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  1. I was visiting my dad and he asked me to upgrade his old installation of DVBViewer for him. Got new versions of that (DVBViewer pro v6.1.4.0) and then Media Server installed, both on a single computer (no network devices). When trying to do a timer record it initially complained about the shared hardware config. I ran the wizard and things seemed to be working fine. A short time after I left he did a channel scan and now the message is back and trying to help him over the phone isn't getting anywhere. So for confirmation the message is : Warning The media server is running but DVBViewer is not configured for shared usage of dvb hardware More information (requires Internet connection) Run media server Wizard Steps tried and testing after each: 1. Running the sharing wizard again. 3. Tried manually adjusting the status on the hardware devices 3. Uninstalled Dvb media server and reinstalled it again. 3b. Running the sharing wizard again. When going through the wizard these are the settings entered/shown: Select media server DVBViewer media server (H) Server address and Web port Test connection DVBViewer media server Basic (H) Next Top 5 boxes ticked Remaining 4 boxes unticked Client tuning priorty 50 Next Direct access to he following devices will be deactivated TBS 6920 BDA The following network devices will be created RTSP DVB-S2 FINISH The two devices in hardware are DVB-S2 RTSP Network device (Normal) TBS 6920 BDA DVBS/S2 Tuner/Demod (Do not Use) Current State of play: Record current channel button Error Problem reaching media server Epg - Record button Timer recording window opens Nothing listed Epg - prebook button Timer recording window opens Programme is listed Altering it from tune channel to record, a recording is made but the media server tray icon remains idle and no next timer start is listed
  2. HI, I have win10-64 bit and I have a big problem. I have done multiple installations of dvbviever. Program Files\DVBViewer ----> CMUV\DVBViewer (sat usb card) Program Files\DVBViewer 2 ----> CMUV\DVBViewer 2 (sat pci card) Program Files\DVBViewer 3 ----> CMUV\DVBViewer 3 (dvdT usb card) Program Files\DVBViewer 4 ----> CMUV\DVBViewer 4 (use only for iptv) ..... etc etc ..... Program Files\DVBViewer 8 ----> CMUV\DVBViewer 8 (use only for iptv) Program Files\DVBViewer 9 ----> CMUV\DVBViewer 10 (use only for iptv) ..... the problem is if I launch DVBViewer 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 -6 - 7 -8 start all OK, then the (9) nine installation don't start!!! Even 10 and following.... only 8 instances of dvbviwer at the same time!!!! why??? is there a way to solve the problem? thanx!!
  3. Hey community, first of all, i hope i didnt do anything wrong, open theme again, or on the wrong place. My Problem: I have running the RS All works so far. I can stream TV to all my devices. The Problem is just, that all my pcs (mac,windows,ubuntu desktop) take so much time to load streams, up to 5 minutes. When i start stream with over android or iphone all works pretty fine. When I watch stream VLC, it also takes up to 3 minutes, but after that all works ok. Do you have some idea, what i am doing wrong? Need I to configure somehing again? Some more informations about my system: Server: Windows 7 with 2GB ram and 2 cores (VM on an ESXI host, with pci passtrouth) Used: Browser: Safari,Chrome and Firefox Browser Settings: WebM Low 800kbit and verfast Other: All Firewall were deactivted Network: 1GBit to all PC's with some industry switch. TV Card: TechniSat DVB PC Tv Star PCI If you need more Informations to help me just ask. Thanks for your time and kind regards mbathe
  4. Hi guys ..... this is my first post here ,,, and i want your help if possible ,, i want to install the remote controller of the ( tevii s662 dvbs/s2 usb ) satellite card on ( DVBViewer ) ...... that is all ... sorry for my bad english ... and thanks alot to whom gonna help .....
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