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DVBViewer Recording Service running on Linux

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DVBWiewer Recording Service Linux / Wine



  • Ubuntu 18.04 server
  • 1GB RAM
  • 1 Core
  • FSTAB: mount NFS recordings  from NAS to /mnt/recordings
  • Name: dvbsrv




We need wine (32bit version), Xvfb (short for X virtual framebuffer) for
running the recording service without screen, cabextract for extracting
the needed DirectX file (ksproxy.ax) and nfs-common for mounting the
recording share.


dpkg --add-architecture i386 && apt update
apt install wine32 xvfb cabextract nfs-common



Software Wine:


We create a user which is running the Recording Service.
In the users home we store the needed Windows software parts in the subdirectory "sw".
SSH to the Ubuntu server as root or become root with "sudo su -".


# create user w/o passwd
adduser dvb
su - dvb
mkdir sw && cd sw
wget http://download.microsoft.com/download/E/E/1/EE17FF74-6C45-4575-9CF4-7FC2597ACD18/directx_feb2010_redist.exe
cabextract directx_feb2010_redist.exe -F dxnt.cab
cabextract dxnt.cab -F ksproxy.ax


Files to be stored in /home/dvb/sw:


  • Total Commander 32bit: tcmd922ax32.exe
  • DVBViewer: DVBViewer_setup_6.1.4.exe
  • Recording SVC: Recording_Service_setup_1.33.02.01.exe
  • FFMPEG 32bit: ffmpeg-20190707-98b122c-win32-static.zip
  • DVB Lic: xxxx.dvbvkey



Config from Windows DVBWiewer:

This step is optional. You can configure the Recording Service without these.
I copied the file from the Windows installation to keep my settings.


  • Channel Logos: "c:\Program Files\DVBViewer\Images\Logos"
  • Plugins: "c:\Program Files\DVBViewer\Plugins"
  • Channels: "c:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\CMUV\DVBViewer\channels.dat"
  • Allowed Networks: "c:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\CMUV\DVBViewer\Config\svcuserdata.xml"
  • Rec-Server Config: "c:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\CMUV\DVBViewer\Config\service.xml"
  • Tuner Config: "c:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\CMUV\DVBViewer\Config\svchardware.xml"
  • SAT>IP Config: "c:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\CMUV\DVBViewer\Config\svcnetwork.xml"





  • Start Xming on Windows client. On Linux Desktop you usually already have a X server running.
  • If using Putty, configure it to have X forwarding enabled.
  • Putty (or ssh -X) to dvbsrv as root.


cp .Xauthority /home/dvb/
chown dvb:dvb /home/dvb/.Xauthority
su - dvb
cd sw


  • Initial Wine start
wine cmd



  • Install Total Commander
wine tcmd922ax32.exe

- no shortcuts



  • Install DVBViewer
wine DVBViewer_setup_6.1.4.exe

 - no shortcuts, no FW
 - OK on "Unable to execute file: powercfg.exe" - 10 times
 - Add Key File, Username and Passsword - Key file in Z:\home\dvb\sw
 - Cancel additional components install
 - do not wiew changelog_en.html and do not Launch DVBViewer



  • Install Recording Service
wine Recording_Service_setup_1.33.02.01.exe

 - no shortcuts, no FW, no Download FFmpeg
 - OK on "Unable to execute file: powercfg.exe" - 10 times
 - do not wiew changelog_en_rs.html and do not Launch Configuration
 - Right click Recording Service System Tray Icon -> Disable Auto-Start Tray Control Program -> Exit



  • Start Total Commander - These steps can also be done manually on Linux or Wine comandline "wine cmd"
wine c:\\totalcmd\\totalcmd.exe &

 - Configure
 - Copy z:\home\dvb\sw\ksproxy.ax -> c:\windows\system32
 - Open z:\home\dvb\sw\ffmpeg-20190707-98b122c-win32-static.zip
   + Copy z:\home\dvb\sw\ffmpeg-20190707-98b122c-win32-static.zip\ffmpeg-20190707-98b122c-win32-static\bin\ffmpeg.exe -> "c:\Program Files\DVBViewer"
 - Copy Plugins -> "c:\Program Files\DVBViewer\Plugins"
 - Copy Logos -> "c:\Program Files\DVBViewer\Images\Logos"
 - Copy z:\home\dvb\sw\channels.dat -> c:\ProgramData\CMUV\DVBViewer
 - Copy XML config files -> c:\ProgramData\CMUV\DVBViewer\Config



  • Configure Recording Service
wine "c:\Program Files\DVBViewer\svcoptions.exe"

 - Recorder: Directories: Z:\mnt\recordings
   + Recordings: Disable Create NTFS filestorage data
 - Web/UPnP:
   Port 8080
   Disable: Prevent PC sleep




Run As systemd service:


Description=Run DVBViewer Recording Service in Wine

ExecStart=/usr/bin/xvfb-run /usr/bin/wine "c:\Program Files\DVBViewer\DVBVservice.exe"



Description=Redirect port 80 to 8080 for DVBViewer Recording Service

ExecStart=/sbin/iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp --dport 80 -j REDIRECT --to-ports 8080



systemctl enable DVBViewer-port.service
systemctl enable DVBViewer.service
systemctl start DVBViewer-port.service
systemctl start DVBViewer.service



Start Wine programs as root:

  • Totalcmd:
cp /root/.Xauthority /home/dvb/ && su - dvb -c 'wine "c:\totalcmd\totalcmd.exe"' &
  • DVBViewer Opts:
systemctl stop DVBViewer && \
cp /root/.Xauthority /home/dvb/ && \
su - dvb -c 'wine "c:\Program Files\DVBViewer\svcoptions.exe"' && \
systemctl start DVBViewer
Edited by snorre
Add X forwarding to ssh command
  • Like 1

I found a better way to start the DVBViewer Recording Service with systemd:


  • as user dvb
wine cmd
sc create DVBVRecorder binpath= "c:\Program Files\DVBViewer\DVBVservice.exe" start= auto DisplayName= "DVBViewer Recording Service"
  • as root create the service file - /etc/systemd/system/DVBViewer.service
Description=Run DVBViewer Recording Service in Wine

#ExecStart=/usr/bin/xvfb-run /usr/bin/wine "c:\Program Files\DVBViewer\DVBVservice.exe" 
ExecStart=/usr/bin/wine explorer



With this change, the service is registered in Wine (sc create). Every time Wine is started, the service gets started too.

The KillMode=process kills only the "explorer" process and lets Wine stop the Recording Service.


I have no experience with Linux, but it looks like a nice piece of work :)


How can DVB devices be used? Is it possible to install BDA drivers in Wine?


vor 41 Minuten schrieb Griga:

I have no experience with Linux, but it looks like a nice piece of work :)





vor 42 Minuten schrieb Griga:

How can DVB devices be used? Is it possible to install BDA drivers in Wine?



Would also be of interest to me. Want to abandon my Windows Server (with DMS and Sat-Card) and replace it with a Linux system.


Regards, Goggo

  • 2 weeks later...

@Griga and @Goggo16


Sorry, I do not have experience in running a DVB Device within wine. I did this experiment to get rid of my Windows installation running Recording Service with a hardware SAT>IP server.

Some Google results showed me, that it is not possible to install native Windows DVB (or BDA) drivers in Wine.


An approach could be to setup a native Linux DVB server like Tvheadend (more: https://linuxtv.org/wiki/index.php/TV_Related_Software) and record and decrypt with Recording Service.




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