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Posted (edited)

Indeed is e.g. the Kodi addon iptvsimple (and some others too) be able to import any xmltv file. There are some xmltv grabber which get the epg data from different sources but all of them have the disadvantage that they can not modify the way how the epg will be present on the osd. As i understand xepg can with its format editor create a custom epg format style design. I thought if xepg can somewhere store a local xmltv file too apart from the dat file for DVBViewer, so it can also be used to import from the pvr iptvsimple Kodi addon.

In the past i use for this design work the kisscon tool but it only can prosess the TV movie clickfinder mdb file format. 

Edited by TeHaX
Posted (edited)

I have looked into the source for Xepg. The is no simple way to do what you want within Xepg.

Such a file should not participate in the channel pairing, it should contain all the <channel> nodes and way too many other differences.


Maybe it would be better with a standalone tool that does the job.


It should load/create an EPG Format file and then  convert an xmltv file to another xmltv file with the same <channel> nodes but only have <title>, <sub-tittle> and <desc> nodes formatted according to the EPG Format file.


Is that correctly understod?


I can't promise anything, just say maybe some time in the (not near) future.



Edited by Delphi

Yes, correct for the three nodes.  Thanks for your answer and work. More i can not expect ? 

  • 1 month later...

@Delphi With Xtranslate and DVBViewer the "Import Genre from DVBViewer..." doesn't work for me. I always get an error popup "DVBViewer must be running!" although DVBViewer is already running.

Posted (edited)

It works here with DVBViewer and with DVBViewer

You could try to upgrade to I am pretty sure that the error is not in Xtranslate, since this error has never been reported before.

Edited by Delphi
  • 4 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...
Posted (edited)



I don't know if it is a DVBViewer problem or if it could be solved with a correct setup of XEPG but...


Why is the show barner lost after importing to DMS? Meaning "<icon src="https:..."


And another problem is the way the description is managed (<desc...) . I use PVR Live for android TV and DMS as a server to integrate DVBViewer channels on my TV with Google Live Channels, but I can't find a way for description to show in live channels, only the title is shown in both fields, title and description is the same.


If an M3U list is used with an xml guide with the same app (PVR Live) everything is perfect. Title, description and show banner are shown correctly in live channels (but you lose the integration with the recording service and DMS channel logos).


If the same xml guide imported into DMS is used, the description shows the title again, and show banners are lost. (whith this setup description is OK on DVBViewer and also on Kodi whith DVBViewer addon, but show banner is missing too).


Any help?


PD: Is it so difficult for DMS or XEPG to allow an XML guide directly just like the now dead TVmosaic?


Thanks a lot.

Edited by estapagu
6 hours ago, estapagu said:

Why is the show barner lost after importing to DMS? Meaning "<icon src="https:..."


 The DVBViewer/DMS does not support displaying those icons. This has been discussed before, see




and following posts.


6 hours ago, estapagu said:

I use PVR Live for android TV and DMS as a server to integrate DVBViewer channels on my TV with Google Live... Channels


I have no experience with that, sorry.


10 hours ago, estapagu said:

Why is the show barner lost after importing to DMS? Meaning "<icon src="https:..."


The DMS is mainly designed for handling DVB EPG, that doesn't provide "show banners" or similar stuff. That's why the DMS EPG data doesn't contain information about it. It could be added and stored (which would imply a format change, disabling previous DMS versions to read stored EPG data of new versions), if Xepg would provide the URL as part of its exported EPG data.


But what to do with it inside the DMS? Adding it to XMLTV data exported to clients would be no big deal. However, displaying such banners in the DMS web interface would require considerable efforts.


10 hours ago, estapagu said:

I use PVR Live for android TV and DMS as a server to integrate DVBViewer channels on my TV with Google Live Channels...


First of all we have to solve a communication problem. I don't know "Google Live Channels" and "PVR Live" either, and from what you have written I can't figure out which kind of DMS live stream output you are actually using. Sat>IP? UPnP/DLNA? Channels.m3u?


Maybe you can clarify it by describing what you did for integrating DVBViewer channels in your setup.


11 hours ago, Griga said:


The DMS is mainly designed for handling DVB EPG, that doesn't provide "show banners" or similar stuff. That's why the DMS EPG data doesn't contain information about it. It could be added and stored (which would imply a format change, disabling previous DMS versions to read stored EPG data of new versions), if Xepg would provide the URL as part of its exported EPG data.


But what to do with it inside the DMS? Adding it to XMLTV data exported to clients would be no big deal. However, displaying such banners in the DMS web interface would require considerable efforts.


