hackbart Posted February 15, 2005 Share Posted February 15, 2005 I'm to tired to write whats new More comes later today. Christian Link to comment
hackbart Posted February 16, 2005 Author Share Posted February 16, 2005 Okay, i'm happy to announce the new Version 3.0. First you might realize that the options dialog is completely different. This was necessary, because of the tons of new options. I recommend you study it for a while since it is the lynchpin of the new program. In order to manage your mediafiles you might take a look at the music, pictures and movie section. After adding a couple of virtual paths the files are registered and you will from now on be able to select and manage them inside the HTPC. The next thing is the Weather Retrieval System. I guess you might ask, what the heck i need such a thing inside a DVB program. Well you are right, but it is in almost every HTPC program, so now its also part of the DVBViewer. After entering your location the program is able to collect the data each time you select the weather section in the HTPC home. Attention: In order to get it work, you should download the Weather package which containst the required images. Further on, if you want graphical visualizations while radio/mp3 playback you have select the visual plugin in the visualization options. Attention: The program does not work with the old Visualplugin, so make sure you do no longer have this in use. Sonique Visuals can be retrieved from here: Sonique Visuals Also new is the ability to stream programs either via unicast or multicast. For this case you have to use the dvbserver which acts receives requests and transmits the required data. In the DVBViewer Options you have to select the DVB Device in the DirectX Section. You might wonder about the Recorder Window. These changes where necessary, because you are now able to record multiple channels in the background e.g. while playback of media files. Attention: During physical restrictions it is just logical that you are only able to record channels which are located on the same transponder, resp. dvb-t/atsc/cable channel. Christian PS: The htpc engine offers a lot of new features and i bet it will take a bit time to figure everything out, but its more than worth a try Link to comment
mccoy88f Posted February 16, 2005 Share Posted February 16, 2005 I'm very happy for the new version, a lot of intresting funcion, but i have found a bug! The program on exit will not close, when i click on X the program don't change. (I have try also with OSD exit command and exit menu command, nothing!) So i had to run task manager and manual close it. I want to ask you: were are the channel setting (and the setting) for DVB-T (and card)? Is there a mode to start directly in fullscreen mode with HTPC (OSD)? How many times for italian languge? THANKS A LOT!!! ANTONELLO I continue to try! P.S. Excuse me for the bad english i'italian. My configuration is: My PC is a notebook asus 1.6GHz Centrino 512 MB RAM, INTEGRATED audio and video (intel 82852/82855 GM/GME Graphic controller) No tehcnisat card (i'm waiting i have buy it on internet Airstar USB). Registred version of DVBViewer. Link to comment
boborg Posted February 16, 2005 Share Posted February 16, 2005 (edited) I also have the no close problem now after I installed the version with GDI Plus Extension. Happens in both W2k3 and XP. Edited February 16, 2005 by boborg Link to comment
otakuisland Posted February 16, 2005 Share Posted February 16, 2005 Hello! New version looks great, but is currently of NO USE! Everytime I try to close it keeps open and I can only close it in the Task Manager. As a result of this the settings are not beeing saved so I would have to start at the beginning each time I want to watch TV. A fix to that would be really apreciated since DVBViewer is the only TV I have. Another problem I noticed is, that a double-click does not swich to fullscreen anymore, regardless of what I chose in the settings. Please help!!!! Link to comment
Guest Oliver Posted February 16, 2005 Share Posted February 16, 2005 Just delete the setup.xml and restart the DVBViewer. Bye Link to comment
