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MyMovies - Movie info OSD Plugin


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If I use version 0.01.37 of your plugin I often get a "Runtime error 217 at XXXXX" when I close DVBViewer and afterwards mymovies settings are set to their default values.

I don't get this error with earlier versions.

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If I use version 0.01.37 of your plugin I often get a "Runtime error 217 at XXXXX" when I close DVBViewer and afterwards mymovies settings are set to their default values.

I don't get this error with earlier versions.

A bit weird since there is (for as far I can see) nothing that has changed that could make this happen.

That settings aren't written does not necessarly mean that mymovies crashed since the setting changes are written when mymovies receives the terminate message from DVBViewer, if DVBViewer crashes before it sends that message the setting changes are also not written.


But I uploaded a new version that changes the termination procedure a bit and added some logging. Could you please try this :


Please enable the debug log setting and post the osd.log & osderror.log if you get any errors


Also some additional questions:

1. Did you use FilmInfoPics with the output directly to the database or via the info.txt files

2. Could you try if v34 works ?



Posted (edited)

I tried the new MyMovies.dll. With this new version and v34 I didn't get any errors so far. If I switch back to v37 I immediately get an error.

I enabled the debug log setting but if the error occurs there aren't written any logs and when I start DVBViewer again the debug log setting is disabled.

FilmInfoPics outputs the data into info.txt files. I never used direct output to the database.


First I tried the new .dll (v38), then v34 and then v37.



17.09.09 14:39:51 MyMovies-Init:   ConfigFolder=C:\ProgramData\CMUV\DVBViewer\
17.09.09 14:39:51 MyMovies-Init:   AppFolder=C:\Program Files\DVBViewer\
17.09.09 14:39:51 MyMovies-Init:   MenuWindowId=0
17.09.09 14:39:51 MyMovies-init:   FileVersion =
17.09.09 14:39:51 MyMovies-Init:   UseThumbs=-1
17.09.09 14:39:51 MyMovies-Init:   Init succesfull
17.09.09 14:44:24 MyMovies-Terminate: Terminate Started
17.09.09 14:44:24 MyMovies-Terminate: Terminate Ended
17.09.09 14:44:58 MyMovies-Init:   ConfigFolder=C:\ProgramData\CMUV\DVBViewer\
17.09.09 14:44:58 MyMovies-Init:   AppFolder=C:\Program Files\DVBViewer\
17.09.09 14:44:58 MyMovies-init:   FileVersion =
17.09.09 14:44:58 MyMovies-Init:   UseThumbs=-1
17.09.09 14:44:59 MyMovies-Init:   Init succesfull
17.09.09 14:45:21 MyMovies-WindowInit: WindowInit Started
17.09.09 14:45:21 MyMovies-WindowInit: WindowInit Ended


osderror.log contains only messages that are similar to these ones:

17.09.09 14:45:21 MyMovies-IOSDLabelControl Trailer label is NOT assigned, please check the mymovies.xml for a valid label with controlid:3311
17.09.09 14:45:21 MyMovies-IOSDLabelControl Author label is NOT assigned, please check the mymovies.xml for a valid label with controlid:3312
Edited by michaelp
Posted (edited)



first let my say that i missing such a plugin for a long time. So i´m very happy about your development. :wacko:

I don´t use the FilmInfoPic, because i have all this information in an other SQLite 3 database . (I`m using UMC UMC Wiki )

So i write a littel dirty commandline tool to export this information und import them in your mymovies.db. Works for me but i think i found a bug.


I have the Movie "Planet der Affen" two times, the original from 1968 and the remake from 2001. Both have the same title !