OK but DMS/DVBViewer supports  URL / IPTV Channels too, where EIT / DVB EPG is not pressent. Also a lot of clients for DMS can handle "show banners" or similar stuff. (Kodi, Google live channels...). So server supports no DVB sources and clients supports richer EPG data, why not?. On TVHeadend, DVBLink / TVMosaic, Mediaportal... it's as simple as select xml guide and pair channels.


11 hours ago, Griga said:

First of all we have to solve a communication problem. I don't know "Google Live Channels" and "PVR Live" either, and from what you have written I can't figure out which kind of DMS live stream output you are actually using. Sat>IP? UPnP/DLNA? Channels.m3u?


Maybe you can clarify it by describing what you did for integrating DVBViewer channels in your setup.


PVR Live integrates DMS into Google Live channels through DMS Live and Media Stream Server (using HTTP, I think). This way I can't get description on guide (XEPG Default.xml format).


PVR Live can handle M3U and xlm guide for M3U too. This way with same xml EPG source as abovee, description is displayed correctly but I lose the integration with the recording service, so that's why I want to use it the other way.


Sample screenshots attached.


Thanks so much :)








Sorry, but I still don't understand what you have done for DMS integration. How did it happen? I need more DMS specific information about the procedure. Has PVR Live detected the presence of the DMS automatically?


15 minutes ago, estapagu said:

PVR Live can handle M3U


From where does this M3U originate? Did you download it from the DMS web interface, or did you enter its URL in PVR live?


Posted (edited)
38 minutes ago, Griga said:

Sorry, but I still don't understand what you have done for DMS integration. How did it happen? I need more DMS specific information about the procedure. Has PVR Live detected the presence of the DMS automatically?

PVR live has DVBViewer DMS direct integration. You need to setup DMS IP server and user/password if required. This way I use XEPG to import guide to DMS. Putting aside show banners, description shows OK on Kodi with DVBViewer addon, but no description here.


38 minutes ago, Griga said:

From where does this M3U originate? Did you download it from the DMS web interface, or did you enter its URL in PVR live?

PVR live allow several integrations so another way is M3U. This M3U was downloaded from DMS web interface and I changed "localhost" for my DMS server local IP. This way same XML guide goes direct from url source so no XEPG in the middle. Putting aside show banners, description is OK.



Edited by estapagu
1 hour ago, estapagu said:

PVR live has DVBViewer DMS direct integration. You need to setup DMS IP server and user/password if required.


Thanks for information. I didn't know that PVR Live contains support for the DMS. However, if the description doesn't show up as expected, PVR Live probably doesn't use the DMS API correctly, so we can't do anything about it. The DVBViewer Add-On for Kodi proves that it basically works.


1 hour ago, estapagu said:

This M3U was downloaded from DMS web interface and I changed "localhost" for my DMS server local IP.


You can let the DMS add some tags to the M3U file that are supported by PVR Live, as I can see here. Please use the following URL to download Channels.m3u from the DMS:




where n is a number that is composed in the follwing way:

  • 4: Add group-title tag (= category)
  • 8: Add tvg-logo tag (= channel logo URL)
  • 16: Add tvg-id tag (= EPG Channel ID for XMLTV EPG data downloaded from the DMS). If PVR Live needs to know the URL for getting DMS XMLTV EPG data, please use http://[DMS-IP]:8089/api/epg.html?xmltv=1&xgrab=
  • 32: Add tvg-name (= channel name).
  • 64: Add tvg-chno (= one-based channel number)

Simply add the numbers for getting the desired tags in the M3U, e.g. n = 8 + 16 = 24 for logos and EPG IDs. If you want to configure certain tags as default for M3U export, please launch DMSTweaker.bat from the DVBViewer program directory (where DVBViewer.exe is), search the "Live stream M3U configuration" setting, select it and read the description at the bottom.


I hope this helps... including show banner URLs in the DMS XMLTV export mentioned above may be possible in future, but I have to discuss with @Delphi if and how this can be done.


Posted (edited)
2 hours ago, Griga said:

I hope this helps... including show banner URLs in the DMS XMLTV export mentioned above may be possible in future, but I have to discuss with @Delphi if and how this can be done


I allready ship the url of the icon in the xml I ship to DMS/DVBViewer (tag <iconurl>), see




With a reasonable internet connection it should be possible just to download and display them when needed.

Edited by Delphi
  • 1 month later...

I am running DVBViewer and Xepg When pairing after a successful grabbing the Pairing Window gives an empty left column but for the red arrow. Please, help me get it right. Attached produced files.

Channels.ini Pairings.xml

On 8/26/2021 at 11:21 AM, ILN said:

When pairing after a successful grabbing the Pairing Window gives an empty left column but for the red arrow


I don't understand how you could produce the Pairings.xml when this column is empty?


Please upload your Config.ini file. It resides in the Xepg Data Folder (link in Xepg main window). If you don't want that file to be public, you can PM me.


