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bug (rtsp / sat>ip) ?


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I have made two RTSP devices pointing to slot1 and slot2 of the same sat>ip device.

Slot 1 (RF connector 1) is ponting to astra 28.2 channel group A, slot 2 (RF connector 2) to astra 19.1, channel group B.

I can scan astra 19.1 and it does that fast and correct.

However, when I try to play one of these channels the sat>ip device tries to play it from RF connector 1 .....


As a relative newby, if I need to provide a log, please guide me a bit to do so please.



Posted (edited)
4 hours ago, Griga said:

Which Sat>IP server?


Triax tss400, the early version, firmware 05.12. I found out to change from 'quatto' to 'quad' I had to edit the settings and upload them. I than saw that during the scan, it would not change the RF connector, which was what I wanted. But OMG, the support of Triax... 

I got the firmware version from a nice dealer in the Netherlands, Bombeeck.


Thanks for paying attention. 

Edited by pastimer2
more info

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