Hi, I am back ?
Earlier I have reported missing files in the recordinglist, the root cause was never identified, but you updated your products and stopped using NTFS file properties. (link to post)
I did make a supervision script, checking the recordingdb (sqlite dbs) against reality on the file system.
This script kicks in from time to time
Most times it will get fixed by saying "Task->Update Recording Database" I still does not understand why this is neccesary
Today I had a variant where Task->Update Recording Database did not work.
What I found was:
I was missing 4 recording in the webinterface->Recordings. They were not showing up when using the search box, but then I browsed the removed category (which is not searchable) and found all of them ?
The funny thing is that the Filesize > 0, where all other files in the removed section have a size of 0.
Just wanted to let you know
My environment:
- Mediaserver
- DVBViewer
Recording stored on a Synology NAS.