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MyMovies - Movie info OSD Plugin


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Posted (edited)



Triggered by Flowy's posting who made a small program to download the Movie details & Pictures (see: http://www.DVBViewer.info/forum/index.php?showtopic=33140) I decided to try building an accomining OSD-plugin. Inspired by MCE's Mediabrowers & Mediaportals Moving pictures I made the first version of MyMovies.


Currently it features folder, backdrops, movie-info's (description, releasedate, actors & directors) & DVD list. Next to that you can also search on Title, Actor, Year or Unwatched. This feature list will be expanded in future versions.

You can manually add movies (incl. offline dvd's and Iso's) or import movies from either the info.txt files provided by Flowy's tool (FilmInfoPics) or the mymovies.xml files created by Media Center Master (link can be found below)


Everyone that is not afraid to try it out and accept that you will encounter bugs, some small, some large is asked to give it a try and report the results here.



  1. Place the mymovies.dll and mymovies.lng in the plugins dir. And mediainfo.dll should be both in the plugins dir as well in DVBViewer application's root.
  2. Place the mymovies.xml in the skin directory, Supported skins are listed below.
  3. Go to the mymovies section in the options, set the view to "Paths" and add the paths which contain your movies (by default the standard DVBViewer movie paths have allready been added).
  4. Add the movies. You have several options:
    • Go to the mymovies section in the options, click on autoupdate or downloader
    • Go to the mymovies section in the options, set the view to "Movies" and add the movies manually.
    • Use filminfopics to download the details and pictures and write it directly to the DB.
      example parameters:-path DB -visible 1 -overwriteFolderPic 0 -overwriteBackdropPic 0 -output DB -search changed -lang en -logfile log.txt
    • Use filminfopics to download the details and pictures and save them in info.txt.
      example parameters:-path DB -visible 1 -overwriteFolderPic 0 -overwriteBackdropPic 0 -output infos.txt -lang en
      Then import them in mymovies, go to options\mymovies and press the import button.
    • Use mediacenter master, and import then using the import button.
    • Note: Each movie needs to be in its own subdirectory

[*]Optionally, Go to the mymovies section in the options, set the view to "Series" and add seriesnames. You can use them to group Movies.

[*]Optionally, Go to the mymovies section in the options, set the view to "Commands" and add commands which can be run before a certain movie starts.

- Note: You can selected multiple videofiles, they will all be added to the playlist when the movie is selected.

- Note2: If you import a large list and press 'apply', you might have to wait a bit since the thumbnails are generated.

- Note3: When installing a new version its always wise to first make a copy of the movies.db !

- Note4: If you want to import movies from the info.txt files you first need to enter paths.



Additional settings.

  • Use External Player : Check to use an external player instead of DVBViewer.
  • Update item delay : Determines the time (in millisec) that mymovies will wait before refreshing the movie
  • Load backdrop : If disabled, backdrops won't be loaded
  • Random backdrop : If enabled a random backdrop from the backdrops belonging to the movie will be loaded
  • Use Local Thumbs : If enabaled Thumbnails will be generated and save to the configuration folder. This can speed up navigation. (Please note that when using filminfopics with the -output DB paramater the thumbs will not be directly created. You can force the creation of thumbs by editing a movie in the mymovies-options (just select a movie, press edit and press ok). This is not neccessary if movies are manually added or imported using the import button.
  • Group series : If enabled movies will be grouped if the are part of a series. (for now series info has to manually added)
  • Hide Offline Paths : If enabled movies that are in a path that is not available won't be shown (This requires that you've added paths to monitor).
  • Menu Window : You can selected in which menu the MyMovies is listed, Home or htpcHome/MediaCenter
  • Use Key shortcuts : If enabled either pressing a key ('a..z') will selected the first on movie that starts with that character, or pressing 0..9 will cycle

    through the associated characters (like on a phone).

    There are two different modes:

    ActionID = Actions Number 0 to 10 and Favorite 0 to 9.

    Keyhook = Uses a keyhook. This also enables skipping on keypress of ('a..z'). But enabling this mode will disable the

    shortcuts for 'a..z' and '0..9' for the rest of DVBViewer (not if shift,ctrl or alt is pressed).

