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A package of suggestions regarding the Visually impaired mode of DVBViewer Pro

Patryk F

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    Dear DVBViewer team,

First of all I would like to thank You for a great software like DVBViewer is.
I use it everyday and recommend it for every blind person which wants near fully accessible television solution.
At this point I would also like to apologise for any potential mistakes, since it is my first post here.
I am a bit shy in other words ;)

I have packaged some suggestions for future development of DVBViewer.
I assumed that putting them together would be more practical than dispersing them between apropriate threads, since they have one thing in common.
all suggestions listed are from the visually impaired perspective, so are valid for the visually impaired interface enabled.

1. May I ask you to reverse the old channel editor/channel scan windows separated as in V 5.X?
It may be as an option, it does not have to be default.
The new look of editor/scanner maybe seems more practical, but it lacks some functionalities present in the old separated scanner as well as editor.
•  Scanner part now does not offer a "none" option when choosing a transponder list, allowing for a quick blind-scan inside DVBViewer without opening transedit. It means that you must select something from the list so doing a quick blindscan is not possible.
• Editor has no "DiSeqc" option, so if I am correcting the setup, i cannot change the position from 7.0 to 7.1 or 7.2 for instance on the fly, during listening and satellite correction.
I cannot also set the position to "none" if I don't want to send commands.
2. It is not possible toread RDS when in Visually Impaired mode.
I propose that the RDS text as well as RT and RT+ be integrated into the same read-only edit field as EPG, with a separation of 2 or 3 blank lines if both are present (as on astra 19.2 E).
Alternatively, You may create two read-only fields between which you switch with a TAB and shift+tab key.

3. When using visually impaired mode, the clock on a status bar (between bitrate and channel name) is irritating. May I ask for replacing it with either video bitrate (which in VI mode is available only from DVB source) or signal strength?
4. When in VI mode, Could you please disable the auto-muting feature?
When entering channel list editor or epg or any window of it's type, in the VI mode audio is muted, so to use epg while still listening you have to change window, press m or whatever to unmute, and proceed with an epg or whatever.
Seems quite irritating.
5. Since version 6.something, DVBViewer PRO presents the visually impaired mode window with the "Highlighted" text attribute.
While it is generally helpful to read the text in this way for Low Vision users, for some reason Jaws screenreader sometimes reads unexpected things like playback time elapsed, since it is constantly changing.

6. Last but not least, Could you please make the signal strength measure more appropriate (if a device returns it)?
For some reason, DVBViewer pro shows the signal strength based probably on RF gain parameter, not by actual signal to noise ratio or signal link margin.
I use two TBS products (5990 and 6903) as well as the RTL-2832 based device for DVB-t.
While it may be problematic for 2832 to return valid Signal Strength, TBS manages to do so.
What is more, DVBViewer GE is able to show a more intuitive signal measure.

Thanks in advance for any feedback from You

Patryk Faliszewski, Poland.


I made a note of it. Currently there is no time to consider the points above. I hope there will be an opportunity to come back to it later.

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