otakuisland Posted February 16, 2005 Share Posted February 16, 2005 Thanks a lot!! Now it works great! But what happened to WinLIRC? I can't find it anywhere, and it doesn't start with DVBViewer. Link to comment
hackbart Posted February 16, 2005 Author Share Posted February 16, 2005 erm Winlirc is not a part of the DVBViewer. If you did not put the winlirc.exe into your windows autostart you might be succeed by copying the winlirc.exe or ts_winlirc.exe into the DVBViewer 3.0 folder. It should start the tool automaticly if not already running. Christian Link to comment
otakuisland Posted February 17, 2005 Share Posted February 17, 2005 erm Winlirc is not a part of the DVBViewer. If you did not put the winlirc.exe into your windows autostart you might be succeed by copying the winlirc.exe or ts_winlirc.exe into the DVBViewer 3.0 folder. It should start the tool automaticly if not already running. Christian <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Sorry, my fault. Just uninstalled the Technisat Edition so I think it got lost with it. The main problems I had after installing have now been solved. The only thing that is not working by now is the EPG Window and the Timeline. But the OSD EPG is working. Again something to delete? Or a real bug?? Link to comment
Griga Posted February 17, 2005 Share Posted February 17, 2005 The only thing that is not working by now is the EPG Window and the Timeline. Are you using your old channel list? Then re-scan your channels. The 3.0 EPG requires additional data for a more precise channel distinction. Link to comment
strauch Posted February 19, 2005 Share Posted February 19, 2005 Hallo Christian, ich muss das ganze jetzt einfach mal auf Deutsch machen. Der 3.0er Release gefällt mir sehr sehr gut, wirklich spitze gemacht. Das neue OSD sieht Klasse aus und die Funktionen gefallen mir auf den ersten Blick auch sehr gut. Das einzige was mich stört ist das das OSD jetzt etwas unübersichtlich ist. Wenn ich da mal komplett durchgestiegen bin, mache ich mal eine Gliederung wie es mir besser gefallen würde. Aber das ganze macht richtig Spaß... Echt Klasse Arbeit. Vielen Dank! Link to comment
Guest Lars_MQ Posted February 19, 2005 Share Posted February 19, 2005 Das einzige was mich stört ist das das OSD jetzt etwas unübersichtlich ist. Wenn ich da mal komplett durchgestiegen bin, mache ich mal eine Gliederung wie es mir besser gefallen würde. Nö, brauchste nicht. Ich habe damit gerechnet, das man es nicht jedem recht machen kann und daher eine Möglichkeit der Anpassung vorgesehen. Geh einfach mal in Optionen / OSD Allgemein / OSD Menü, da kannste Dir das so zurechtschieben, wie Du es haben möchtest. Also alle OSD-Seiten zu den Hauptseiten zuordnen, wie es dir gefällt, und die abschalten, die Du nicht willst Allerdings gilt wie immer, wenn damit etwas nicht lösbar ist, sind ideen und vorschläge immer willkommen lars Link to comment
strauch Posted February 19, 2005 Share Posted February 19, 2005 Das einzige was mich stört ist das das OSD jetzt etwas unübersichtlich ist. Wenn ich da mal komplett durchgestiegen bin, mache ich mal eine Gliederung wie es mir besser gefallen würde. Nö, brauchste nicht. Ich habe damit gerechnet, das man es nicht jedem recht machen kann und daher eine Möglichkeit der Anpassung vorgesehen. Geh einfach mal in Optionen / OSD Allgemein / OSD Menü, da kannste Dir das so zurechtschieben, wie Du es haben möchtest. Also alle OSD-Seiten zu den Hauptseiten zuordnen, wie es dir gefällt, und die abschalten, die Du nicht willst Allerdings gilt wie immer, wenn damit etwas nicht lösbar ist, sind ideen und vorschläge immer willkommen lars <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Respekt... Mitgedacht. Mhh Das neue Optionsmenü gefällt mir gut... wenn ich da an alte WinDVBlive Zeiten denke *grusel* (tausend Menüs an 10 verschiedenen Orten) aber es ist halt auch extrem Umfangreich..... Ich muss ich da mal eindenken und wenn ich doch etwas habe melde ich mich. Danke für den Tip Link to comment