  • On select show details : If selected, selecting a movie wil open the movie details page (requires a mymovies_details.xml).
  • OSD Keys : You can define what actions is to be taken for the color osd keys (red,green, yellow,blue)
  • Label 1/2 text : Here you can set what the textlabel2 and 3 of the listview should show (options: %title%, %description%,
    %genre%, %releasedate%, %actors).
  • Get MediaInfo : If enabled mymovies will read some media info upon importing movies. This will slowdown the importing proces.
  • Default filter : Set the default movie filter, options are: Show all, Unwatched or Watched.
  • Content sequence : Set the view sequence. Options: Categories -> Movies/Series or Directly to Movies/Series (No categories) Default=Movies+Series
  • Limit categories to IMDB defaults : Limits the used categories to the ones that are used by IMDB. Default=On
  • Autoupdate : Set if you wish to look for new movies on DVBViewer start. Default=Manually
  • Language : Sets the language in which the movie info is downloaded from TMDB (e.g. en or de). Default=en



FilmInfosPics.exe, program to download movie info: http://www.DVBViewer.info/forum/index.php?showtopic=33140

Media Center Master, alternative program to download info: http://www.mediacentermaster.com/

TheMovieDb.org: The source of the movie info. Please support them by adding movie details. http://www.themoviedb.org/

Mediainfo: http://mediainfo.sourceforge.net

xzener category images: http://community.mediabrowser.tv/permalinks/1436/xzener-s-fanart-collection


BluFuzz : http://www.DVBViewer.info/forum/index.php?showtopic=38952 (german)

Concinnity3d skin: http://www.DVBViewer.info/forum/index.php?showtopic=23528 (enlish), http://www.DVBViewer.info/forum/index.php?showtopic=23169 (german)

Inca: http://www.DVBViewer.info/forum/index.php?showtopic=39591 (german topic)

Mediastream: http://www.DVBViewer.info/forum/index.php?showtopic=31681 (german)

VDR-Retro skin: http://www.DVBViewer.info/forum/index.php?showtopic=35267

X-Skin: http://www.DVBViewer.info/forum/index.php?showtopic=38303



Version info:

