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An interesting signal


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I noticed an interesting thing about Hispasat.
11222 V a 11422 H

Although I don't get a normal stream from CrazyScan, DVBViewer tunes this transponder even though the playback is not so smooth anymore.

Maybe it's some DVB-IP or something completely different.





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With AutoRestart off, it will show the stream as well as the tables, but new and new ones are created.




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On 12/9/2022 at 7:31 AM, Griga said:

It looks like the PAT version number changes with each arriving PAT.


It does.


Data transmitted on this transponder obviously does not fully comply with the ISO/IEC 13818-1 and DVB specifications. For checking if TransEdit can handle it in a better way I would need a transponder dump. One or two minutes will do. You can upload it to WeTransfer and send me a PM with the link.


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It seems that my old TBS5925 card is not suitable for saving fullTS, a very small data flow is displayed and even the analysis from fullTS is not OK.

You will probably need a card with partial or full BBFrame support.
But watching in DVBViewer is possible, although it is not stable, but sufficient to find out what is being broadcast.

PS: Only 4MB saved while writing this post




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Recording all incoming data in the TransEdit Analyzer: Right-click the PID List -> Select All, then click Start Recording (for the output directory see Settings -> Analyzer -> Output Directory). Did you do that?


It should give the same result here as in your TransEdit Analyzer.


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On 12/9/2022 at 8:51 AM, EnoSat said:

With AutoRestart off, it will show the stream as well as the tables, but new and new ones are created.


Settings -> General -> Drop SI table sections with wrong CRC avoids it. It applies to the Analyzer and Scanner.


CRC is a kind of checksum for PAT, PMT, SDT etc. The input delivered by your TBS 5925 is highly corrupted. If TransEdit does not check the CRC, SI tables containing corrupted data are read, yielding random results.


The basic problem on this transponder is the PAT. It should enumerate all services available on this transponder in a single section. But it only specifies one service. The next transmitted PAT table comes with a different version number and specifies a different service, and so on. This does not comply with ISO/IEC 13818-1. The PAT version number should only change, if new services have been added on the transponder or if services have gone or if a service ID or PMT PID has been changed.


I don't know why the provider does it this way. Either it is incompetent, or it wants to hide services by disabling normal PAT reading.


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