Guest Lars_MQ Posted February 19, 2005 Share Posted February 19, 2005 aber es ist halt auch extrem Umfangreich..... Ja das stimmt, aber vieles ist schon recht sinnvoll vorbelegt. Ich kann nur empfehlen die Hilfe für das OSD mal anzuschauen, dort sind viele der sachen erklärt, Optionen und OSD. I suggest to everybody have a look at the OSD-helpfile, it explains most of the new options and also the osd handling. Link to comment
Adzukibohne Posted February 22, 2005 Share Posted February 22, 2005 Funktioniert super die neue Version, bis auf schnellen Kanalwechsel, da hängt er sich regelmäßig auf, aber dann benützt man's halt nicht Was mir aber noch fehlt, ist eine gute MHP-Unterstützung, damit man so Angebote wie HOERZU DIGITAL benutzen kann. So weit ich weiß handelt es sich dabei ja um eine komplette und kostenlose Fernsehzeitung. Außerdem gibt es ja bereits einige andere Sender (ARD, ZDF,...viele Radiosender), die MHP-Daten senden. Also, wenn es irgendwie möglich wäre, würd ich mich ganz doll freun Link to comment
zoku2020 Posted February 23, 2005 Share Posted February 23, 2005 (edited) Ich habe im Moment das Problem, dass ich kein Bild bekomme... Und ich kann leider auch die Anzeigefilter nicht umstellen. Dieser menüpunkt ist wohl weg... Kann mir jemand helfen? edit: Sorry. hab nicht genau genug geguckt... Das Menü ist aber auch gigantisch geworden Alles in allem läuft Version 3 einfach nur super! Die alten haben immer geruckelt bei mir und das OSD lief garnicht... Jetzt ist alles super! (Nur mit der Screenshot-Funktion komm ich noch nicht klar, die ist bei mir ausgegraut Oo) Edited February 23, 2005 by zoku2020 Link to comment
mittern8 Posted February 23, 2005 Share Posted February 23, 2005 (Nur mit der Screenshot-Funktion komm ich noch nicht klar, die ist bei mir ausgegraut Oo) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Liegt wohl daran, dass Du Overlay nutzt. Wenn Du unter DirectX VMR anstelle von Overlay wählst, sollte Screenshot auch aktiv werden. Link to comment
Guest Oliver Posted February 23, 2005 Share Posted February 23, 2005 Screenshot geht auch mit Overlay, aber nur "unchanged", nicht mit dem Overlay Mixer. Bis dann Link to comment
mittern8 Posted February 24, 2005 Share Posted February 24, 2005 Screenshot geht auch mit Overlay, aber nur "unchanged", nicht mit dem Overlay Mixer. Bis dann <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Nie probiert, aber man lernt ja auch nie aus! Link to comment
oaks Posted February 25, 2005 Share Posted February 25, 2005 (edited) das warten hat sich gelohnt. super update! schade für die zeit die ich mit dem myHTPC vergeudet habe... zwei kleine probleme: 1. wetter: ich werde eure zwei ortschaften (erfurt und halle) nicht los. habe beide gelöscht und eine neue dazugetan. beim neustart sind aber beide wieder da... 2. ich hatte mit dem 2.x VMR 7 und semi-transparentes OSD. mit dem 3.x bring ich das nicht mehr zusammen. [edit] und noch was: 3. der DVBViewer scheint in verschiedenen situationen den fokus zu verlieren. z.b wenn ich von einem tv auf einen radiosender wechsle. oder wenn ich das fotoalbum öffne. das gibt mir probleme nicht nur mit der fernsteuerung, aber auch mit der tastatur. ich muss den DVBViewer anklicken, um ihm den fokus wieder zu geben. [/edit] tschüss, oskar. Edited February 26, 2005 by oaks Link to comment
Guest Lars_MQ Posted February 26, 2005 Share Posted February 26, 2005 1. wetter: ich werde eure zwei ortschaften (erfurt und halle) nicht los. habe beide gelöscht und eine neue dazugetan. beim neustart sind aber beide wieder da... Kleines Problem Lösche einfach aus der Setup.xml bei ausgeschaltetem DVBViewer die beiden Zeilen <entry name="Erfurt, Germany">GMXX0033</entry> <entry name="Halle, Germany">GMXX0048</entry> Das mit dem Fokus lässt sich bei mir nicht nachvollziehen. Zumindest beim Fotoalbum ist auch kein code drinne, der sowas im entferntesten veranlassen könnte. Bei Deinem VMR 7 problem: geht das bei keinem decoder (Optionen -> directx)? Welcher wird aktuell bei Dir benutzt? Link to comment
