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  1. Once in a while the Recording Service automatically stops. When i click start recording service in my server it doesnt start. No messages or anything is shown. I have to restart my server to start the recording service again. I need to fix this problem because its annoying to restart the server everytime this happens.
  2. Hi everyone, I purchased DVBViewer around 10 days ago, and because of my slightly unusual setup (I am wheelchair bound, and my computer also acts as the server for the network, as well as my TV, and runs 24/7, it has two monitors connected, one of which is predominately set to the television (DVBViewer Application), I decided to install the recording service, to allow me to schedule the recording of new programs from my iPad via the web interface. However three things keep on happening. 1. The recording service keeps on stopping with Event ID 0 (from the event viewer, although it states that Event ID 0 doesn't have a description associated with it, which is generally something added when the application or service is built, so maybe this can be added in a future release, so that people like me can have a bit more of a hint as to what is going on?) 2. The web interface once accessed via the iPad, and say one recording added to the timer section, then I'll go and have a cup of tea, or my carer will tell me that I need to do something, then come back and the web interface will not load again. The service is still running when this happens, there have been occasions when restarting the service is not sufficient to bring the web server back online, and a full server restart is required to do it. 3. When I use the recording service to power DVBViewer Pro, it will run for around 20 minutes with no problem, watching any of the FTA channels, and then the screen will freeze, and changing channels will sometimes solve the problem, other times you have to restart DVBViewer Pro entirely to get things working again. I need to get all three items fixed. I've tried all of the usual items to fix the problems, but nothing seems to have worked. The EPG updates with no problems, the channel lists all update, and the favourites list updates, again without any issues. It's just the three problems above which are plaguing me. My problem is that I am bed-bound, and my PC (the server running both the recording service and DVBViewer are around 8 foot away from me, and whilst I don't mind using a wireless keyboard and mouse, as I do for everything else when I need to use the server. I have the iPad deliberately to allow me to do things like setup the recordings, and I am under the impression that the recording service web interface does this, well I know it does as I have managed to setup one or two in this way, and they recorded if the service stayed alive long enough. I am an IT consultant, but this is my first foray into the world of computer/television setups, and so I am at a but of a loss as to what to do to get things working. The server has 4 IPv4 addresses, and none of them are listed in the not to listen to section of the service configuration. The operating system is server 2008 r2, the BDA drivers work perfectly on the viewer without the service, and on the service when it runs, but it doesn't seem to want to stay alive. Any ideas or suggestions, have I missed something in the configuration, or have I done something silly which is causing these problems? I assume that they are all linked, and are symptoms of a larger problem, but I have no ideas as to what that larger problem may be. I've done the support.zip process, and that is attached for you all to scrutinise, hopefully it'll help someone provide me with a solution to the problems. support.zip
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