  • 0.01.11 Pre-Alpa Initial version.
  • 0.01.13 Extra debug options added.
  • 0.01.14 Added Language logic. (mymovies.lng has to be placed in the plugins dir for now)
  • 0.01.15 Added more language logic. You make a list of words that have to be translate in the mymovies-info-general and mymovies-info-genre section of the mymovies.lng file.
  • 0.01.16 Added DVD option. You can now indicate if a movie is a DVD, selecting such a movie will popup a message reminding to insert the drive and start the DVD.
  • 0.01.17 Change: Ini & Lng files should now be located at "Configuration Folder\Plugins"
  • 0.01.18 Added: Saves folder & backdrop images now, this can improve speed of loading and navigation. Saved in "Configuration Folder\Images\Thumbs\mymovies"
  • 0.01.19 Fix: Some small bugfixes & logging. Added: mymovies.xml for mediastream.
  • 0.01.20 Added: Search functionality. Search on title, actors or year.
  • 0.01.21 Fix: Plugin wont start of xml lacks some controls. Fix: Remember previous item. Fix: Resume previously played video (only if there is 1 videofile)
  • 0.01.22 Fix: Import function could cause a crash in DVBViewer 4.1. Added: Various new fields, the current skins don't include them but you can add them yourself. Added: Available field & ControlId's for the Skin are listed below. (removed because of an annoying bug)
  • 0.01.24 Change: MovieData is now stored in sqlite database (configuration folder\database\mymovies.db). Old data is retained but its strongly advised to re-import the movie's since a lot more data is now actually stored. Fix: Some bigfixes.
  • 0.01.25 Added: Series support. You can group movies based on the series name (e.g. Star Wars, Pirates of the Carribean, etc).
  • 0.01.26 Added: Extended info (OSD-Yellow). Fix: Upon import no duplicates are created anymore. Fix: Remove movie works again.
  • 0.01.27 Fix: View button gets focus on re-entering OSD
  • 0.01.28 Added: Random backdrops, Fix: In listview one couldnt move from other controls back to listview (with keyboard)
  • 0.01.29 Added: Hide offline paths, Movies that are in a path that is offline won't be shown. Change: Import will now look at Paths that are added to Path list.
  • 0.01.30 Changed: Hide offline paths now only checks paths if the path setting "is removable medium" is disabled and checks indivual files if it is enabled.
  • 0.01.31 Fix: Only picturefiles will be read for backdrop upon import. Fix: 0kb thumbnail files. Removed: Reading movie from .ini (from versions <24).
  • 0.01.32 Added: Support for Automounting of imagefiles. MyMovies uses the settings of DVBViewers Daemon Tools section. Fix: Missing default backdrop if no backdrop found.
  • 0.01.33 Added: Support for Media Center Master xml files.
  • 0.01.34 Fix: Database was not created on first use, a restart of DVBViewer was required.
  • 0.01.35 Added: Play trailer, you can manually add a trailer and select "Play trailer"from the options pop-up. Change: Will now change #media.title to Movie title (instead of filename).
  • 0.01.36 Added: Automatically replace trailer info from info.txt if a filename like "trailer.######' is found. Change: Loads videoextentions from setup.xml (DVBViewer)
  • 0.01.37 Added: Loads the background image of the home image for certain skins like Concicity Lite (by setting the "#menufocusimage" value to either "home_mymovies.png" or "home_mediacenter_mymovies.png"). Added: Option to set the Menu window (Home or htpcHome)
  • 0.01.38 Added: ActionId 99789 will show MyMovies window. Added: Option to enable skipping to movie on Keypressed (Pressing 'd' moves to first movie which starts with a 'd'). Fix: Changed termination sequence to prevent crashes. Change: Setting series is now easier (dropdown menu). Added: Commands. You can define a command which can be run before the movie starts, params can also include '%filename%' and %title%. Added: Keypress label which is shows the last key pressed (for 0..9 it will show the alfanumeric). Added: Option to use an external player on a per movie basis.
  • 0.01.39 Fix: Genre data could be reduced to 25 characters. Fix: Not all info in the info.txt was read. Added: Sort on Filedate now works. Fix: Fixed some keyhook errors.
  • 0.01.40 Fix: Detection of VIDEO_TS folders was broken. Fix: Detection of videofiles in a subdir was broken.
  • 0.01.41
    • Change: Keyhook has 2 differnt modes, also works with actionid's now.
    • Added: Details page. You can now open a details page on selecting a movie. Skinners need to provide a mymovies_details.xml. ControlId are the same
    • Added: OSD-Color key assignements. You can define which action the osd color keys take.
    • Added: Support for label2 and 3 in the listview. You can define what it should say (options: %title%, %description%, %genre%, %releasedate%, %actors%
    • Added: Rating image. Looks for 'mymovies_ratingx.png' where x = 1..10. Image with controid 3202 needs to be present skin.
    • Added: Ability to read mediainfo like bitrate and codecs. It requires mediainfo.dll to be present in application directory.
    • Added: Mediainfo images. Looks for 'mymovies_audiocodec.png' (e.g. mymovies_dts.png), mymovies_videocodec.png (e.g. mymovies_avs.png), mymovies_stereo.png (or mon0 / dolby51)
    • mymovies_videowidth.png (e.g. mymovies_1920.png).
    • Change: Looks for folder_original.jpg first, since filminfopics downloads a larger version in that name.
    • Fix: Sorting for series works now. A series was sort on the title of the first movie, not the seriesname.
    • Change: Added support for .bmp,.gif,.png folder and backdrop images (.tbn works sometimes, not always :) )
    • Removed: Most of the labels (the title label, not the content). They are not really nessecary anyway.


    • Added: Abilty to read DVBViewers recording txt files. (Only basic info is read).
    • Added: Clears deleted files from database (only if files dont have the tab "isRemovable")
    • Fix: Genre wasnt always read properly

    [*]0.01.43 Added: Support for #menufocusimages +/- 1,2.