Your Grabber (URL in this case) is not an xmltv file.

Looks like a setup file for webgrab+


You should call the webgrab+ executable that uses this setup file.


Read more about this in Xepg > Xepg Data Folder > TheFiles.rtf


Alternatively you can use the paid version of honeybee which delivers you a direct link to the xmltv file:




Thank you Delphi,

every day there is something new to be learnt.

Have a nice weekend. ?


Well, here i am again. Now I got it running smoothly through the 4 first steps. The pairing seems to work. The Test Import updates a file " epg.dat" with 5 554 kB. But I can not notice any effect after activating the Automate. None of the wanted epg info is to be seen in my EPG Timeline. I need one more advice, please.

3 hours ago, ILN said:

The Test Import updates a file " epg.dat" with 5 554 kB. B


Not directly. The epg is imported into the memory of DVBViewer when you click Test import. Later (e.g. when you close DVBViewer) it is saved to the file epg.dat.


3 hours ago, ILN said:

But I can not notice any effect after activating the Automate


How did you do that? You will need to create a windows task. Click Help (How To) in the Automate window.




Bear with me, plz! I thought that OK in Automate would do the trick. Anyhow, I have a scheduled task in windows now and had it running this morning but still no result, se attached log from Xepg.


Posted (edited)



is still not an xmltv file. How you did the channel pairing is a mystery to me:iiam:


Using https://www.honeybee.it/ is far the easiest way to go.


6 hours ago, ILN said:

I thought that OK in Automate would do the trick


In future versions I will rename that button to Close.;)



Edited by Delphi

Well, it is a bigger mystery to me!


I followed this advice:

On 8/27/2021 at 7:48 PM, Delphi said:

You should call the webgrab+ executable that uses this setup file.


It puzzles me that in Xepg.LOG it seems that an xmltv file has been created named myGuide.xml:


From the log <2021-08-31 06:00:08.425 Downloading: myGuide.xml From: http://webgrabplus.com/sites/default/files/download/ini/info/siteini.pack/Sweden/allatvkanaler.se.E.channels.xml
2021-08-31 06:00:09.034 myGuide.xml Size: 11946
2021-08-31 06:00:09.191 Finished: myGuide.xml
2021-08-31 06:00:09.192 OSD Message: Finished running grabber(s)
2021-08-31 06:00:09.192 OSD Message: Success!>


and that Xepg runs with only success notifications. I do not find any errors? But bear in mind, I have just a little knowlege about these things.

Posted (edited)

Look at the statistics in Xepg.LOG. Xepg finds no channels in myGuide.xml because it is not an xmltv file. The Success! in this case means that the download went fine. That's why the left pane in the pairings window is empty and that's why it's a mystery to me how you made the channel pairings.


29 minutes ago, ILN said:

I followed this advice


You didn't.


The webgrab executable must be downloaded from http://webgrabplus.com/

I have used that grabber years ago. I required several hours of work for me to set it up. To get full acces to everything you have to donate.


1 hour ago, Delphi said:

Using https://www.honeybee.it/ is far the easiest way to go


Edited by Delphi
Posted (edited)

Took a closer look at your Pairings.xml


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  -<section name="Channels">
    <entry name="">562958681228402</entry>
    <entry name="">564316755723041</entry>
    <entry name="">840023027752013</entry>
    <entry name="">562958681299040</entry>


Well, now I understand a little better how you made your pairings: the name attributes become empty. They can't be, they represent the  so called xmltvid.

Edited by Delphi

Sorry! This is a jungle to me. I got WebGrabPlus_V3.2_install.exe and executed, I donated to webgrabplus I got a license pass code for 2 years and collected info for epg to my channels into a file according to their guide. I run the WebGrabPlusI and think it created a file guide.xml that is the attached . After going through the steps in Wepg I got a file myGuide.xml which I thought the windows task would take care of.


Having said this, shall I just dump all this and uninstall WbGrab and Wepg and start from scratch and use honeybee.it instead? I might have messed things up fiddling around not entirely knowing what i did. At one point I tried the program XMLTV.exe wwhich also could have made confusion.





Your guide only contain some channel definitions, no epg. An xlmtv file usually is much bigger, from a few MB up to 900 MB (the biggest I have seen).


58 minutes ago, ILN said:

Having said this, shall I just dump all this and uninstall WbGrab and Wepg and start from scratch and use honeybee.it instead?


Yes, as I suggested ;)


You don't have to uninstal Xepg. Just delete the file Pairings.xml. Is Wepg a typo?

Posted (edited)
14 minutes ago, Delphi said:


What does "typo" mean?

Edited by ILN
Wrong spelling

You wrote Wepg, did you mean Xepg?

