable or terrestrial) you need the scanner. This one is really fast, so it should not take much time to scan. You also have a channel editor inside, but honestly sorting 1000 or more stations on a tablet is a pain :)


It looks like this and you can drag&drop the items.




I actually prefer the set a channel as favorite and show only these channels as best way to display the stations.



PS: I'm open for other suggestions, once the app is available. It is quite hard to invent something new, because i did not find real competitive applications. What works fine on a Desktop fails horribly on a mobile device resp. tablet.

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Is it possible to use the channels.dat for the app?

It would be better to support the official Sat>IP solution for clients to get a channel list from the Sat>IP server.

If available the Server announces the channel list via "satip:X_SATIPM3U".


And it is supported by the RS. So you would have the channel list from the RS (and other Sat>IP server which support this) without channel scan in the client.


http://www.satip.info/resources (satip_specification_version_1_2_2.pdf page 22)

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Here's the Italian translation:

'Attuale', 'Prossimo', '%s a %s (%s min restanti)',
'%s a %s', 'Dati non disponibili.', 'Visibilità', 'Canali TV',
'Canali Radio', 'Canali in chiaro', 'Canali criptati',
'Solo Preferiti', 'Ordina', 'Ordina i canali TV', 'Ordine alfabetico A-Z',
'Ordine alfabetico Z-A', 'VEDI', 'Live', 'Guida', 'ALTRI', 'Impostazioni', 'Stato',
'Colophon/Note', 'Dispositivo', 'Tipo di ricevitore', 'Marca', 'Modello',
'Numero di Serie', 'Indirizzo IP', 'Usa dispositivo', 'No', 'Si', 'Parametri dispositivo',
'Tipo di ricevitore', 'Transponder', 'Tipo di LNB', 'DiSEqC', 'Impostazioni',
'Aggiorna i Canali', 'Solo Canali in chiaro', 'Trova altri Transponder',
'Crea Nuova Lista Canali', 'Cerca', '%d Canali trovati.', 'Annulla', 'Indietro',
'Impostazioni', 'Ok', 'Canali', 'Cerca Canali', '%d Canale',
'Ordina Canali', 'Cancella', 'Vuoi davvero cancellare i Canali selezionati?',
'Trascina per aggiornare', 'Lascia per aggiornare', 'Aggiungi lista M3U',
'Inserisci il link al file M3U, ' + 'per aggiungerne i Canali.',
'Segnale assente.', 'È stato impostato un appunto.', 'Qualità', 'Segnale', 'Modifica',
'Seleziona tutti', 'Vuoi davvero chiudere?','Chiudi',

'Niente da vedere.','Al momento non ci sono voci.'

Cheers :bye:

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Is the following also translated correct:


'Playlist' > 'Scaletta',

'Available Channels' > 'Canali disponibili'




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By the way, the website is up: http://www.DVBViewer.tv/SatIP/index.html


I will do several test on multiple devices in the next days, but i'm confident to upload the first release on Monday. Not sure, but the time between uploading and releasing has been drastically decreased on apple store since a few weeks. So i assume later next week you will be able to get the iOS version. After this i will finish the Android version.


I also made a neat small feature in the channel list. The separator between time and epg context will now be colored:


#99b433 Other/Unknown

#2b5797 Movie/Drama

#2d89ef News/Current affairs
#da532c Show/Game show
#00aba9 Sports
#ee1111 Children's/Youth programmes
#ffc40d Music/Ballet/Dance
#e3a21a Arts/Culture
#7e3878 Social/Political issues
#00a300 Education/Science/Factual topics
#603cba Leisure hobbies
#ff0097 Special
#1e7145 Other/Unknown
#9f00a7 Other/Unknown
#b91d47 Other/Unknown
#808040 Other/Unknown


The colors are based on the metro style guide and look nice on white background.



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Can I perform a beta test on a Sony Experia Z1 Compact? This device is known to have audio issues with some apps because it uses 2 speakers. I had troubles with a german app of Innovaphone and I had to use the JAVA Audio API instead of the default one.

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Thanks for the offer, but this is not yet required. I hope that next week the iOS build is published and then i will complete the Android one.