    [*]0.02.44 Change: Database now uses sqlite3. On first start it will convert. Please backup the data on forehand. This requires DVBViewer 4.3.xx (beta) or.. place download the sqlite3.dll yourself and place it in the DVBViewer application directory.

    [*]0.02.45 Fix: Default viewstyle now properly loaded. Added: FolderBack image loaded for back button (series and searches)


    • Change: Editing, Deleting and manually Adding movies should go a lot faster.
    • Added: SUpport for Dynamic WindowBackdrop (DVBViewer 4.3.100 and newer), tag = #mymovies_backdrop (support for Backdropimage (controid 3201) will be kept)
    • Added: External player can use a folder instead of filename. Set per movie.
    • Added: Set sortname. You can set a set of terms tha will be ignored in the mymovies-settings (e.g. the or die;der;das). Or manualy change it per movie in the movie editing box.
    • Added: AspectX, AspectY, Bitratetotal in DB (not used currently, added for future purposes)
    • Added: Filter for (un)watched movies. Under options menu -> set filter.
    • Added: Indication if movie has been watched, astrix (*) before title and NewMovie image is visible (control 3210, see inca and x-skin style 1 for example).
    • Added: Button to manually force creation of thumbs (options\mymovies).
    • Change: Upon DVBViewer start a check for thumbs is performed, missing are created. This is helpfull when filmopics with -output DB is used since
      no thumbs are created then. Please note that first time DVBViewer starts it can take a long time when many thumbs are missing.
    • Fix: Rating image on details page correctly updated.
    • Fix: Viewstyle settings werent saved :rolleyes:
    • Note: Due to some changes in the UTF8 decoding it can happen that entries with special characters will disappear. Just clear the DB and reimport once.


    • Added: MyMovies Downloader to download/grab movie data from TMDB
    • Added: Categories view. You can now use the categories/genre to order your movies.
    • Added: Category images support. Category images need to be in ..skinpath\images\categories, filename=<title category>.png
    • Added: OSD-color shortcuts to Toggle unwatched/all.
    • Added: Option to set a default filter (unwatched/watched/all)
    • Added: MID is now editable in MyMovies Movie editor to allow for convient way to change the ID if the wrong movie was found.
    • Added: Search for Directors (In the Set Filter submenu).
    • Change: Split the settings up in two sections (so I can add even more options :( )
    • Fix: Import of Mediamaster / Yamm xmls failed for utf8 encoded files.
    • Added: Support for X-Skins Folder.txt
    • Added: Option to limit the loading of the backdrop to only listview or thumbnails
    • Added: Download language. Set the language for downloading info at TMDB (e.g. en or de)
    • Added: Autoupdate setting. Option to start the autoupdate (using the mymovies downloader) at DVBViewer start.
    • Added: Reload movie info from OSD (option to select the correct title)





Download: mymovies_0.01.42.zip


Download: mymovies_0.02.47.zip [This requires sqlite3 which comes with DVBViewer 4.3.xx (beta)]

Download: mymovies_0.02.49.zip [This requires sqlite3 which comes with DVBViewer 4.3.xx (beta)]


Download: categories.rar To be placed in the OSDskin images directory



below some examples of mymovies with different skins:















Edited by amontillado
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Posted (edited)

In order to keep the startpost tidy I'll use a new post to ask some questions:


1. Currently the movie details are save in the mymovies.ini (confinient since the myprogram plugin allready included the required code), this is possibly not the best option. What do you consider the best alternative: a) .ini file b.) xml file c) seperate database file (mdb or similar) d) Database on SQL server.

Since I have some experience with sql i prefer this .. but the .ini is kinda easy for the moment.


2. Should FLowy's Movie info download tool be integrated or is it better to keep it seperate. Advantage of keeping it seperate is that the plugin can be kept simpler, easier to manage by different programmers, etc. Downside of keeping it seperate..... ?


3. What do you consider the important new features ?


4. Can somebody make a proper xml for the default OSD skin (the used control_id's can be found in the included XML).


5. How do the plugins usually deal with different languages?, include it in the general language files, add a mymovies.lng in the plugin or language dir?


ps.. Lars, Christian or Griga.. can my attachment space be expanded a little, had no space left to include proper screenshots in the start post.

