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Sorry for bothering again, but I thought that it's maybe worth to share another idea In fact TransEdit is already aware how many sections are in the basic tables, like PAT, SDT, NIT etc., because it anyway needs this data (visible in Table Stats). Cycle time & sections received combined for every section as an confirmation, that it was collected - together (I think) could be a base for an interesting diagnostics feature: an indication if table is complete and all sections have been collected. How this could work? Now icons for tables ("P" for PAT, "C" for CAT, "N" for NIT etc.) are always on a green background. After this change at the start of analyze - icons would be blue and they would turn green when all sections would be collected. A mockup below (SDT Other, BAT and EIT Other P/F are yet incomplete): This could be evolved even further with some simple configuration, that if for example NIT Other was not collected for longer than 10s, this would mark the icon with red background. This wouldn't be of course a full TR 101 211, because check would occure only once, but still a pretty nice feature, which could help to distinguish easier issues on broadcasters side from DVBViewer ones. If idea is too far from the scope of TransEdit, fully understand, thanks for reviewing
Hi, ich bin ja vor einer Weile umgestiegen auf ein board mit HEVC decoding. Ich habe, neben HTPC, einen kleinen Server mit Atom CPU der sowohl als Recording Service wie auch als virtueller Linuxserver und auch als Fileserver dient. Den wollte ich abschalten weil ich in Zukunft weder das Linux noch den Fileserver in der Form brauche und ich so mindestens 350kWh im Jahr sparen kann. Da mein HTPC Intelboard nur noch einen PCIe Slot hat aber meine PCI Karte noch tadellos funktioniert habe ich diesen Adapter versucht. Was soll ich sagen, funktioniert perfekt. Passt vielleicht nicht in jedes Gehäuse, aber rein elektrisch war es mit Win10 kein Problem. Treiber waren nicht nötig. RS habe ich jetzt keinen mehr, ich nehme kaum auf und die Technotrend S2 3200 und der DVBSky 330 T2 USB Stick versorgen den DVBViewer jetzt direkt mit Daten
Best way to inject EPG from non-standard stream
tim copperfield posted a topic in Scripting Lounge / API (de/en)
Hiya, I'm writing a plugin which plays local satellite radio service. For some insane reason, instead of using EIT P/F for current playing song information, they instead placed this information into private PES which is listed in each radio program PMT. Since my plugin already has to deal with PMT parsing for descriptors etc, it was simple enough to get the radio information PES PID and add it to filter, and now I have access to that packet: 47 55 12 15 00 00 01 bd 00 b2 88 80 05 21 62 4b 25 f5 81 a0 02 02 62 a1 02 00 04 a2 0a 3f 4d 4e 78 24 37 24 2f 24 46 a3 06 46 6e 3a 3b 3f 25 a4 0e 25 52 25 48 25 33 25 24 25 37 25 2f 25 46 a5 0c 25 5f 25 4a 25 5f 25 35 25 2a 25 6a ff 6d ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff 47 1f ff 10 ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff This obviously contains ISO-2022-JP / ARIB encoded text data. Let's say I extracted it and converted it to Unicode or UTF-8. What would be the best way to get this into the EPG data that DVBViewer displays? Currently, when program is switched, the info popup screen shows "No EPG data available" for both current and next song. I'm thinking maybe generating a new EIT packet and inserting this data, then overwriting entire 188byte packet received from DVBViewer (which is originally tagged with PID of private PES), and returning that. actually hmm that wouldn't work because there IS a fairly high bitrate EIT PID which has all the channel names but no currently playing schedule in them. Anyway, so any suggestions on how to get this info into the DVBViewer UI to show current/next playing program. -
IPTV im Recording Service bereitstellen -
Siox posted a topic in Einsteigerfragen DVBViewer Pro/GE
Hallo zusammen, wie kann ich IPTV auf dem Recording Service einrichten? Es geht hier um Dienste wie . Ich habe schon so oft IPTV in den Einstellungen gelesen und nun auch heraus gefunden, dass ich irgendwie mit der Transedit.exe diese suchen kann. Ich bin auch soweit, dass ich entsprechende IP-Adressen Bereiche scannen könnte. Ich bin nun auch kein DAU, wenn es um IP-Adressen Ports etc. geht, aber die Einrichtung von IPTV ist nun nicht gerade intuitiv gelöst. Ich möchte mich hier noch einmal informieren, ob das auch vom Recording Service unterstützt wird und wie gut? Oder wenn der DVBViewer benötigt wird, wie muss ich mir das vorstellen und wie was einstellen? Aktuell habe ich auf meinem HTPC den Recording Service laufen, dieser lässt sich von einer Hauppauge mit Sateliten-TV bespaßen. Nun würde ich gerne IPTV einrichten, um einfach Alternativen zu haben. Zusätzlich läuft auf dem gleichen PC der DVBViewer, den ich mit Eventghost und Fernbedienung wie einen Receiver benutze. Alles unter Windows 10 32bit. Vielen Dank, für hilfreiche Informationen -
I am trying to install DVB pro on Windows 10 I receive this error ! How I can stop recording ? Please explain clearly . I am 70 years old and not a gig !
Multiple Anysee CI problem with encrypted channels
LinusA posted a topic in DVB Hardware (Digital TV cards)
Hi. I have just bought the program and are experience some difficulties with decoding multiple encrypted channels. My setup is: Windows 8.1 2 x anysee (DVB-T2) with CI modules and working program cards, I have no problem watching one encrypted channel. I can watch one encrypted and one non encrypted channels. I can recode one encrypted channel and watch another non encrypted channel at the same time. BUT I cannot recode one encrypted channel and at the same time watch another encrypted channel. If I do I only get a froxen screen. If I go back to the recoded channel and stop the recoding, I cannot change the channel to another encrypted channel after this. I need to close the program and start over to get the encrypted channels to work again. Non encrypted channels are always working, even after the freezing have happened. I have tried the same setup on another computer, and gets the same results. I have split the anysee on to two computers, and then I can watch the encrypted channels simultaneously. So why is the DVBViewer crashing when handling multiple anysee and decoding encrypted channels? I have tried and enabled/disabled all checkboxes under Hardware like “stop data stream when channel shift”, with no better result. Please help! /Linus -
hi,help me i have DTV-DVB UDTT 704J- USB 2.0 but the problem when i search for channel it didnt found anything.the driver is installed correctly ,i dont know where is the problem.someone give the solution and thanks......
TT-connect S2-3600 vs. TT-connect S2-4600
elle2310 posted a topic in DVB Hardware (Digital TV cards)
Dear Community, well I'm quite new in the scene here and don't see the difference between the TT-S2-3600 and the TT-S2-4600. I would like to know, which of these devices is the better one, where are the differences and if it's worth buying a device (S2-4600) which is more expensive. Liebe Community, ich bin ziemlich neu hier und will mir einen TechnoTrend Gerät zum Fernsehschauen zulegen, im Moment schwanke ich zwischen dem TT-connect S2-3600 und dem TT-connect S2-4600. Welches Gerät würdet ihr mir empfehlen, ich kann im Moment keinen technischen Unterschied zwischen den beiden Geräten sehen. Gibt es welche?