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Thanks guys, since I could not figured the issue, I rebuild DMS, XEpg, set a Web time external scheduler, every things is working on the server machine.

However, various DVBViewer clients ie desktop, android, Kodi are not able to connect to DMS I have scratched my head  to bleeding several times tryied (disable LAN firewall,  allowed 8089 in the firewall for the LAN, yet no result.

I will take this issue to DMS forum.



Edited by e123enitan
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  • 4 months later...

Hello Delphi,


thank you for this great tool, it's working perfect.

Is there any documentation how to import the EPG data to DVBViewer Media Server? Is there an API or database file?


Thank you 🙂

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Xepg -> Options -> General -> Import XMLTV Into


Select DVBViewer Media Server


Yes, the DVBViewer Media Server has a HTTP api. Xepg takes care of handling this.



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Thank you.


My question was specifically for programmatically importing EPG to DMS. I now found the documentation of the http API.

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  • 1 month later...

Hello, Thanks for your excellent software. Is it possible to change the data directory from C:\ProgramData\Xepg to a user defined directory so I can run Xepg portably? If not is this something that could be implemented in a future version?

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18 hours ago, hse said:

Is it possible to change the data directory from C:\ProgramData\Xepg to a user defined directory so I can run Xepg portably?


I don't understand what you mean by this. Be more specific, please.


The next version of Xepg will have project handling: You can have several project in subfolders





Each project folder contains versions of Config.ini, Config.enc, Pairings.xml and Xepg.LOG.


You can launch Xepg with parameter -pProject1, -pProject2, ...


depending on which settings you want Xepg to use.


Let me know if this will meet your request

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13 hours ago, Delphi said:

I don't understand what you mean by this. Be more specific, please.


The next version of Xepg will have project handling: You can have several project in subfolders






I would like to be able to manually change this directory to another directory. Instead of

C:\ProgramData\Xepg or %ProgramData%\Xepg I would like to change it so I can use it portably.


For example

X:\Apps\_Media_\Xepg\  <--- install location with Xepg.exe, uninstaller and dlls

X:\Apps\_Media_\Xepg\ProgramData\ <--- I would like to be able to set this as the folder it uses as it's data folder


This way I can keep Xepg on a USB stick and it will never write data to disk on drive C:\

DVBViewer also allows this by editing the file Usermode.ini in it's install location. Here is

an example of DVBViewer being set up this way to run portably and not write data to drive C:\





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I see. Portable means to run Xepg from an USB stick. Xepg is not designed for that.  Encryption won't work since the file Config.enc is machine dependent.


It is possible with the DVBViewer as you describe, though. However, how do you handle if the different pc's has different tuners or other hardware?


Why do you not want just to install DVBViewer and Xepg on all pc's in question and then automate the process of grabbing epg (link on my site)?




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I would only ever be running it on the same computer, I try to run all my apps it what is known as "Portable" mode. This means if I ever need to reinstall windows or a hdd fails or something like this. I just have all my apps working and ready to go and I don't need to spend hours reinstalling everything. But if I can't change the paths a program uses, then I can't make it portable. Anyway don't worry about it, I will manage as is. Thanks again for your software

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Posted (edited)

Now I understand what you are trying to accomplish. Encryption will work in that case.

It would be quite easy to have a file like the Usermode.ini in DVBViewer containing the path to the datafolder and use that if present.


However, it will break the simple update procedure of Xepg, which is


1) Uninstall Xepg. This will delete all files installed by Xepg, but not the ones created by Xepg (e.g. Config.ini, Pairings.xml,...). details in the file TheFiles.rtf in the DataFolder.


2) Install the new version of Xepg.


This ensures that you allways have a clean installation (e.g. if a help file is not used anymore you get rid of that)


I even considered to change the installer, so that the user could enter the path to the datafolder here.

But, who should be responsible for copying the files if the path is changed?


That is quite complicated to do automatically in  a smooth way and not worth it IMO, sorry.


A much better and more standard  way is to use a backup tool and automatically backup the Xepg DataFolder. Easy to restore in case of a HD failure.


On 5/13/2024 at 2:07 PM, hse said:

I try to run all my apps it what is known as "Portable" mode


You can't probably do that for all applications generally. Some apps makes use of the windows registry.






Edited by Delphi
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