INSERT INTO movies VALUES(288,'Planet der Affen','\\nas\Data\www\UMC\Bilder\','"\\NAS\Multimedia\Filme\Movie\Filme M-P\Planet der Affen.1968.mkv"',1968,'','Astronaut Taylor und zwei seiner Kameraden überleben den Raum-Zeitsprung durch das All - 2000 Jahre in die Zukunft. Eine Notlandung verschlägt sie auf einen entfernten Planeten, der von Affen regiert wird. Auf grausame Weise mißbrauchen die herrschenden Affen eine primitive Menschenrasse für Experimente und Unterhaltungszwecke. Seine Kameraden sterben oder werden präpariert, er selbst, durch eine Kehlkopfverletzung eine Zeitlang ohne Sprache wird bald zur Gefahr für die religiös geführte Affenzivilisation, da er der Beweis ist, daß Menschen nicht primitiv sind. Seine einzige Hoffnung sind bald zwei Schimpansen-Wissenschaftler, die aufgeklärte Zira (Kim Hunter) und ihr furchtsamer Mann Cornelius. Taylor bleibt bald nur die Flucht, bevor auch er kastriert und lobotomisiert wird...','','Charlton Heston, Roddy McDowall, Kim Hunter, James Whitmore, James Daly, Linda Harrison, Jeff Burton, Jerry Maren, ','Franklin J. Schaffner','','','','','','','','','','','','','USA','','tt0063442','\\nas\Data\www\UMC\Bilder\Planet der Affen.1968[Cover].jpg','"\\nas\Data\www\UMC\Bilder\Planet der Affen.1968[Backdrop].jpg"','8,14000034332275','','','','','','','','','','','',0,0,NULL);
INSERT INTO movies VALUES(326,'Planet der Affen','\\nas\Data\www\UMC\Bilder\','"\\NAS\Multimedia\Filme\Movie\Filme M-P\Planet der Affen.2001.mkv"',2001,'','2029: Astronaut Leo Davidson (Mark Wahlberg) befindet sich auf einer Routine-Mission durchs Weltall. Plötzlich gerät er in ein Wurmloch und fliegt durch Zeit und Raum. Er landet auf einem Planeten, auf dem sprechende Affen über die Menschen herrschen! Mit Hilfe der sympathischen Schimpansin Ari (Helena Bonham-Carter) und einer kleinen Gruppe menschlicher Rebellen widersetzt sich Leo der Gorilla-Armee, welche von General Thade (Tim Roth) und seinem besten besten Krieger Attar (Michael Clarke Duncan) angeführt wird. Nun versuchen sie, einen heiligen Tempel in der Verbotenen Zone zu erreichen, der die schockierenden Geheimnisse der untergegangenen Menschheit enthält - und den Schlüssel für ihre Zukunft...','','Mark Wahlberg, Tim Roth, Helena Bonham Carter, Michael Clarke Duncan, Paul Giamatti, Estella Warren, Cary-Hiroyuki Tagawa, David Warner, Kris Kristofferson, Erick Avari, Evan Parke, Chris Ellis, Anne Ramsay, Michael Wiseman, Lisa Marie, Deep Roy, Isaac C. Singleton Jr., Linda Harrison, Todd Babcock, Shonda Farr, Kam Heskin, Candace Kroslak, Joanna Krupa, Elizabeth Lackey, Mark Christopher Lawrence, Melody Perkins, Charlton Heston, Marc Joseph, Martin Klebba, ','Tim Burton','','','','','','','','','','','','','USA','','tt0133152','\\nas\Data\www\UMC\Bilder\Planet der Affen.2001[Cover].jpg','"\\nas\Data\www\UMC\Bilder\Planet der Affen.2001[Backdrop].jpg"','5,80999994277954','','','','','','','','','','','',0,0,NULL);


1) Sometimes the new on is the first in list, sometimes the old on.

2) Always for both Movies the Year, Plot etc are the same. Depend on 1). So database is OK, but for both Movies the same info's is displayed.

3) All Pictures are stored on a NAS, to see the covers etc i must enabled "Use local thumbs". Without this i got only empty boxes.



Is it possible to remove the outline gray box from the covers ?

Maybe also display a different Picture for the highlight one ?


I like to see an option to run different programs for each movie before the movie start. :lol:

So i think about a new table with ID,Commandline,Parameters,delay

for example



(and the option to pass infos from the movie to the Parameters)

2,"c:\tools\tts.exe","You see now %title%",20


and on the movie table one new value to store a list of that ID´s

---> Now you can config the fps for each movie. Play a wav file,....... and after the delay time the movie will normaly played

Maybe a second new value for play movie yes or no. In combination with the other one you can play the Bluray ISO with an external program and the rest with DVBViewer. B)




Edited by f451


I have the Movie "Planet der Affen" two times, the original from 1968 and the remake from 2001. Both have the same title !


