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Problem with smooth TV viewing after updating to

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Posted (edited)

After upgrading DVBViewer to, I am having trouble watching my DVB-C cable smoothly.
There is image tearing, artifacts and freezing of the image.
It happens that the program either crashes or turns off completely after changing the channel.
The lav codec configuration is the same as on, which I still have on the old system on a second disk. In these problems do not occur. The picture is sharp and smooth. So this is not the fault of my cable provider. Anyway, on the current system also everything was fine before upgrading from to
Running in debug mode somewhat eliminates these problems.
My configuration:
Processor: Intel i7 10700F
Graphics Card: Gigabyte RTX 3060Ti
Driver: 461.72
Tuner: Technisat CableStar HD2
I attach the file support.zip




Edited by topiq

Small update.
Restoring version did not help.
Version on the other SSD works fine, but the version of that Windows 10 is 19042.746 and the Nvidia drivers are 461.40
The version of Windows 10 that is having problems is 19042.844 and the Nvidia drivers are 461.72.
Is it possible that the problem is caused by Windows 10 updates or the latest Nvidia drivers?


Is the number of dicontinuities increasing over time and do they coincide with the artifacts?


Discontinuities are drop-outs in the stream received by DVBViewer, either due to bad reception conditions or because the DVB device driver loses data, for whatever reason. Several users encountered this issue after updating to Windows 10 2004 (mostly with USB devices) and had to search for more up-to-date drivers.


Unfortunately this is not possible for TechniSat devices. The company has closed its PC section some years ago. The drivers are not designed for Windows 10, so chances are that they will stop working properly (or at all) after a Windows 10 feature update.


Posted (edited)

Występowanie artefaktów nie zawsze pokrywa się z liczbą nieciągłości. Zdarza się, że pojawiają się artefakty i ilość nieciągłości nie rośnie, również błąd PCR / PTS Gap pojawia się dopiero po dłuższym czasie i czasem od razu jak np. Na chwalonej przeze mnie drugiej wersji systemu na drugim dysku. System pochwaliłem zbyt szybko, chyba że Windows 10 zdążył w międzyczasie zainstalować coś w tle.
Wczoraj przez 15 minut nie było ani jednego artefaktu, a dziś nagle pojawiły się błędy jak na poniższym zrzucie ekranu.
Ten model Technisat CableStar HD2 jest wyposażony w złącze PCI. Nie było problemów z ich instalacją.
Chociaż jest to nowoczesna płyta główna Gigabyte H470 HD3, to ma jedno złącze PCI, które działało bez żadnych problemów.
Sygnał jak widać to 98%, na telewizorze nie ma żadnych artefaktów. Kabel jest mocno przykręcony złączem F do tunera.
Odbierane kanały są niekodowane, ponieważ nie mam miejsca na kartę C / I i jest ona aktualnie odłączona. Kanały SD również pokazują pewne artefakty.
Nadal jutro zadzwonię do dostawcy telewizji, aby sprawdzić, czy coś robią z sygnałem. Tuner PC jest znacznie bardziej wrażliwy na takie spadki niż telewizor Samsunga.


Zrzut ekranu (20) .jpg


There is a new error: Graph too late.
Unfortunately there is no more space for a screenshot.

Edited by topiq

I tested two other programs and unfortunately the same thing happens there. It seems that DVBViewer is not to blame for these problems. I will keep looking and try Windows 7 on the HDD.
Thank you for your help and best regards.


By mistake two posts above instead of translated text I pasted in Polish, and chrome automatically translates for me so I didn't notice that I pasted the source text instead of the translation :)Text translated:

The occurrence of artifacts does not always coincide with the number of discontinuities. It happens that artifacts appear and the number of discontinuities does not grow, also the PCR / PTS Gap error appears only after a long time and sometimes immediately as for example on the praised by me second version of the system on the second disk. I praised the system too quickly, unless Windows 10 managed to install something in the background in the meantime.
Yesterday for 15 minutes there was not a single artifact, and today suddenly there were errors as in the screenshot below.
This Technisat CableStar HD2 model is equipped with a PCI connector. There were no problems installing them.
Although this is a modern Gigabyte H470 HD3 motherboard, it has one PCI connector which worked without any problems.
The signal as you can see is 98%, there are no artifacts on the TV. The cable is firmly screwed with F connector to the tuner.
The received channels are uncoded, because I have no place for C / I card and it is currently disconnected. SD channels are also showing some artifacts.
I will still call the TV provider tomorrow to see if they are doing something about the signal. The PC tuner is much more sensitive to such drops than the Samsung TV.


Today DVBViewer crashed twice on startup on the progress bar of the loading screen during Completing Initialization.
Only restarting the computer helped.

I uninstalled and reinstalled the LAV filters.
I set in Video A and B and Audio A and B LAV filters everywhere.
I turned on the NASA TV UHD channel and for 20 minutes I had only 8 Discontinuities at the very beginning after switching the channel.
No artifacts, clipping, signal transport speed stable 15MBit.
I switched to 1080p channel and within 3 minutes 3 times Error PCR/PTS Gap and a huge number of Discontinuities. I have no idea how to interpret this since there are no major problems on UHD.

Any suggestions, tips on what could be wrong with the setup?
I have a 2560x1440 144Hz monitor connected via DP and a 1080p TV connected via HDMI. Can this configuration cause problems? 

Changing the renderer does not help whether it is EVR , EVR Custom or Default.

I apologize for the inconvenience of translation by deepL service, I am 44 years old and most of my life I learned Russian, so English I know poorly.

Am 4.3.2021 um 20:05 schrieb topiq:

The signal as you can see is 98%, there are no artifacts on the TV.


A signal that is too strong may "overload" the tuner. This is a frequent problem with DVB-C devices. In this case an attenuator element may help.


Am 4.3.2021 um 20:05 schrieb topiq:

I switched to 1080p channel and within 3 minutes 3 times Error PCR/PTS Gap and a huge number of Discontinuities.


PCR/PTS Gap seems to be a subsequent error. DVBViewer gets a corrupted stream. All kinds of errors can result from it.


Am 4.3.2021 um 20:05 schrieb topiq:

Any suggestions, tips on what could be wrong with the setup?


Buy a new up-to-date DVB-C device that is suitable for Windows 10 and for which the manufacturer still provides driver updates, e.g. this one. IMO it will be very hard to find a solid solution as long as you are using the old CableStar HD2. Donate it to a museum :)


  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

Another interesting thing.
I wanted to record the desktop using Nvidia GeForce Experience. I turned on DVBViewer, task manager with the CPU tab.
When I turned on recording, the TV image in DVBViewer stopped stuttering and throwing artifacts. I was able to record for 10-15 minutes and zero errors, perfect picture. I don't know what's wrong anymore.

Edited by topiq
vor 7 Stunden schrieb topiq:

When I turned on recording, the TV image in DVBViewer stopped stuttering and throwing artifacts.


I would check if increasing the CPU load generally fixes the issue. It may be caused by energy saving options (also in the BIOS) that let the CPU temporarily change to deeper sleep states, so the tight timing requirements for receiving a live stream can't be fulfilled anymore. TV channels don't wait...



I'm going to make a test today and run a TV on one monitor and a game or something more CPU intensive like encoding material on the other. We will see what happens. I will also try disabling the power saving options and setting the clock to fixed. I will let you know if anything has changed.


Actually, it works. The game loaded the processor in the background, even slightly on all threads and the picture from the tuner was perfect and no jams. Now it remains to discover what to disable/enable in CPU power saving. Setting DVBViewer to high priority does not load the CPU sufficiently.

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