Edited by amontillado

Thanks very much for this I'll try it and let you know.


I wasn't aware that Flowy's plugin existed and I guess it's in German only so it might take me some time to work everything out but I'll let you know.

Posted (edited)

Excellent work!


It worked straight away and I don't see any bugs. My DVBViewer may have struggled a little with aspect ratio but that might have been my own settings, I mess around a little too much.


I like that the generating info and thumbnails work is done separately because it doesn't find all my movies. The ones which aren't found I can add manually using your tool.


My only suggestions would be to do the same for TV shows and music videos but I know that might be a long way away or never. Great work!


Added some more thumbnails to help til you get more space!



Edited by uglyned

OK maybe a little bug.


When I select a movie from the My Movies list, it doesn't always play. I get a black screen. Using Beta


Leider ist mein English zu schlecht das ich hier schreiben könnte, aber das ist genau was noch fehlt. Und das einzige was mir einfällt ist ein WOW!!!!!!

Bei derNavigation haperts noch bissel bei mir, mit Large Icons werden bei mir 4 DVD-Hüllen angezeigt. Gehe ich mit Cursor nach rechts läuft die Seite nicht automatisch mit. Statt dessen muss ich dann die seite extra wechseln, aber es ist ja eine pre-alpha und da dürfte noch einiges drin sein.

Das Picinfo ist leider nicht sehr zuverlässig, werd ich also bis zur nächsten Version mal meine Filme manuell einpflegen.

Posted (edited)
OK maybe a little bug.


When I select a movie from the My Movies list, it doesn't always play. I get a black screen. Using Beta

I uploaded a newer build which includes some extra debug options. Could you run it again and attach the osd.log and osderror.log files to your post.


My only suggestions would be to do the same for TV shows and music videos but I know that might be a long way away or never. Great work!

I do plan to build a series plugin (or include it into the mymovies), but that's a long way away, first things first: get mymovies better.


My DVBViewer may have struggled a little with aspect ratio but that might have been my own settings, I mess around a little too much.

I have the same thing, 4:3, 16:9 are fine but 2.35:1 are not correct with EVR, only with overlay, i do prefer EVR because of DXVA. (btw, for me this also occurs when i select the movie with the build in mediacenter plugin.. I hope thats the same for you cause I dont think i do anything to the way dvdbviewer plays the file)


Bei derNavigation haperts noch bissel bei mir, mit Large Icons werden bei mir 4 DVD-Hüllen angezeigt. Gehe ich mit Cursor nach rechts läuft die Seite nicht automatisch mit. Statt dessen muss ich dann die seite extra wechseln

Ist das auch so mit kleine thumbnails?


Das Picinfo ist leider nicht sehr zuverlässig, werd ich also bis zur nächsten Version mal meine Filme manuell einpflegen.

Du kannst deine erfahrungen mit Flowy's FilmInfoPic bei im in den topic bitte melden, hoffentlich gelungt es im das zu verbesseren.

// For the englisch speaking visitors: Please inform Flowy in the FilmInfoPic topic of any problem with the recognition and downloading of the movie infos. THe topic starts in german, but you can post in english without any problems.

Edited by amontillado

Thanks for the reply. I downloaded the new version, unpacked, replaced existing files, ran it, created the errors again but there are no entries in either log file for today I'm afraid.

Thanks for the reply. I downloaded the new version, unpacked, replaced existing files, ran it, created the errors again but there are no entries in either log file for today I'm afraid.

I'll add some more debug logic later on, for now could you post the complete filename as shown in the 'filename' box of the mymovies editor.

Ist das auch so mit kleine thumbnails?

Ja auch bei den kleinen Thumbnails wird am Ende einer Seite nicht auf die nächste Seite sondern auf den Pfeil zum Blättern gesprungen. In der Listview geht es da werden die Seiten von oben nach unten durchgeblättert.


amontillado i prefer mysql too :biggrin:


for german titles i´ll bring better results, but i have to test it, before I release it

this could help for english title too, but not tested


Very cool plugin :biggrin:

Till now i had no bugs. The only thing is the slow navigation!? If i try to go through the movies i have to wait 2 sec. or more till the next one will appear :(


This Plugin rocks and really is something, most people missed I guess!