1) Sometimes the new on is the first in list, sometimes the old on.

2) Always for both Movies the Year, Plot etc are the same. Depend on 1). So database is OK, but for both Movies the same info's is displayed.

3) All Pictures are stored on a NAS, to see the covers etc i must enabled "Use local thumbs". Without this i got only empty boxes.


Hmm... could be, I discovered some errors in the sqlite unit I'm using before so wouldnt surprise me .. I'll have a look into it.



Is it possible to remove the outline gray box from the covers ?

Yes, just edit the xml with the skineditor


I like to see an option to run different programs for each movie before the movie start. :lol:

So i think about a new table with ID,Commandline,Parameters,delay

:wacko: Believe it or not but I actually allready put the code for it in for about 90%.. just didnt get around to it to finish it.

Will do so soon... but only after I've had time to implement the connection to Flowys new FilmInfoPics version .. so some patience.

Hmm... could be, I discovered some errors in the sqlite unit I'm using before so wouldnt surprise me .. I'll have a look into it.


switch to the sqlite 3 version :wacko:

that solve a lot of "my" problems....did not find a wrapper for c# to get access to your sqlite 2.1. So i must import sql statements with the old sqlbrowser, instead of writing in the database B)


Yes, just edit the xml with the skineditor

got it .....with skineditor is it much easier as with notepad B)


:lol: Believe it or not but I actually allready put the code for it in for about 90%.. just didnt get around to it to finish it.

Will do so soon... but only after I've had time to implement the connection to Flowys new FilmInfoPics version .. so some patience.

great to hear!!


One thing i noticed was that the osd-reaction on my "Working" Maschine with Windows 7 was quick, but on my HTPC with Windows XP it was very slow. After pressing a key it takes 2s to see a reaction...any idea?? (same DVBViewer, same skin, same mymovies.dll)



I tried the new MyMovies.dll. With this new version and v34 I didn't get any errors so far.

Good to hear, I hope you didn't get any errors with .38 anymore

switch to the sqlite 3 version :wacko:

that solve a lot of "my" problems....did not find a wrapper for c# to get access to your sqlite 2.1. So i must import sql statements with the old sqlbrowser, instead of writing in the database :lol:

The thing is that DVBViewer's database are all 2.x, and therefore so is the sqlite.dll that comes with DVBViewer. I didnt want to include the sqlite3.dll so thats why Im not using sqlite 3.

One thing i noticed was that the osd-reaction on my "Working" Maschine with Windows 7 was quick, but on my HTPC with Windows XP it was very slow. After pressing a key it takes 2s to see a reaction...any idea?? (same DVBViewer, same skin, same mymovies.dll)

Thats a common problem for the OSD (not mymovies specific). There's allready a lot written about the subject on the forum. Sometimes changing videorenderer works and sometimes a different skin also works better.

The thing is that DVBViewer's database are all 2.x, and therefore so is the sqlite.dll that comes with DVBViewer. I didnt want to include the sqlite3.dll so thats why Im not using sqlite 3.

DVBViewer will switch to sqlite 3 with the next version (UTF-8).

DVBViewer will switch to sqlite 3 with the next version (UTF-8).

Thanks for the heads up.


nice decision :wacko:

i´m happy to hear that




i have two more things.....don´t hate me for that :wacko:


1) I try to search for the Movie "Wächter der Nacht" and noticed that the Keyboard does not accept the ä,ö,ä,ü,ß

It would be great to allow this german characters too.

2) Walking throug a large collection of movies is not nice, if you are looking for a challange: :lol:

How about a quick jump funktion. By pressing a character jumping to the first movie that starts with this letter.

Or something like tabs for each letter. That will speed up the navigation.


have a nice weekend




I just tried to understand how to use the youtube trailers. They do not play, there´s a message that the file (path to youtube file) is not a videofile. Is it neccessary to download and save them to a trailers folder or with a certain filename, as mentioned earlier?





Is it neccessary to download and save them to a trailers folder or with a certain filename, as mentioned earlier?


Yes, and you need a directshow codec for the files (.flv)

Posted (edited)



thanks for your plugin.

I want also create a OSD plugin but i have no template to start with. Could you provide your code source so that i investigate my own plugin?

