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  1. Hello I am using the RS API to create new timers and describe them with the &title Uri attribute. This all works fine. However, I need to get this &title back to the after recording task. It completely ignores the timer title/description and simply uses the EPG title instead. In the olden days I used the stoprec.vbs which had all the required attributes available but I am looking for the same in the RS. What I need is some extra information linked to the timer that I can retrieve later in the after recording task. I was able to put this information in the timer title and used it in the stoprec.vbs (when I wasn't using the RS). Now I cannot find any suitable way. I could write the extra information to some file but how I can match the recorded file back (in the after recording task) with the extra information (each timer has its own extra information). If there was at least the timer GUID or something so I could link it. Any ideas? All I can think of is the following - create an additional db with the channel and end time in it (plus the extra information I need) - whenever an after recording task is executed I would try to match the channel and end time with the db - hence find my exta info This is very dirty and I would hate such solution. It would need some handling for repeating timers. Any help would be useful. GUID and DESCR from the Timer would be great as parameters to the task Thank you Jakub
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