Looks awesome and even if it's a pre-alpha, for me it runs very smooth.

Navigation is ok for me, ~ half a second to switch between the movies.


I'm using the mediastream-skin, so it doesn't look like it's supposed to, but thats ok for the moment.

For all the mediastream-users out there, I could edit the xml to make it fit to the skin, but don't really know how cause I never used the skineditor.

It could take a little time, so if anyone other knows how to do it, just do it ;-)




Maybe you can give me some advice, on what to change to make the xml fit other skins.

And keep on the good work, you really do a great job!

Posted (edited)

I just tried the plugin and it looks great!


But the navigation is much to slow her - about 2 seconds from icon to icon.


But I can not find mymovies.ini. I want to generate it automaticly from my own MS Access database file.

Edited by dgdg
Posted (edited)

i think the mymovies.ini will be created if you add a movie


here a example:












Title=16 Blocks



Categories={Action Film} {Hollywood Film} Mature

Description={An aging cop is assigned the ordinary task of escorting a fast-talking witness from police custody to a courthouse, but they find themselves running the gauntlet as other forces try to prevent them from getting there.}

People_Actors={Bruce Willis} {Mos Def} {David Morse} {Jenna Stern} {David Zayas}

People_Director={Richard Donner}


Folder=H:\Movies\Filme\16 Blocks\folder.jpg

Backdrop=H:\Movies\Filme\16 Blocks\Backdrops\tt0450232-1.jpg




Title=28 Weeks Later

Filename="H:\Movies\Filme\28 weeks later\movie.avi"


Categories={Horror Film} {Monster Film} Zombies {Thriller Film} {Action Film} Mature Violence

Description={The sequel to 28 days later takes us back to the scene of the crime as the few people who survived the horror that killed most of London attempt to go back to living their normal lives.}

People_Actors={Rose Byrne} {Jeremy Renner} {Idris Elba} {Catherine McCormack} {Harold Perrineau} {Imogen Poots} {Mackintosh Muggleton} {Shahid Ahmed} {Robert Carlyle}

People_Director={Juan Carlos Fresnadillo}


Folder=H:\Movies\Filme\28 weeks later\folder.jpg

Backdrop=H:\Movies\Filme\28 weeks later\Backdrops\28wl1.jpg


Edited by Flowy
i think the mymovies.ini will be created if you add a movie


I added two movies but I can not find the mymovies.ini. Is is generated, when I exit DVBViewer?


Mhmmh it should be in the Plugin path

This is may cause the trouble. Because Vista did not allow programs to wright inside the Program Files folder.

The best place would be in the "Configuration Folder\Pluginds" (COM #configfolder).


( http://wiki.DVBViewer.info/index.php/Mehrbenutzerbetrieb )

I'll change that in the next version. Didn't think of it since my Vista has no such problems... :biggrin:

I just tried the plugin and it looks great!


But the navigation is much to slow her - about 2 seconds from icon to icon.


But I can not find mymovies.ini. I want to generate it automaticly from my own MS Access database file.

1. This can have several reasons:

- The backdrop images are loaded from a network drive

- The backdrop images are large

- The OSD image quality settings are set to a high level (change under options, OSD-appearance.. graphicquality, imagequality)

- The "Update item delay" is set (too) high. This can be changed under options, mymovies, Updat item delay (in millisec).


For as far as I know nothing else then update the background image (and labels) is done during navigation.


I will add some thumbnail generation logic to it some time soon, so that thumbnails are generated in a local path to speed up the loading and navigation.


2. See post above, I'll change that in the next release.

Posted (edited)

I added the generation of localized thumbnails, this can speed up the navigation, especially if you have the movies on a network drive, or if the images are very large.

You do have to save the movieslist once (go to option, select a movie, click apply... wait a bit.. done)




Edited by amontillado
I added two movies but I can not find the mymovies.ini. Is is generated, when I exit DVBViewer?


The mymovies.ini appears in the plugin folder, wenn I exit DVBViewer. I could not test this yesterday because of active timer recordings.

I'm using the mediastream-skin, so it doesn't look like it's supposed to, but thats ok for the moment.