Which IDE dev tool you use?

What DVBViewer environnement must be installed (library?)?




Edited by Fabien44
1) I try to search for the Movie "Wächter der Nacht" and noticed that the Keyboard does not accept the ä,ö,ä,ü,ß

It would be great to allow this german characters too.

2) Walking throug a large collection of movies is not nice, if you are looking for a challange:

1. I use a standard DVBViewer function for that which controls the keyboard, so it needs to be added there.

2. Included in version .38

I want also create a OSD plugin but i have no template to start with. Could you provide your code source so that i investigate my own plugin?

Which IDE dev tool you use?

What DVBViewer environnement must be installed (library?)?

I use Delphi (7). The best examples are the myprograms and myinternet plugins, you can find them on the forum. The provide a nice comprehensive example of the OSD. Next to that you can look at the DVBSpy source code (Members area), that helps a lot with the DVBViewer events.

Posted (edited)

new version (.38) with quite some changes.


  1. Added: Commands. You can define a command which can be run before the movie starts, params can also include '%filename%' and %title%.
  2. Added: ActionId 99789 will show MyMovies window (for example, you can start DVBViewer with the mymovies window using the setting -x99789)
  3. Added: Quick jump funktion. Pressing a character will jump to the first movie that starts with this letter. Also works with a 0..9 (pressing a number several times will cycle throught the characters, like a telephone)
  4. Added: Keypress label which is shows the last key pressed (for 0..9 it will show the alfanumeric).
  5. Added: Option to use an external player on a per movie basis.
  6. Change: Setting series is now easier (dropdown menu)
  7. Fix: Changed termination sequence to prevent crashes


ps.. On the first time it will update the database, it might be necessary to restart DVBViewer to reload it.

ps2.. To be on the save side its always better to backup the database first

Edited by amontillado
Posted (edited)
new version (.38) with quite some changes.


  1. Added: Commands. You can define a command which can be run before the movie starts, params can also include '%filename%' and %title%.
  2. Added: ActionId 99789 will show MyMovies window (for example, you can start DVBViewer with the mymovies window using the setting -x99789)
  3. Added: Quick jump funktion. Pressing a character will jump to the first movie that starts with this letter. Also works with a 0..9 (pressing a number several times will cycle throught the characters, like a telephone)
  4. Added: Keypress label which is shows the last key pressed (for 0..9 it will show the alfanumeric).
  5. Added: Option to use an external player on a per movie basis.
  6. Change: Setting series is now easier (dropdown menu)
  7. Fix: Changed termination sequence to prevent crashes


ps.. On the first time it will update the database, it might be necessary to restart DVBViewer to reload it.

ps2.. To be on the save side its always better to backup the database first



[*]Added: Quick jump funktion. Pressing a character will jump to the first movie that starts with this letter. Also works with a 0..9 (pressing a number several times will cycle throught the characters, like a telephone)

This didn´t work. I activated the option in the settings but no number let jump the movie list to a letter

Only numbers 1-9 needed?

Edited by Flowy
This didn´t work. I activated the option in the settings but no number let jump the movie list to a letter

Only numbers 1-9 needed?

1. Does pressing characters work?

2. Could be you need to restart to activate it.

3. Listview or Thumbnail ?

4. Please try it once with concinnty (lite) skin and the mymovies.xml in .38 rar file. There should be a character visible above the list.


With my keyboard it works

0-9, but with the number keys of the remote, which works the same as the numbers of the keyboard, it wont work.


How are the Movies sorted? WHen I Add Movies to MYMovies they are display in a "random" oder. Not sorted by Name or something. How are they sorted, can I change it!?!?


you can change the sorting with the red osd button


is there a posibility for sorting the movie by genre (comedy, action, etc...)