oaks Posted February 26, 2005 Share Posted February 26, 2005 (edited) Lösche einfach aus der Setup.xml bei ausgeschaltetem DVBViewer die beiden Zeilen danke, habe ich schon gemacht. ich wollte es euch nur sagen. Das mit dem Fokus lässt sich bei mir nicht nachvollziehen. Zumindest beim Fotoalbum ist auch kein code drinne, der sowas im entferntesten veranlassen könnte. ich verwende DVBViewer im vollbild auf dem zweiten bildschirm (fernseher). vielleicht hängt es damit zusammen? wenn ich ins fotoalbum steige ist alles ok. sobald ich das erste foto im vollbild habe, ist der fokus weg... [edit] auch das war scheints schuld vom decoder. mit dem nero decorder ist es nicht mehr passiert. danke [/edit] Bei Deinem VMR 7 problem: geht das bei keinem decoder (Optionen -> directx)? Welcher wird aktuell bei Dir benutzt? zz verwende ich 'CyberLink Video/SP Decoder'. ich hatte beim DVBViewer 2.x immer 'ULead MPEG Video Decoder' aber der läuft mit der 3er version gar nicht mehr OK. das wars: ich habe auf 'Nero Video Decoder' umgestellt das problem ist behoben! danke vielmals! oskar. Edited February 26, 2005 by oaks Link to comment
damjang Posted February 28, 2005 Share Posted February 28, 2005 Eden od tolikih post-ov, ki je zacel v anglescini in se koncuje v nemscini. Pravzaprav jih je veliko in ne razumem zakaj obstaja podforum za nemscino, ce se potem tega ne uporablja. lp Damjan Link to comment
Guest DAvenger Posted February 28, 2005 Share Posted February 28, 2005 Hej tiez si myslim, ze je to takto dost napicu. Link to comment
linusalba Posted March 3, 2005 Share Posted March 3, 2005 What are you talking about? I need a german course in italian language. Do you know where I can find it? I'd like to study german because I live in north Italy, not so far from Germany Bye, Marco Link to comment
Guest Lars_MQ Posted March 3, 2005 Share Posted March 3, 2005 That was no german from DAvenger and damjang Link to comment
kardzali Posted March 4, 2005 Share Posted March 4, 2005 That was no german from DAvenger and damjang <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Damjang is complaining that German posts are being made in the English part of the forum. Link to comment
hackbart Posted March 5, 2005 Author Share Posted March 5, 2005 Yep Martin is right v anglescini in se koncuje v nemscini = Im Englischen Bereich auf Deutsch. Funny i'm able to understand a lot of written context By the way today i got a Skystar1 CI (Conexant Chipset based) card working inside the DVBViewer and it works fine even with the Common Interface (right now i listen to Jazz Radio Berlin which is provided by Technisat and broadcasted encrypted in Conax). Christian Link to comment
yaRincewind Posted March 8, 2005 Share Posted March 8, 2005 By the way today i got a Skystar1 CI (Conexant Chipset based) card working inside the DVBViewer and it works fine even with the Common Interface (right now i listen to Jazz Radio Berlin which is provided by Technisat and broadcasted encrypted in Conax). Oh oh, wenn das mal kein Fehler war sowas in nem public Bereich reinzuschreiben... Jetzt werden 20.000 Leute stündlich fragen, wann endlich das Update kommt um die SS1 nutzen zu können English: Oh oh, if this posting in a public forum wasn´t a mistake. Now 20.000 of users will ask every hour when the update for beeing able to use the SkyStar1 will be available Link to comment
Guest Lars_MQ Posted March 8, 2005 Share Posted March 8, 2005 By the way today i got a Skystar1 CI (Conexant Chipset based) card working inside the DVBViewer Oh oh,if this posting in a public forum wasn´t a mistake. Now 20.000 of users will ask every hour when the update for beeing able to use the SkyStar1 will be available A Skystar 1 CI is no Skystar 1 (Full featured card), they are completely different. It's a new card, and I think you can't buy it for now from technisat at least in germany, they will release the card in some time. lars Link to comment
boborg Posted March 8, 2005 Share Posted March 8, 2005 TechniSat SkyStar 1CI TV PVR is what it (the new card) is being sold as. Seems to be widely available in Great Britain. Wasn't this card supposedly a Technisat rebadged Twinhan Vision DTV Sat-CI 1030A? Link to comment
yaRincewind Posted March 8, 2005 Share Posted March 8, 2005 Ah, thanks a lot. Is this card using the same driver as the normal SkyStar 2, or are they different? Is it possible to use this card and a SkyStar 2 at the same time with the drivers available at the moment? Mercy, Rince Link to comment