For all the mediastream-users out there, I could edit the xml to make it fit to the skin, but don't really know how cause I never used the skineditor.

It could take a little time, so if anyone other knows how to do it, just do it ;-)




Maybe you can give me some advice, on what to change to make the xml fit other skins.

And keep on the good work, you really do a great job!

I made a first version of a mediastream xml, but I'm not really a skin expert.



This xml really needs some tweaking, Now I would like to ask you, or anybody else, to improve it..


Nice update now the thumbs and backdrops fly through :angry:


the only problem i got is the hanging option, on clicking ok on the mymovies page

i think its the time to save all jpg files in the configuration path

Posted (edited)
Nice update now the thumbs and backdrops fly through :angry:


In my case it's a bit better, but far away from fast :( To open the MyMovies menu it takes more time than as example the MediaCenter menu... The changes in the OSD-Image-Quality options take also no effect. It seems, the speed problem is directly linked to the resolution...in fullscreen it's sooooo slow an if i size down the video window to 1/4 of the fullscreen the navigation is very smooth :angry:

Edited by The-Smiechie

Great work guys!! Really useful plugin. And it is damn fast here..


Fast here too. Thanks also to Flowy - both plugins work very well together and make a great addition.


Now I like browsing through my movies more than I like watching them.

Posted (edited)
In my case it's a bit better, but far away from fast :

Same problem here.


As The-Smiechie wrote it depents on the resolution. In fullscreen mode (1440x900) I have a delay of about 1 second. In window mode it's faster, but not really smooth.

Edited by dgdg
Same problem here.


As The-Smiechie wrote it depents on the resolution. In fullscreen mode (1440x900) I have a delay of about 1 second. In window mode it's faster, but not really smooth.

I'm not sure what else I can do about this since the only thing that is done during the 'onitemchange' event is changing the backdrop (and the labels)

[i]Once at OSD_MSG_WINDOW_INIT[/i]
FBackdrop := Window.Getcontrol(CONTROL_IMGBACKDROP) as IOSDImage;

[i]at "OnonSelectedItemChange"[/i]

Maybe one the DVBViewer programmers has an idea ??


Could you give some more details on the setup: DVBViewer version, osd-apperance image/text/graphic quality, mymovies itemchangedelay.. etc?


It is actually an old problem, see here. The OSD engine can be, under circumstances, pretty slow. Let's hope for D3D in the future...


I just added a search function. You can now search on Title, Actor or Year.

Version .20 can be downloaded from the start post.


It is actually an old problem, see here. The OSD engine can be, under circumstances, pretty slow. Let's hope for D3D in the future...

Thanks.. kinda good to know, now I don't worry to much that I overlooked something really stupid.



- Safe the last scrolled movie. On re-enter the mymovies osd is the last movie highlighted.

- Replay the last movie part if it was stopped while playing (normal Meida Center function)

- Choose the langauge in the settings for the osd output language and my program

- Choose if the pictures should copy in the DVBViewer config path or not


OSD Suggestions:

- Original Movie directory name with the original name frome the info.txt

- More infos for the osd

- Problems with deleting some text (if example "Genre" not exists the plugin won´t work)

- Only update the dynamic loaded text, "Genre :" can´t be renamed

- on start mymovies the first title head is always invisible .

Posted (edited)

Thanks for the feedback.



- Safe the last scrolled movie. On re-enter the mymovies osd is the last movie highlighted. : Done

- Replay the last movie part if it was stopped while playing (normal Meida Center function) : Done

- Problems with deleting some text (if example "Genre" not exists the plugin won´t work) : Done

- on start mymovies the first title head is always invisible . : Done

- Choose if the pictures should copy in the DVBViewer config path or not : Done



OSD Suggestions:

- Original Movie directory name with the original name frome the info.txt

Where would you want to see that ?


More infos for the osd

I'll implement all the (now) available fields of info.txt in a next version. I personally don't want to see everything, gets to crouded on the screen, but I'll add a list of the field that can be filled, with the appropriate controlid's for the button/labels.