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I had a set back with the iOS build. Apple rejected it because "the App contains features to stream TV channels" >_<

Even explaining what Sat>IP stands for did not helped. The last release had a pre defined satellite list for Astra 19.2° which i removed in the hope they will now accept it. So you have to do a channel scan once installed the app. Anyhow i feel a bit ridiculed by the way Apple does the test procedure. Even if the delay between upload and review has been drastically improved, the quality how they check the app suffers extremely. I remember uploading my first app (the Minicraft Port - https://github.com/TetrisSQC/Minicraft-Delphi-Port) and the way how i got feedback. I learned a lot after this, but nowadays well at least you do not have to wait more than a few days till you get an answer...


I made a small video to show, how to scan for channels in the home network:




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Yay, after a painful week to get into the iOS store, the SAT>IP Viewer is finally available. In the mean time i partially added UPNP/DLNA support which will come in the next release. I also continued working on the Android build, which might become available next week *yay*

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Hello, the app crashed a few times. It works to update the m3u channel list of my RS but streaming channels doesn't seem to work in Ipad2. Also a lot of things aren't translated yet and are still in German.

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Ipad2 is quite near the minimum specs. The problem is that Mpeg2 has to become decoded by software which requires on high bit rates a lot CPU power. I only use the GPU for conversions into YUV/NV12 into RGB for the video. I also use video toolbox for H264, so you might have slightly better behavior on HD channels in several cases.

Fullscreen (without the controls on the left) should work better. I honestly tested it only on my IPad Air and iPhone 5 and a 6 and there it runs nicely.

What entries are still in german, because the app itself is english and become translated if the system language differs.

When does the app crash?


The scanner is the same like in the current pro version of the DVBViewer. Anyhow you can not edit transponder lists, but if you have one for your region feel free to sent it to me. I will update the database in the next release. So far you should use "Find other Transponders". This way a NIT scan is performed and all missing transponders will be found.

If you use the Recording Service as SAT>IP device you also can override the scan procedure and go to Settings->Select the DVBViewer Media Server device->Click on playlist.

The channels are automatically updated and imported then.



PS: I completed UPNP/DLNA support today and do several tests. So the next update can come within 14 days. Depending on how long apple take this time to approve the app :)

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I have installied it on a new iPad Pro and an iPhone 5s.

It is still buggy. ?

Playback on the iPhone 5s is choppy and I am missing an option to stop or pause playback.

Furthermore, encrypted channels don't work, although the corresponding tweak in RS is set.

For me the app is a work in progress, but I am certain it will eventually improve.





Update: The app is not useable on an iPhone 5s, sorry ?. It stalls and playback freezes quite often.

Edited by Rheinländer
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As i said the decoding process for SD channels requires a fast CPU on mobile devices, especially when the Bitrates are high. While DVB-T stations run fine on my iPhone 5, ARD&ZDF sent on Astra can push the device to the limit. HD runs slightly better that SD, since video toolbox API offers hardware powered decoding.

You should use the landscape mode (fullscreen) mode for watching tv. In this mode the YUV video is drawn on a quad in OpenGL only and no further elements are painted (except the OSD).


Encrypted channels only work if you have a cam in your Digitaldevices STB.


Could you please check the landscape mode resp. fullscreen mode?

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Most likely, the app is located i quite a niche market and i do plan to publish updates on a frequent base. Next release has a few performance updates and the UPNP Client support. Which is quite cool if you want to watch previous recorded videos.



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Habe die App gekauft. Bin gespannt, wie sich die weiter entwickelt.


Ich sehe derzeit nur die Free2Air-Programme vom Recording Service nach dem Import der RS-Senderliste. Entspricht ja auch der Spezifikation von SAT>IP nur auf dem Client zu entschlüsseln.


Wir es durch die UPNP-Erweiterung trotzdem möglich sein, auch die Programme zu sehen, die vom Recording Service im CAM entschlüsselt werden?


Schönen Sonntag!

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Wir es durch die UPNP-Erweiterung trotzdem möglich sein, auch die Programme zu sehen, die vom Recording Service im CAM entschlüsselt werden?


Stoppe den RS, starte RSTweaker.bat, aktiviere im Tweaker "Verschlüsselten Sender anhand PIDs suchen (RTSP)" und lies dir die Beschreibung dazu durch. Könnte eventuell weiterhelfen...

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