Guest Lars_MQ Posted March 8, 2005 Share Posted March 8, 2005 thanks a lot. Is this card using the same driver as the normal SkyStar 2, or are they different? No different drivers. Is it possible to use this card and a SkyStar 2 at the same time with the drivers available at the moment? As far as I know, they can reside both in the same computer without problems, but if you can use them both at the same time, I don't know. But I'm shure Christian can answer this. lars Link to comment
mittern8 Posted March 8, 2005 Share Posted March 8, 2005 By the way today i got a Skystar1 CI (Conexant Chipset based) card working inside the DVBViewer and it works fine even with the Common Interface (right now i listen to Jazz Radio Berlin which is provided by Technisat and broadcasted encrypted in Conax). Christian <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Fortunately Jazz Radio Berlin is broadcasting unencrypted via Eutelsat. Well to get serious: Good news, but I'd prefer an offical solution that would help people that already purchased the "oldfashioned" SS 2 to receive encrypted content - something like attaching an 'interface' to the serial port of the PC. Strange enough the SS 2 was among the first (is it the only one?) cards able to receive HDTV and now we're locked out due to encryption. Link to comment
hackbart Posted March 8, 2005 Author Share Posted March 8, 2005 Hi, regarding the first question: The new Skystar1 CI is technically the same with the Twinhan VisionDTV. I used their SDK in order to get it working (lucky me it was not that complicated to add). Right now i add some rudimentary CI support to allow Pin Input and other things offered by certain cams. And yes i also got certain paytv channels running with my subscription. Concerning the CI System for the Skystar2 - i suppose something like this is planned, but i have no concrete details about the when. Christian Link to comment
Spud Posted March 8, 2005 Share Posted March 8, 2005 Hi Christian, I am very interested. I have a SS1 CI, which I don't use, I got it for viewing encrypted HD1 and was hoping that DVBViewer would work with it. When I discovered it wouldn't work with DVBViewer I put it aside and switched to TechnoTrend budget card with CI. Now you say you have it working or nearly working. That is great. Will it work with the current release or some unreleased beta version? What are the chances of it working with the Irdeto2 CAM and HD1 smart card? Thanks. Jim. Link to comment
hackbart Posted March 8, 2005 Author Share Posted March 8, 2005 Hmm, well first Skystar1 CI does not mean a full featured technotrend card. The latest Technisat Skystar1 CI model is a conexant chipset (aka Twinhan) card. The ci module works fine (as you can see on the attached screenshot). At the moment i have several small problems with HDTV receiption (ss2 can deal with with much more better). I'm not sure if i'm able to fix it, but a combo (ss1/ss2) system works fine here Christian Link to comment
admi-ral Posted March 8, 2005 Share Posted March 8, 2005 but a combo (ss1/ss2) system works fine here *sabbersabber* Link to comment
yaRincewind Posted March 9, 2005 Share Posted March 9, 2005 I'm not sure if i'm able to fix it, but a combo (ss1/ss2) system works fine here You mean, a SkyStar 2 AND the SkyStar 1 CI in one computer at the same time? So if I have a SS2, and import one SS1 CI PVR from england for 170€, it will be possible to use two cards in one PC with the drivers available at the moment? Or will I have to wait for Technotrend to make the BDA drivers public? That would be great news. So I will bother you in the future when the new Release (with SS1 CI PVR support) will be out Link to comment
hackbart Posted March 9, 2005 Author Share Posted March 9, 2005 No Fullfeatured Card. The new Skystar1 CI is based on Conexant and technically the same like the Twinhan VisionDTV. I don't have a price list but i suppose the card should not cost more than 49-79 Euro. Something like this: Christian Link to comment
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