- Only update the dynamic loaded text, "Genre :" can´t be renamed

The "Genre :" can be renamed using the language file, that is done only at the first window init. Or do you mean something else?


- Choose the langauge in the settings for the osd output language and my program

Can be done, but requires that the info.txt also include info's in multiple languages


But first I think I want to put some time in changing from the ini to a sqlite database for storage of the movie info. I'll pm you when I had the time to do this.

Edited by amontillado
Posted (edited)
Thanks for the feedback.

Where would you want to see that ?

I'll implement all the (now) available fields of info.txt in a next version. I personally don't want to see everything, gets to crouded on the screen, but I'll add a list of the field that can be filled, with the appropriate controlid's for the button/labels.

The "Genre :" can be renamed using the language file, that is done only at the first window init. Or do you mean something else?

Can be done, but requires that the info.txt also include info's in multiple languages


But first I think I want to put some time in changing from the ini to a sqlite database for storage of the movie info. I'll pm you when I had the time to do this.


wow really nice and pretty fast, but i have to try later -_-


The text like "Genre :" shouldn´t be updaded over the plugin. I think its a SKin thing so the Skin decides, how its named or if its visible


- Original Movie directory name with the original name frome the info.txt


Where would you want to see that ?

yo can provide it as informations for other skins

for me i like to see it instead of the original name and little written a step down with the year

kind a like this, instead of the stars the original name:




Yes good thing with the pm


So thanks for adding my suggestions

Edited by Flowy
I made a first version of a mediastream xml, but I'm not really a skin expert.



This xml really needs some tweaking, Now I would like to ask you, or anybody else, to improve it..


I'll take a look at this tomorrow!

Thanks so far for your work!

Posted (edited)
- More infos for the osd : Done

I added (allmost) all the available fields from info.txt

I also put a list of the available fields for Skinners, can be found in the textfile, makes it easier to customize your own skin.


The text like "Genre :" shouldn´t be updaded over the plugin. I think its a SKin thing so the Skin decides, how its named or if its visible

From what i've seen mostly the language info is put in either a separate language file or added to the DVBViewer language file. You can call the latter translations using "GetTranslation" but I don't think they are automatically translated by the osd engine (at least not when I tested it). Hopefully a developper can clarify this.


ps.. I found a bug in the handling of the selectdirectory function, it didn't take the right handle which you lead to a crash of DVBViewer in 4.1 (never experienced in 4.0), I fixed this in the new version, so might be a good Idea to update.


I'll take a look at this tomorrow!

Thanks so far for your work!

Thanks. Please update to the lates version, I added fields and changed a bit.

Edited by amontillado

Great, great job Amontillado :tongue:

Would be possible to show MyMovies icon in "HTPC home window" section instead "Home window" general section?


Posted (edited)

Took a look at your new version, especially the mediastream-version.

What should I say, looks perfect for me! For me no need to change anything, I'm totally satisfied with it!


Just 2 questions, maybe you can fix something.


Thumbnails in the mymovie-list are not scaled to the fullsize of the box, at the bottom (where the description is) they are.

Would it be possible, that thumbnails are always scaled to fullsize?


I hope you know what I mean, otherwise I'll take a screenshot to show you what I mean.


The second point, how can I remap the mymovies-entry to my remote instead of "osd-video"? Don't know the ID, to change it.

Would be great if that works.


Another "Big THX" for your work, awesome :bye:




Played around a bit with the Skineditor, to modify the mediastream-file - no luck ... :tongue:

It's kinda tricky and very difficult in the beginning.


So I ask you, maybe something to put on a wishlist:


Would it be possible to add a button "Serien" or "Dokus" that opens a new osd-page and shows me, for example my recordings or some tv-series on my hd?

Of course in the same way the mymovies look like. On that page there has to be a button that goes back to mymovies.


I tried it myself by creating a new button that jumps to myvideo, the myvideo.xml was replaced by another mymovies.xml (renamed it) and in the videooptions of DVBViewer I pointed towards the special folder on my hd.

That did not work ... B)

I know that would have been quick-and-dirty but would have worked for me.


Maybe you know how to implement it, maybe still on your to-do-list?


But first of all, I hope you know what I mean ;)



Edited by sw4y

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