Posted (edited)

When and where is the Pairings.xml created. The step #1 - XMLTP EPG Job - has no execute option?

Edited by ILN
Posted (edited)
2 hours ago, ILN said:

Yes, I ment Xepg.


Please be as accurate as possible when you post.


2 hours ago, ILN said:

When and where is the Pairings.xml created. The step #1 - XMLTP EPG Job - has no execute option?


It's step 2 Channel Pairing.


In general I advice you to click the help buttons around Xepg and read the help files carefully. Start with the help button in the Xepg main window. Everything is explained in the help files.

Edited by Delphi
8 minutes ago, Delphi said:

Please be as accurate as possible when you post.

OK, my bad.


I plan to take a rest from this now and start a new session in due time and follow the help text more carefully. 


Thank you for now, Delphi


I have to wrap this up because this morning starting from scratch, I got it to work.


Be sure to have all ini files associated with the channel sites in the folder where WebGrab++.config.xml is placed.


Insert the file guide.xml - created when the WebGrab+Plus.exe has bin ran - into Xepg: "XMLTV data" and leave the "Grabber executable/URL empty. Run Channel Pairing.


6 hours ago, ILN said:

and leave the "Grabber executable/URL empty.



You are now very close to a full automation!


1) insert WebGrab+Plus.exe with full path into "Grabber executable/URL"


2) Create a windows task with command

   C:\Program Files (x86)\Xepg\Xepg.exe (Find your own at Xepg > Automate > Filename)

and parameters



The windows task will then call Xepg which in turn runs WebGrab+Plus.exe then imports the  tvguide.xml.


Simple, Right? ;):)


Posted (edited)

Yes, simple enough ones you know how but the learning does not seem to have any shortcuts. ?


I have only preformed the "Test Import" which worked well: Epgs appear in my EpGTimeline, pehw!


So, when I run WebGrab+Plus the file guide.xml is created and which I copied to the folder where Xepg.exe is placed. My question (speculation): The windows scheduled task will start grabbing and create an updated guide.xml in the folder for WebGrab+Plus. Will Xepg find this file if it stays in the folder for WebGrab+Plus?

Edited by ILN
Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, ILN said:

which I copied to the folder where Xepg.exe is placed


Don't do that.


1 hour ago, ILN said:

Will Xepg find this file if it stays in the folder for WebGrab+Plus?


Yes, if you enter guide.xml with full path into "XMLTV TV Data file:"


I have an old installation of WebGrab+ on my pc, here the following would do: 




Better check out if this is appropiate for your installation of WebGrab+.


Edited by Delphi

Bingo! Manual Test Import works successfully.


Automation is set up for repetitive executive at 06.00. Fingers crossed!


I cannot thank you enough. You have been a great "ball plank"

  • 2 months later...

Hello Delphi,

I have updated to the last DVBViewer and xpeg versions but now I can't succeed in importing my xmltv file

I have this error message
ERROR TYPE: Xepg requires full access rights to DMS.


I have the same error when trying to connect to DMS via options

I have put admin / admin but it doesn't seem to work, do you know if they have changed the credentials on thelast update ?
Can you help me ?




The full log:

DESTINATION: DVBViewer Media Server
Loading: C:\ProgramData\Xepg\Pairings.xml
Processing: C:\ProgramData\Xepg\Pairings.xml
2110970992932121   C4.api.telerama.fr   [32746-48170-13593-6]
2163623573179929   C47.api.telerama.fr   [45005-56961-52761-6]
2163027042691579   C78.api.telerama.fr   [44866-64132-59899-6]
2000883989053656   C80.api.telerama.fr   [7115-7015-32984-6]
2225550886812976   C185.api.telerama.fr   [59424-29193-48432-6]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?><version iver="50397697" ires="7">DVBViewer Media Server Basic (ASUS-N53SV)</version>
DMS integer Version=50397697
DMS Version=
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?><status><timercount>0</timercount><reccount>0</reccount><nexttimer>-1</nexttimer><nextrec>-1</nextrec><streamclientcount>1</streamclientcount><rtspclientcount>0</rtspclientcount><unicastclientcount>0</unicastclientcount><lastuiaccess>0</lastuiaccess><standbyblock>0</standbyblock><tunercount>1</tunercount><streamtunercount>1</streamtunercount><rectunercount>0</rectunercount><epgudate>0</epgudate><rights>read</rights><recfiles>1925</recfiles><recfolders><folder size="126587236352" free="12292337664">C:\Users\chris\Videos</folder></recfolders><timezone>60</timezone></status>

ERROR TYPE: Xepg requires full access rights to DMS.

EXCEPTION MESSAGE---XepgException:ERROR: Xepg requires full access rights to DMS.
Error on importing EPG
ERROR: Xepg requires full access rights to DMS.

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