Thx Vroniefan

Posted (edited)

Alternative MyMovies OSD Skin (Concinnity OSD Skin)


- Auto default backdrop if no backdrop found

- Update list view

- Size outline

- Size and location of title movie


Download > alternative_mymovies_osd_skin_1.0.rar

Edited by rdg
Alternative MyMovies OSD Skin (Concinnity OSD Skin)


- Auto default backdrop if no backdrop found

- Update list view

- Size outline

- Size and location of title movie


Download > alternative_mymovies_osd_skin_1.0.rar

Thanks, but could it be that its actually the myseries xml :blush:


something strange...


if i call the mymovies menu the first time, everything is alright. If i watched a movie and i call the menu, no backdrops are loaded.


just wanted to ask if you know this or can explain....


i will upload a new newdefwide xml & image rar for mymovies....



something strange...


if i call the mymovies menu the first time, everything is alright. If i watched a movie and i call the menu, no backdrops are loaded.

After you wachted, do they get loaded when you select another movie, or dont they get loaded at all anymore.

The reason for asking is that there is a bug which prevents loading the first backdrop when mymovies opens again.


i will upload a new newdefwide xml & image rar for mymovies....


something strange...


if i call the mymovies menu the first time, everything is alright. If i watched a movie and i call the menu, no backdrops are loaded.


same here. But not only backdrops, all wont be updated

It fells like, there is no event to update the movie infos and pictures.

same here. But not only backdrops, all wont be updated

It fells like, there is no event to update the movie infos and pictures.

I can replicate this for the first entry shown after mymovies is loaded again, but in my case, when i select another movie the bakcdrops+info are shown loaded again.

Can you confirm this ?

I can replicate this for the first entry shown after mymovies is loaded again, but in my case, when i select another movie the bakcdrops+info are shown loaded again.

Can you confirm this ?


yes this work, but sometimes the whole plugin "hang up" so you only can change the movies, but the infos and the pictures wont be updated. And than only a restart of the DVBViewer help.

Posted (edited)
yes this work, but sometimes the whole plugin "hang up" so you only can change the movies, but the infos and the pictures wont be updated. And than only a restart of the DVBViewer help.


Same Here... Maybe something about the used Renderer?


oh, and here is the new Skinfile & Images for MyMovies for the NewDefWide Skin; this time with non-written Buttons , a shown blue Button and I added a red one for sorting; also i prepared a yellow button image, just in case you want to use this later :)




Oh, forget s.th. : I can not edit the "path"; i hit the edit button but nothing happens... is it possible to include this feature? also: i changed the series in the db after importing a biiig folder for each movie. if i import the same folder again (because i didn't activate autoupdate and there are new movies in the folder), will the "series" info be lost? this would be horrible :D

Edited by storkman
oh, and here is the new Skinfile & Images for MyMovies for the NewDefWide Skin; this time with non-written Buttons , a shown blue Button and I added a red one for sorting; also i prepared a yellow button image, just in case you want to use this later :)

Thanks !, Ill include it in the next release

Oh, forget s.th. : I can not edit the "path"; i hit the edit button but nothing happens... is it possible to include this feature? also: i changed the series in the db after importing a biiig folder for each movie. if i import the same folder again (because i didn't activate autoupdate and there are new movies in the folder), will the "series" info be lost? this would be horrible ;)

1. yeah, possible .. not sure when ;)

2. No you can safely re-import a folder, data from existing movies wont be overwritten, only new will be added.


Hello Amintollado,


can you implement in the next version the possibility to sort after the filedate (which is in the database)?



Posted (edited)



i cant select MKV files.


PBKAC B) Works now.

Edited by mague

How to get DVD/VIDEO_TS into mymovies ? Why not adding all files, even if there is no metadata, if it works like this then I don't need the old-movies OSD anymore.

And how to get mymovies into HTPC menu (i've selected it in settings) ?

Is auto-update working (auto-scanning path for new files) ?


btw I like it very much and I'm using it !

Hello Amintollado,


can you implement in the next version the possibility to sort after the filedate (which is in the database)?

uploaded v39, should work now.


Changelog 0.01.39

Fix: Genre data could be reduced to 25 characters.

Fix: Not all info in the info.txt was read.

Added: Sort on Filedate now works.

Fix: Fixed some keyhook errors.

How to get DVD/VIDEO_TS into mymovies ? Why not adding all files, even if there is no metadata, if it works like this then I don't need the old-movies OSD anymore.

And how to get mymovies into HTPC menu (i've selected it in settings) ? ==> solved, using latest skin!

Is auto-update working (auto-scanning path for new files) ?


btw I like it very much and I'm using it !

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